
您所在的位置:网站首页 猜数字游戏python代码异常处理 python猜数游戏的异常处理


2024-07-10 04:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


def init_set():


return [(i, j, k, l)

for i in r10 for j in r10 for k in r10 for l in r10

if (i != j and i != k and i != l and j != k and j != l and k != l) ]


def get_match_ab(target, source):

la, lb = 0, 0

for (i, t) in enumerate(target):

for (j, s) in enumerate(source):

if s == t:

if i == j:

la += 1


lb += 1

#break this loop since we already found match


return (la, lb)

#by lancer



def get_match_ab2(target, source):

table = [-1] * 10

la, lb = 0, 0

for i in xrange(len(source)):

table[source[i]] = i

for i in xrange(len(target)):

if table[target[i]] == i:

la += 1

elif table[target[i]] != -1:

lb += 1

return (la, lb)

#nums: the number_set list to be checked

#guess: last guess

#a, b: the number of aAbB

#@return: the rest number_sets which matche last guess

def check_and_remove(nums, guess, a, b):

rest_nums = []

for num_set in nums:

if (a, b) == get_match_ab(num_set, guess):


return rest_nums


def calc_ab_counts(target, nums):

#a * 10 + b is used to indicate an "a & b" combination

ab_map = {}

#init ab_map

abs = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31, 40)

for ab in abs:

ab_map[ab] = 0

#let's do the calculation

for num_set in nums:

(a, b) = get_match_ab(num_set, target)

ab_map[a * 10 + b] += 1

return [ab_map[ab] for ab in abs]


def calc_standard_deviation(target, nums):

ab_counts = calc_ab_counts(target, nums)

total = sum(ab_counts)

avg = float(total) / len(ab_counts)

sd = sum([(abc - avg)**2 for abc in ab_counts])

return sd



def next_guess(nums):

min_sd = 0

min_set = ()

touched = False

for num_set in nums:

sd = calc_standard_deviation(num_set, nums)

if not touched or min_sd > sd:

touched = True

min_set = num_set

min_sd = sd

return min_set



def next_guess2(nums):

return nums[0]


def next_guess3(nums):

if len(nums) > 500:

return大专栏 python猜数字游戏快速求解解决方案> next_guess2(nums)


return next_guess(nums)


import math

def calc_entropy(target, nums):

ab_counts = calc_ab_counts(target, nums)

total = sum(ab_counts)

hs = []

for abc in ab_counts:

h = 0

if abc:

p = float(abc) / total

h = p * math.log(p, 2)


return sum(hs)


def next_guess4(nums):

min_sd = 0

min_set = ()

touched = False

for num_set in nums:

sd = calc_entropy(num_set, nums)

if not touched or min_sd > sd:

touched = True

min_set = num_set

min_sd = sd

return min_set

def make_decision_tree():

from Queue import Queue

result = ((0, 1, 2, 3), {})

queue = Queue()

rest_nums = init_set()

queue.put((rest_nums, result))

#all xAyB set

abs = [(a, b) for a in range(5) for b in range(5 - a)]

while not queue.empty():

(rest_nums, (guess, mapping)) = queue.get()

for (a, b) in abs:

new_rest_nums = check_and_remove(rest_nums, guess, a, b)

length = len(new_rest_nums)

if length == 1:

if a != 4: #b can't be other than 0 when a == 4

mapping[a * 10 + b] = new_rest_nums[0]

elif length > 1:

new_guess = next_guess4(new_rest_nums) #TODO: 替换guess函数调整算法

new_result = (new_guess, {})

mapping[a * 10 + b] = new_result

queue.put((new_rest_nums, new_result))

return result

max_level = 0

level7_plus_tups = []

def pprint_result(result, level = 0):

global max_level, max_level_tup

(tup, mapping) = result

print tup

level += 1

if level > max_level:

max_level = level

if len(mapping) == 0:



for key in mapping:

val = mapping[key]


print u"%d|t" * level % tuple(range(1, level + 1)),

print u"%d:" % (level + 1),


print u"%dA%dB" % (key / 10, key % 10),

if len(val) == 4: #direct result


print val

if level >= 7:

level7_plus_tups.append((level, val))


pprint_result(val, level)


print u"Notice: 4A0B is NOT included, since it result to Game Over"



print u"max level is:", max_level + 1

print u"level7 plus tuples:"

for (level, tup) in level7_plus_tups:

print u"level:", level + 1, u"ttup:", tup





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