狮子王 观后感

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狮子王 观后感

2024-07-16 19:19| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

狮子王 观后感 时间:2024.7.7

英日5122班 陈梦雯

Film Review

------ The Lion King

The Lion King is a glorious animation that praises justice and love, castigates evil and conspiracy, shows respect to the principle of the circle of life, and discloses a philosophy of the whole life. It held the record for the highest-grossing animated feature film. It is also the biggest animated movie of the last 50 years in terms of estimated attendance.This movie impressed me a lot.In general,there are three main points.The points are as follows.

First , Blood is thicker than water. This proverb is embodied thoroughly in this movie. Mufasa teaches his son skills to survive . Once realizing Simba is in danger, Mufasa will run to rescue his son immediately. It is the love of Mufasa, the truly and deeply love which is willing to be given but for no feedback from a great father.

Second , A friend in need is a friend indeed. Simba is in a loss after his father' s death. Pumbaa carry Simba to a shady place and wait until the lion cub comes .Hakuna Matata helps Simba to release from depression. Conclusion can be drawn that it is the firm friendship that supports Simba, makes him feel that he is not alone, gives him strength and helps him to triumph.

Thirdly , The spirit of looking back bravely and forward hopefully. Before the truth uncovered, Simba thinks he himself leads to his father’s death . But under the help of Rafiki, Simba finally knows that he doesn’t have to change the past. “You are more than what you have become .You must take your place in the circle of life” Father’s words rekindle in Simba a long forgotten ambition to rule, finally he faces his past bravely.

To sum up, there are indeed many things that makes us feel painful and fearful, but once they happened, they need to be faced up instead of being avoided. What we should do is to make a deep thought and decision about how to take the next positive step. Maybe it will takes a long, hard time to make them, but it doesn’t matter, because avoiding reality only means burdening one’s soul and constraining one’s courage. Human beings need to go ahead because there will be wilder prospects waiting to be explored .The past maybe heavy and gray, but the future is bound to be hopeful and bright-as long as you unload burden, pick up the spirit of “laughing in the face of difficulty” and greet future positively and aggressively .So no matter how long the pain would last, you should remember not to let the pain disturb your normal and daily life too much, just arrange the mind and take the first step bravely, then you will finally conquer the difficulties and find you yourself have already stepped out of the gray past and stride forward into the indefinite but surely hopeful future.



《狮子王》讲述了在非洲大草原上,万兽群集,荣耀欢呼,狮王穆法沙和王后沙拉碧产下的小王子辛巴。所有人都在为辛巴的诞生而欢呼,只有穆法沙的弟弟刀疤对小辛巴的出生仇恨不已。 为了登上王位,刀疤联合几只鬣狗利用不懂事的辛巴害死了狮王,辛巴从此逃离了王国,在外面,它认识了猫鼬丁满和野猪彭彭。时光飞逝,辛巴变成了一只强壮的雄狮。在朋友的劝说和父亲神灵的教导下,辛巴决定回去夺回王位,回到王国,辛巴得知是刀疤害死了父亲,愤怒的辛巴与刀疤进行决斗,卑鄙的刀疤战败,辛巴终于执政掌权。

片中安排人物角色具有独到之处。首先,穆法沙作为百兽之王,能治国齐家,使这个动物王国安定和谐。其次,刀疤――狮王穆法沙的弟弟,不甘只让哥哥统治王国,正是它们非比寻常的关系使刀疤产生嫉妒的心理,嫉妒必定产生邪恶,有了邪恶必将做出天理难容的事,刀疤的性格为整个故事的发展埋下了伏笔。再者,辛巴,一个动物王国的王子,天真善良、活泼可爱。这样的性格固然是好,但是在平时生活中我们知道,善良是一个人的优点,但坏人往往就是利用人的善良达到他们的目的。《狮子王》中,刀疤正是看到了辛巴这一点,从而利用辛巴加害狮王,最终阴谋也得逞了,因此让故事达到一个小高潮。另外老狒狒巫师拉法奇和辛巴儿时的伙伴娜娜具有很强的责任感,在辛巴失踪后,是他们担负起寻找王国希望的任务,他们会给别人灌输爱与责任的知识,并给予鼓励,虽然他们不是主角,但在剧中担负着不可缺少的角色,如果没有他们,整个故事的味道将变得平淡、乏味。《狮子王》还有两个令人难忘的角色,那就是猫鼬丁满和野猪彭彭,他们对辛巴的成长来说是关键因素,但是在剧中达到更好的效果是他们两个的语言,幽默、诙谐。当故事到了让人有点紧张的时候,他们便展现出拿手的 搞笑功夫,让效果达到另一种境界。整个人物的关系和性格特点使《狮子王》的情节跌宕起伏,达到最能打动观众的一道亮点。

《狮子王》中最精彩的故事段落是在狮王穆法沙死的那一刻,影片把声音、气氛和感情控制的相当好。当看到最亲、最爱的人离自己而去,一切挣扎都过去时,那一片死寂是多么催人下泪。辛巴沙哑的声音也恰到好处――还未散去的恐惧,哽咽。“爸,起来,你一定要起来!”但却得不到回应,无助、伤感、恐慌,表现的淋漓尽致。 《狮子王》是一部探究有关生命中爱、责任与学习的温馨作品。它的电影音乐洋溢着浓厚的世界乐风,成功地营造出了片中非洲大地自然和谐安定的生命气息。进入《狮子王》里,它向我们展示了一个新生的壮阔世界,让我们体验到爱与冒险的生命感动。让我们看到,连大自然的动物都知道什么叫爱,什么是责任,作为人类的我们也许并没有它们那么纯洁,我们应该互相学习,了解人生的真谛,让人与人和睦相处。营造一个充满爱的世界。

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