Fjallraven Taiwan

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Fjallraven Taiwan

2024-07-10 22:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

我們先把陷阱拆成十片,依綁一片在每個人身上,有的人用簡單的束口袋裝剩下的個人物品,我則再另外背了一個52公升的包,裡面放了足夠的水、另一套衣服,也就是各種出事時首先防止失溫、缺水的東西。 Trap was separated into 10 pieces (~5kg/piece) for carrying. Each of us will use different ways to carry it, depends on how many things you want to bring. Unlike others, I carried a 52L @fjallravenofficial backpack stuffed with many many like water, blanket, first aid which might save me from any accidents. 走在非常密的森林裡多少讓人多了幾分迷路的擔憂,尤其是走在異鄉的熱帶雨林中,深怕不小心就會失足摔落,所以我小心翼翼地走著,卻也慢慢的落後。 Walking in dense forest, it’s not surprising that people like me might be worry about getting lost, especially in such unfamiliar forest and country. Thus, I walked carefully and also slowly, which I didn’t realize til I finally couldn’t see my team. 所幸大家似乎早就習慣有人落後,隔三差五的就用呼叫聲溝通,確保大隊走在正確的方向上,也確保後方有跟上。 But don’t worry, I told myself, I haven’t gotten lost. This situation could be such normal while people working in rainforest, so we usually ‘call’ for communication, literally making voice, to make sure we as well as others behind follow the right direction. I followed the call, and made my call to let Andy know where I was. Keep walking. 落後的狀況在大家放完陷阱後更加明顯:沒有包包的他們對比重裝的我。我慢慢從隊伍前端,變成離隊約12-15分鐘的距離。儘管用呼叫聲持續溝通,但下午的雨林氤氳著蒸騰的霧氣,漸漸難以辨識前方稜線的延伸還是落差。 But such issue got worse after we deployed the trap… Only I still carried full-stuffed backpack (Andy, Ali, Noh also carried backpacks, but without such many useless rescue equipments), so the distance between me and teams was getting bigger and bigger. I kept telling the direction by team’s calling and their walking traits, but my vision got blur cuz of mist, which resulted from the strong evaporation in the wettest and hottest forest around the world. It was getting challenging to tell whether it is ridegline or cliff in front. 不過充足的裝備,讓我有信心繼續往前,深信持續走下去就會追上大隊。我知道就算不小心出事了,我應該能在有限程度上應對,而且保險還支付直升機的費用。 But I wasn’t panic at all cuz I brought enough resources to deal with any emergency. Keep moving forward. - #tropicalforest #sabah #malaysia #熱帶雨林 #沙巴 #馬來西亞 #dphillife #biologydphil #dphil #biology #fieldwork #博士生的日常 #野外工作 #生物博士生 #里歐的雲豹工作日記




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