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2024-06-17 20:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

▲ 一般说来,从属连词引导的时间状语从句、原因状语从句、条件状语从句、让步状语从句,放在主句之前或之后均可。


▲ 对于结果状语从句、目的状语从句、方式状语从句、比较状语从句而言,一般放在主句之后。例如:

1. 目的状语从句:

I hurried through my work in order that I could be in time for wonderful TV programmes. 我匆匆地完成了我的作业以便能够赶上精彩的电视节目。

I'll speak slowly so that you can understand me. 我会说得慢些,以便你能明白我的意思。

2. 结果状语从句:

The text was so boring that I gave up reading it half way through. 这篇课文真没趣,我读到一半便放弃了。

This was such fine music that it was worth listening to twice. 这音乐太好了,值得听两遍。

3. 方式状语从句

The injured man acted as if nothing had happened to him. 这个受伤的男子行动起来好像什么都没发生似的。

Will you please do the experiment as/like I am doing? 请按我做的方法做这个实验好吗?

She doesn't speak the way he does. 她说话的方式与他不同。

4. 比较状语从句

He speaks English as well as you do. 他英语说得和你一样好。

He was more successful than we had expected. 他比我们想象的要成功得多。

▲ 对于地点状语从句,可分两种情况:如果主句谓语动词是不及物动词,地点状语从句一般紧挨着动词,也就是说放在主句之后;否则,如果句子结构比较松散,那么从句在主句前后均可。


We live where the road crosses the river.我们住在河流与街道交叉的地方。

You can go anywhere you like.你可以到你想去的任何地方。

2. 从句在主句前后均可:

We shall have a chat where there is not much noise.

Where there is not much noise, we’ll have a chat.


You’d better make marks where you have questions.

Where you have questions, you’d better make marks.


▲此外,while 引导让步状语从句时,一般放在句首;如果放在句末,则是并列连词表示对比或转折。例如:

While the numbers of such developments are relatively small, the potential market is large.


While the modelling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model, male or female, will always be in demand. 尽管模特行业绝不是那么容易进入的,但是好的模特,不论男女,总是需要的。

While the news, so far, has been good, there may be days ahead when it is bad. 尽管到现在为止还都是好消息,但是可能过不了几天就会有坏消息传来。

Marianne was tempted to turn the large rooms into traditional French-style salons, while Howard was in favour of a typically English look. 玛丽安娜想把这些大房间弄成传统法式客厅的样子,但是霍华德喜欢典型的英式风格。

The first two services are free, while the third costs £35.00. 前两项服务免费,但是第三项服务要花35英镑。




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