牙买加旅店(2014) 第一季 第一集 Jamaica InnS01E01英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

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牙买加旅店(2014) 第一季 第一集 Jamaica InnS01E01英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

2024-07-12 10:20| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

For East India Company.效力于东印度公♥司♥We're bringing in some best French brandy.我们要引进一些上等的法国白兰地What's that to do with me?那跟我有什么关系I, er...我...I mean...我是说...I hoped that...我希望...What did you hope for, boy? Huh?你希望什么 小子You'd come here and play a man's game?来这里玩大男人的游戏吗I can tell...我可以告诉你I can tell you what time we'll be along the coast.我可以告诉你我们什么时候靠岸I'll put the barrels over the side. We'll split it 50/50.我会把酒桶放下船 五五分成Can't say no to that, eh, Joss?这可没法拒绝啊 乔斯Ain't up to you, old man.你说了不算 老头Now, get out!出去Cakey's knocked his ale over.凯奇把他的麦芽酒打翻了Needs it cleaning up.需要人清理**Once there was a barmaid**从前有个酒吧女侍**At the Prince George Hotel**在乔治王子酒店**Mistress was a lady**夫人是淑女**Master was a swell**主人是名流**They knew she was a simple girl**他们知道她纯真无邪**Just lately from the farm**刚从农场而来**So they watched her carefully**所以他们留心她**To keep her from all harm**保护她远离伤害**Then there came a miner**然后来了一个旷工**An ordinary man**一个普通男人**Bulging at the trousers with a cock like Sunday ham**挺着礼拜日火腿一样硬的鸡♥巴♥**Down a shaft without a maid for seven years or more...**辛苦地自撸 撸了7年有余Don't want an idiot, eh?不想要傻子 是吧How about a real man to break you in?那我这个真汉子破了你的身怎么样Get off me! Get off!放开我 放开Get off me!放开我All right?你没事吧Joss!乔斯Joss! We've gone to hell!乔斯 有大♥麻♥烦了Stout and the twins've been busted!胖子和双胞胎被捕了Legassik caught them. We never got to the beach.拉加斯科抓到他们了 我们都没到海滩The haul's still there!货还在那里Say sorry to the girl.跟这姑娘道歉Beg your pardon.请你原谅Everybody out!所有人都出去Harry, get the horses.哈里 去牵马There's Revenue all up the coast!海滩边都是税务局的人They's had a tip off, sure as hell.肯定有人向他们泄密Patience, bring the hooks.帕希丝 带上挂钩We've got to get the haul off the beach.我们得把货运离海滩I'm not coming!我才不去You'll come or you'll stay here with Eli.你要么跟着来 要么就在这里陪伊莱Help me.过来帮忙Don't you give me judgment for something you don't understand.别去鄙夷你完全不理解的事Get off! Now!下车 快Run to that wall!跑去墙垣那里Run to the wall!去墙垣那里Where are you going?你要去哪That's Merlyn's men we saw!我们刚看到莫林的人了They can't have got far! Stay sharp.他们不可能跑远 都机警点Zephaniah didn't show. Told him not to.扎法奈亚没现身 我让他别来的They thought it was him who was snitching. What about Abe?他们认为告密的是他 那艾伯呢Abe didn't turn up either. No word, nothing.艾伯也没出现 毫无音讯When we're done here...这里搞定之后I want you to drag Abe out of bed and bring him to the inn.我要你们把艾伯拖下床 带来客栈Come on!干活Come on.快点Mary!玛丽Here.拿着Is it silk?是丝绸吗My Aunt may have it.给我阿姨吧Come on!快点Abe.艾伯Abe, Abe, Abe, Abe, Abe, Abe.艾伯 艾伯 艾伯Where you been, Abe?你上哪去了 艾伯I ain't been nowhere, Joss!我哪也没去 乔斯That's why we had to ride难怪我们all round the countryside looking for you.要跑遍整个乡下找你I's sick! That's all! I's sick!我病了 就是这样 我病了Go home. You.你们回家吧I would never lie to you, Joss. Never.我绝不会骗你的 乔斯Never lie to you, Joss. I would never betray you.我绝不会骗你 绝不会背叛你 乔斯It wasn't me, I swear. I told you.我发誓不是我告的密I swear to thee on my mother's grave, I ain't no snitch, Joss!我以我妈的坟头向你发誓 真不是我 乔斯Then how'd the Revenue know we were coming, hm? Hm?那税务局的人怎么会知道我们要去的I had to cut Zephaniah out我不让扎法奈亚参与这事because I thought it was him who was snitchin'.因为我以为告密的人是他I don't have many other choices, Abe!我没有其他的选择 艾伯Their boys, they'll talk or they'll hang.那些手下 他们要么招供 要么被绞死It wasn't me, I never did nothing.不是我 我什么都没干Then who was it? I don't know, don't know.那是谁呢 我不知道 真不知道Why would you lie to me?你为什么要骗我I wouldn't lie, Joss.我不会骗你的 乔斯I swear I wouldn't lie.我发誓我不会骗你的Why would you lie to me?你为什么要骗我I half believe him.我对他半信半疑It's up to you.你来决定吧Do it.动手吧I've known this man all my life.我和他从小就认识了He has a wife and child.他是有妻儿的人No, Joss! No!不 乔斯 不要What do you want me to do with him?你想让我怎么处置他Aunt Patience.帕希丝阿姨Please. Your aunt's cooked breakfast.求你了 你阿姨做了早餐Sit and eat.坐下来吃吧We saved a spot of cream for your bread, too.我们替你留了一块乳酪涂面包吃Joss, some more?乔斯 要再来点吗Good.很好Aunt Patience, please, I need to talk to you.帕希丝阿姨 求你了 我得跟你谈谈That's it.好了They brought a man in here last night.他们昨晚带了个人过来Mary!玛丽I know he was in here. And I saw the rope.我知道他被关在里面 我看到绳子了I think that my uncle kill...我觉得姨父杀了...Do you need me, Joss?你有事找我吗 乔斯No.没有I was hiding in the storeroom.我当时躲在储藏室里A man came and he hid in there.一个男人进来了 然后躲在那里And I think they hung a man called Abe.我觉得他们绞死了一个叫艾伯的男人You must have had a dream and got confused.你一定是做了个梦 然后搞糊涂了But you were there and you heard them and...但你当时也在 你也听到他们说话了I didn't dream your face.我可没梦到你的脸Oh, this?这个吗I did it to myself.是我自己弄伤的I tripped up on the cobbles outside我被外面的石块绊了一下and fell down on the water trough.摔在了水槽上You saw me do it.你是看到我摔倒的Mary?玛丽Mary, where you going? Mary!玛丽 你要去哪儿 玛丽We have to tell someone. Tell 'em what?我们必须告诉别人 告诉别人什么There's nothing to tell 'cept what you dreamt.根本没什么好说的 那只是你的梦罢了Don't you come here making trouble for me, girl!你到这儿来可别给我找麻烦 姑娘I'm trying to save you!我是想救你Can't you understand that?你怎么就不明白呢




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