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2024-02-06 04:11| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


This kind of friendship, though sex has no active part in it, is really akin to love: it arises in the same way, and it is not improbable that it declines in the same way.


The second kind of friendship is intellectual. You are attracted by the gifts of your new acquaintance. His ideas are unfamiliar; he has seen sides of life of which you are ignorant; his experience is impressive.


But every well has a bottom and finally your friend will come to the end of what he has to tell you: this is the moment decisive for the continuation of your friendship.


If he has nothing more in him than his experience and his reading have taught him, hecan no longer interest or amuse you. Thes well is empty, and when you let the bucket down, nothing comes up.This explains why one so quickly makes warm friendships with new acquaintances and as quickly breaks them:


also dislike one feels for these persons after wards, for the disappoinment one experiences on discovering that one's admiration was misplaced turns into contempt and aversion.


Sometimes, for one reason or another, however, you continue to frequent these people. The way to profit by their society then is to make yield you the advantages of new friends; by seeing them only at sufficiently long intervals to allow them to acquire fresh experiences and new thoughts.


Gradually, the disappointment you experienced at the discovery of their shallowness will wear off, habit brings with it an indulgence for their defects and you may keep up a pleasant friendship with them for many years.


But if, having got to the end of your friend's acquired knowledge, you find that he has something more, character, sensibility and a restless mind, then you friendship will grow stronger, and you will have a relationship as delightful in its way as the other friendship of physical attraction.


It is conceivable that these two friendships should find their object in one and the same person; that would be the perfect friend. But to ask for that is to ask for the moon.


On the other hand, when, as sometimes happens, there is an animal attraction on one side and an inttellectual one on the other, only discord can ensue.


In love one should exercise economy of intercourse. None of us can love for ever. Love will be stronger and last longer if there are impediments to its gratification.


If a lover is prevented from enjoying his love by absence, difficulty of access, or by the caprice or coldness of his beloved, he can find a little consolation in the thought that when his wishes are fulfilled his delight will be intense.


But love being what it is, should there be no such hindrances, he will be satiety.


The love lasts longest is the love that is never returned.





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