爱在黎明破晓前Before Sunrise、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

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爱在黎明破晓前Before Sunrise、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

2024-07-01 09:10| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

爱在黎明破晓前两夫妻吵嘴中……[德语]你知道他们在争论什么吗?Do you have any idea what they were arguing about?你会说英语吗?Do you speak English?会Yeah.不过抱歉,我的德语不太好No. I'm sorry,my German is not very good.你听说过年龄会导致夫妻间失去互相倾听的能力吗?Have you heard that as couples age they lose their ability to hear each other?没有No.理论上男人会丧失听高音的能力…Supposedly, men lose their ability to hear high-pitched sounds...…而女人会丧失低音听力...and women lose hearing in the low end.这是一种相互抵♥制♥I guess they nullify each other.我想是的,自然法则是让夫妻白头偕老…I guess. Nature's way of allowing couples to grow old together...…而不是互相残杀...without killing each other.你在看什么书?What are you reading?哦Oh, yeah.你呢?How about you?我打算去休息室I was thinking about going to the lounge car.- 你愿意和我一起去吗? - 好啊- Would you like to come with me? - Yeah.好的Okay.你的英语怎么说得这么好?How do you speak such good English?我在洛杉矶上过一个暑期班I went to school for a summer in Los Angeles.- 坐这好吗? - 好的- It's fine here? - Yeah, this is good.我还在伦敦呆过一段时间And I spent some time in London.- 哇 - 那你的英语怎么说得这样好呢?- Wow. - How do you speak such good English?我?我是美国人Me? I'm American.- 你是美国人?你肯定? - 当然- You're American? Are you sure? - Yeah.开个玩笑,我早知道你是美国人No, I'm joking.I knew you were American.而且你不会说任何其他语言,是吗?And you don't speak any other language, right?是的,是的,我知道你的意思Yeah, yeah.I get it, I get it.我是拙劣,弱智,粗俗的美国人…I'm the crude, dumb,vulgar American...…不会说其他语言,没有自己的文化,但我尝试过...who doesn't speak other languages,who has no culture. But I tried.我在高中学过法语,我第一次去巴黎…I took French in high school.When I first got to Paris...…在地铁站排队时...I stood in line at the metro station.一直练习…(法语)I was practicing.不管是什么Whatever.轮到我时,我看着那个售票员…And I get up there,and I look at this woman...…脑子一片空白,然后我说“我要一张票去…”...and my mind goes blank. And I say,"I need a ticket to get to...."话说回来…So anyway....你是去哪?So where are you headed?回巴黎Well, back to Paris.- 我下周就要开学了 - 你还在上学?什么学校?- My classes start next week. - You're still in school? Where?巴黎大学,听说过吗?La Sorbonne. You know?当然Sure.你从布达佩斯来?You're coming from Budapest?- 我去看过我的祖母 - 她人好吗?- I was visiting my grandmother. - Oh. How is she?挺好的She's okay.- 身体还好吧? - 还不错- She's all right? - She's fine.- 你呢?你去哪? - 我去维也纳- How about you? Where are you going? - I'm going to vienna.维也纳?那里怎么样?vienna?What's there?不知道,我明天就会离开No idea.I'm flying out of there tomorrow.你在渡假?You're on holiday?要知道我也不清楚这算不算渡假I don't really know what I'm on.You know?我只是四处旅行,坐了两三个星期的火车I've just been traveling around,riding trains for two or three weeks.是去拜访朋友还是纯粹的旅行?You were visiting friends or just on your own?我有个朋友在马德里,不过…I had a friend in Madrid, but....- 马德里,那儿很漂亮 - 我有张全欧火车优♥惠♥票…- Madrid, that's nice. - I got a Eurail pass...…就是这样...is what I did.不错的理由hat's great.那这次环欧旅行对你有帮助吗?So has this trip around Europe been good for you?是的,当然,它…它很有快♥感♥Yeah, sure. It's been....It sucked.什么?What?它有它的…It's had its....这么说吧,坐上几个礼拜来看窗外的景色…I'll tell you, sitting for weeks on end looking out the window...…感觉的确很不错...has actually been kind of great.你是指什么?What do you mean?你知道的,比如说…Well, you know, for instance...…会想到一些平时想不到的想法...you have ideas that you ordinarily wouldn't have.- 什么想法? - 想听一个吗?- What kind of ideas? - Want to hear one?- 说说看 - 好的- Tell me. - All right.我有这个想法是因为一个电视节目I have this idea, okay,for a television show.我有个朋友是《享受电视》栏目的制♥作♥人Some friends of mine are cable-access producers.知道它的运作方式吗?Do you know what that is?他们播放任何人制♥作♥的低成本节目Anybody can produce a show real cheap,and they have to put it on.我的想法是让一个节目二十四小时播放并持续一年I have this idea for a show that lasts 24 hours a day for a year straight.你要做的就是找到…What you do is you get...…来自世界各地不同城市的三百六十五个人…...365 people from cities all over the world...…为每个人拍一部二十四小时的生活纪录片...to do these 24-hour documents of real time.捕捉真实的生活画面Capturing life as it's lived.知道吗,可以从一个人早上起床开始…You know, it would start with a guy waking up in the morning...…舒舒服服洗个澡…...and taking the long shower...…吃点早餐,喝点咖啡…...eating a little breakfast,making a little coffee...…看看报纸…...reading the paper....等一下,全都是大家见鬼的生活中每天那些平淡无聊的琐事吗?Wait. All those mundane,boring things everybody has to do every day of their fucking life?是“诗意的日复一日的生活”I was going to say,"The poetry of day-to-day life."你有你的说法,我有我的说法You say it your way.I'll say it my way.- 可以这样想… - 有谁会看呢?- Think of it like this... - Who's gonna watch?可以这样想,一只狗在太阳底下睡觉…Think about it like this. Why is it that a dog sleeping in the sun...…画面很美是不是?是的,确实很美...is so beautiful?It is. It's beautiful.但一个人从提款机取钱…But a guy taking money from a bank machine...…为什么就显得无聊了呢?...looks like a complete moron?这就象国家地理杂♥志♥的节目,只不过拍的是人So it's like a National GEographic program, but on people.正是Yeah.觉得怎么样?What do you think?是的,我明白,就象“无聊二十四小时”…对不起…Yeah, I can see it.Like, 24 boring hours... Sorry...…在一段三分钟的性♥交♥场面之后主角就睡着了...and a three-minute sex scene where he falls asleep right after.对啊,那会是一段很不错的情节Yeah, and that would be a great episode.人们会谈论这段情节People would talk about that episode.如果愿意的话你可以和朋友在巴黎拍上一集You and your friends could do one in Paris if you wanted.我不知道,关键是地理分布问题让我头疼I don't know. The key, the thing that haunts me is the distribution.要一个城镇接一个城镇地拍摄以保证它的持续性Getting these tapes from town to town so it would play continuously.因为它必须不停地播放,否则就没有意义了Because it would have to play all the time, or it just wouldn't work.谢谢Thank you.谢谢Thanks.知道吗?没有《服务指南》You know what?Not service oriented.只是一份《欧洲观察》Just an observation about Europe.我父母从没真正谈论过我会恋爱结婚生孩子的可能性My parents never really spoke of the possibility of my falling in love or getting married or having children.甚至我还是小女孩时…Even as a little girl...…他们就要我考虑未来的职业,例如…...they wanted me to think as a future career as a, you know...…室内设计,律师或诸如此类...interior designer or lawyer or something like that.我对我爸爸说我想以写作为业I'd say to my dad, "I want to be a writer."他就说做记者And he'd say, "Journalist."我说想开个流浪猫收♥容♥所♥,他就说做兽医I'd say I wanted to have a refuge for stray cats. He'd say, "veterinarian."我说想做演艺工作,他就说做电视播音员I'd say I wanted to be an actress.He'd say, "TV newscaster."这使得我的理想抱负慢慢转变成了…It was this constant conversion of my fanciful ambition into these...…现实的赚钱手段...practical moneymaking ventures.我很小时就善于洞察谎言I had a good bullshit detector when I was a kid.当别人说谎时我总是能知道I always knew when they were lying to me.到了高中,我决定…By high school, I was dead set...…听听大家认为我这辈子该做什么…...on listening to what everybody thought I should do with my life...…然后反其道而行之...and doing the opposite.没有谁会当真,我只是不喜欢别人将想法强加在我头上Nobody was ever mean about it.I just could never get very excited about other people's ambitions for my life.但你知道吗?如果父母从不…But you know what?If your parents never...…在任何事上完全否定你,而是友好地给予支持…...fully contradict you about anything and are nice and supportive...对Right.…那会让你很难抱怨...it makes it even harder to officially complain.哪怕他们做得并不对,这是一种被动攻击Even when they're wrong,it's this passive-aggressive shit.你明白吗?You know what I mean?我讨厌这样I hate it.非常反感I really hate it.知道吗,尽管这种种不快…Well, you know, despite all that kind of bullshit...…总是会随之而来...that comes along with it...




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