
您所在的位置:网站首页 爆米花的五线谱怎么写的图片 2024届高考英语复习读后续写:帮Bernard卖爆米花(人性温暖)课件(共20张PPT)


2024-06-09 02:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


(共20张PPT)读后续写:帮助Bernard卖爆米花题目:The Meredith family lived in a small community. As theeconomy was in decline, some people in the town had lost their jobs.Many of their families were struggling to make ends meet. Peoplewere trying to help each other meet the challenges.Mrs. Meredith was a most kind and thoughtful woman. She spenta great deal of time visiting the poor. She knew they had problems,and they needed all kinds of help. When she had time, she wouldbring food and medicine to them.One morning she told her children about a family she had visitedthe day before. There was a man sick in bed, his wife, who tookcare of him and could not go out to work, and their little boy. Thelittle boy – his name was Bernard – had interested her very much.“I wish you could see him,”she said to her own children, John,Harry, and Clara.“He is such a help to his mother. He wants verymuch to earn some money, but I don't see what he can do.”After their mother left the room, the children sat thinking aboutBernard.“I wish we could help him to earn money.”said Clara.“His family is suffering so much.”“So do I,”said Harry.“We really should do something to assist them.”For some moments, John said nothing, but, suddenly, he sprangto his feet and cried,“I have a great idea! I have a solution that wecan all help accomplish (完成).”The other children also jumped up all attention. When John hadan idea, it was sure to be a good one.“I tell you what we cando,”said John.“You know that big box of corn Uncle John sent us Well, we can make popcorn (爆米花), and put it into paper bags, andBernard can take it around to the houses and sell it.情节设计:——人物、场景、节奏、顺序When Mrs. Meredith heard of John's idea, she thought it was a goodone, too.人物:妈妈,三个孩子,bernard场景:制作爆米花--家里,厨房,室内节奏:母亲在做什么?三个孩子们分别做什么?Bernard做什么?顺序:在…之前、在…之后、同时(1) 于是他们就开始做了。引出下文(2) clara负责准备popcorn,同时harry负责paper bags,john负责去邀请bernard 分工场景(3) Bernard同意加入 情节发展(4) 在母亲的帮助下,四个孩子一起做好了爆米花 衔接,为高潮做好铺垫With everything ready, Bernard started out on his new business.人物:bernard,买爆米花的人场景:叫卖爆米花--街上,门口,室外节奏:bernard怎么叫卖?周围人的反应?叫卖的结果如何?顺序:在…之前、在…之后、同时(1) Bernard(沿街举牌)叫卖爆米花 继续铺垫(2) 人们的反应/叫卖的结果 高潮(3) Bernard的感受和反应 回落(4) 点题升华--困难时事人与人的关爱互助范文:Para1: When Mrs. Meredith heard of John's idea, she thought it wasa good one, too.? 她带着赞许的微笑点了点头,鼓励孩子们说:“让我们开始吧。”She nodded with an approving smile and encouraged thechildren,“Let's get started”.笔记:我们是如何做出行动的?想法指导行动(想 做),或者说用动作体现想法和态度。? Clara立刻主动去拿约翰叔叔送来的一大盒玉米,并插上微波炉。与此同时,哈利冲出去买一些纸袋,把所有的东西都安排好。John去Bernard家,和盘托出他们的计划。Immediately, Clara volunteered to ______ the big box of corn sentby Uncle John and plugged the microwave oven. Clara offered tofetch the box of corn given by Uncle John. In the mean time, Harrydashed out to _________ some paper bags and arranged all the stuffin place while John ______ to Bernard's and poured out their plan.笔记:将关键动作拆解成动作链,或者在关键动作之前/之后铺垫一个动作。;同时的动作--In the mean time, while? 听到一番解释后,Bernard感到非常兴奋和感激。fetchpurchasewentAfter hearing the explanation, Bernard ⑤was overwhelmed/consumed with (a mixture of) __________ and gratitude.笔记:角色AB切换时常用到的表达:on seeing/hearing sth, at thesight/ thought of sth, after hearing sth;情绪表达句型。次要情绪可略写。?时间飞逝而过,很快厨房就笼罩在了爆米花的香味和孩子们的笑声里。excitementTime went by swiftly, and soon the kitchen was enveloped withsweet smell of popcorn and children's laugh.笔记:这里要推动情节,衔接第二段,为矛盾的解决做好铺垫,且表达上不能重复,所以需要巧思,替换表达。爆米花的香甜气味(景物)+孩子们的笑声(人的活动)=成功的结果With everything ready, Bernard started out on his new business.? 一开始,他太害羞了,根本说不出任何话。但在其他孩子的鼓励下,他鼓起勇气,喊了出来:“爆米花!一包50美分!”At the beginning, he was too shy to utter any word. But with theother children's encouragement, he collected his courage and calledout, “Popcorn! 50 cents for one pack!”笔记:情节设计不能让人一路望到底,最后的成功必然是经由困难后取得。第一段围绕“制作爆米花的困难”,第二段则围绕“叫卖爆米花的困难。? 越来越多的人被他们的小摊吸引而来。在了解了爆米花背后的故事后,那些可爱的邻居,虽然自己并不富有,却伸手掏钱来支持这个男孩。没过多久,所有的爆米花都卖光了。More and people were attracted to their stand. Having learned thestory behind the popcorn, those lovely neighbors, though not richthemselves, dipped into their pockets in support of the boy. Withinno time, all popcorn was sold out.。笔记:添加的细节务必与主旨相关——人们尽管并不富裕,但也愿意尽自己的微薄之力帮助这个懂事的孩子? 回来后,他反复感谢梅雷迪思一家,眼睛里充满了感激的泪水。On returning, he thanked the Meredith family repeatedly, eyesbrimming with grateful tears.笔记:“感谢+激动”句型? 对其他的孩子来说,这段难忘的经历就像一朵永恒的花,提醒他们,共同的努力不仅帮助了一个需要帮助的家庭,也给自己带来了助人的甜蜜。For the other children, this unforgettable experience was like aneverlasting flower, reminding them that joint efforts not only helped afamily in need, but also gave themselves the sweet taste of helpingothers.笔记:人与他人主题——关爱、互助、理解、宽容最终自测:_______________________________________________________________________ 她微笑着点了点头,鼓励孩子们说:“让我们开始吧。” Clara立刻主动去拿约翰叔叔送来的一大盒玉米,并插上微波炉。与此同时,哈利冲出去买一些纸袋,把所有的东西都安排好。John去Bernard家,和盘托出他们的计划。 听到一番解释后,Bernard感到非常兴奋和感激。 时间飞逝而过,很快厨房就笼罩在了爆米花的香味和孩子们的笑声里。When Mrs. Meredith heard of John's idea, she thought it was a good one, too._________________________________________________________ 一开始,他太害羞了,根本说不出任何话。但在其他孩子的鼓励下,他鼓起勇气,喊道:“爆米花!50美分一包!” 越来越多的人被他们的小摊吸引而来。了解了爆米花背后的故事后,那些可爱的邻居,虽然自己并不富有,却伸手掏钱来支持这个男孩。没过多久,所有的爆米花都卖光了。 回来后,他反复感谢梅雷迪思一家,眼睛里充满了感激的泪水。 对其他的孩子来说,这段难忘的经历就像一朵永恒的花,提醒他们,共同的努力不仅帮助了一个需要帮助的家庭,也给自己带来了助人的甜蜜。With everything ready, Bernard started out on his new business.语料默写:1.带着赞许的微笑点了点头________2.主动去做…________3.插上微波炉________4.与此同时________5.冲出去________6.把所有的东西都安排就位________7.和盘托出他们的计划________8.时间飞逝而过,很快…________9.笼罩在…里________10.某人太害羞了,根本说不出任何话________11.鼓起勇气,喊了出来________12.了解了爆米花背后的故事后________13.伸手掏钱来支持某人________14.没过多久________15.反复感谢某人________16.眼睛里充满了感激的泪水________17.对某人来说,这段难忘的经历就像一朵永恒的花,提醒某人,共同的努力不仅帮助了一个需要帮助的家庭,也给自己带来了助人的甜蜜。________






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