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2024-07-12 22:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. 运动;移动Motion is the activity or process of continually changing position or moving from one place to another.

e.g. ...the laws governing light, sound, and motion...有关声、光和运动的定律e.g. One group of muscles sets the next group in motion...一组肌肉带动下一组肌肉运动。

2. 行动;手势;动作A motion is an action, gesture, or movement.

e.g. Cover each part of the body with long sweeping strokes or circular motions...对全身每个部位画长弧线轻抚或做圆圈状按摩。e.g. He made a neat chopping motion with his hand.他挥手做了一个干净利落的劈砍的动作。

3. (会议、辩论或审判时提出的)动议,提议,议案A motion is a formal proposal or statement in a meeting, debate, or trial, which is discussed and then voted on or decided on.


e.g. The conference is now debating the motion and will vote on it shortly...大会正在就提议进行辩论,稍后将就此表决。e.g. Opposition parties are likely to bring a no-confidence motion against the government...反对党很可能提出对政府的不信任案。

4. 打手势;示意If you motion to someone, you move your hand or head as a way of telling them to do something or telling them where to go.

e.g. She motioned for the locked front doors to be opened...她示意把锁着的前门打开。e.g. He stood aside and motioned Don to the door...他站到一边并示意唐到门口去。

5. (尤为医生、护士用语)排便,大便Some people, especially doctors or nurses, use motion as a polite way of referring to a person's act of defecation or the faeces produced.


e.g. Try to make sure your bowel motions are regular and that you avoid any constipation.尽量保证大便规律,避免便秘。

in AM, use 美国英语用 movement

6. see also: slow motion;time and motion

7. 走过场;应付差事If you say that someone is going through the motions, you think they are only saying or doing something because it is expected of them without being interested, enthusiastic, or sympathetic.


e.g. 'You really don't care, do you?' she said quietly. 'You're just going through the motions.'“你其实不在意,对不对?”她悄声说,“你就是装装样子而已。”

8. 假装做;装装样子If you go through the motions, you pretend to do something by making the movements associated with a particular action.

e.g. The sailor went through all the motions smartly...这个水手机灵地走了走过场。e.g. Actors go through the motions of different types of labor.演员们假装从事不同的劳动。

9. 正在发生;在进行中;即将发生If a process or event is in motion, it is happening. If it is set in motion, it is happening or beginning to happen.

e.g. His job as England manager begins in earnest now his World Cup campaign is in motion...现在世界杯足球赛的征战工作已经展开,而他作为英格兰队主教练的工作也真正开始了。e.g. Her sharp, aggressive tone set in motion the events that led to her downfall.她那咄咄逼人的尖锐语调拉开了导致她垮台的事件的序幕。

10. 开动;激活;启动If someone sets the wheels in motion, they take the necessary action to make something start happening.

e.g. I have set the wheels in motion to sell Endsleigh Court.我已着手出售恩德斯勒公馆。




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