英语作文:真正的美(True Beauty)

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英语作文:真正的美(True Beauty)

#英语作文:真正的美(True Beauty)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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  英语作文:真正的美(True Beauty) 篇1

  Everyone is attracted by beauty and beauty is powerful. But what is true beauty? Perhaps you can get the answer from the following story.

  This morning I went to the market to buy some vegetables with my parents. On the way we all highly praised a young man in western-style clothes and leather shoes who was riding by. But he rode so fast that he knocked an old lady down carelessly.Instead of stopping, he pretended not to see this and rode away quickly. We were all very angry with the young man. To our happiness, a girl in plain dress ran forward at once, helped the lady up and took her home. We all praised the girl.

  From this we know we cannot judge a person by his appearance. A person who is dressed beautifully may not have a beautiful soul. Only a person who has a beautiful soul is really beautiful.




  英语作文:真正的美(True Beauty) 篇2

  When it comes to beauty, you may think: beauty, beautiful man. But have you ever thought that only the beauty of the soul is the most noble and real beauty. Nowadays, gold and silver jewelry, rouge and lipstick fill the hearts of every beauty lover. People have long abandoned the saying "beauty is only because of loveliness" in a humble corner. Have you ever thought that "everything lies in quality, not in appearance". In fact, I used to think that a good-looking person is a beautiful person. It was that morning that made me change my mind.

  It was a summer morning. I signed up for a martial arts training class. At that time, I was boxing when I saw a middle-aged woman with a child. They came to the workers digging the sewer, Which woman said to the child, "you have to study hard, or you'll have to do the same dirty work as them!" I looked over my head. Sure enough, the water was dirty and smelly, and toads jumped out from time to time. Even the workers were covered with mud. It was very disgusting. I thought it would end in silence. Unexpectedly, a worker turned his head and said: "I think this job is not dirty, and I am satisfied to contribute to the people." the woman listened to this sentence and took the child and left.

  This ordinary person, this ordinary words, deeply shocked me. Yes, he won't be as famous as a scientist; Will not be favored by people like big names; And not as rich as a rich man. However, he can contribute a little to the society and make the society better. If everyone contributes their own strength, the society will be better and the world will be more harmonious. Finally, let me shout: people are not lovely because of beauty, but beautiful because of loveliness!

  英语作文:真正的美(True Beauty) 篇3

  Friend, what kind of talent do you think is the most beautiful? Is to think that the beauty of a person's appearance is the most beautiful beauty. Or do you think knowledgeable people are the most beautiful? But I think the beauty of the soul is the real beauty.

  I think a person, no matter how beautiful he looks, doesn't have a beautiful heart. The man's appearance is like an empty skin bag, which is of no use at all; A person, even with more knowledge, does not have a beautiful heart. Then this person's knowledge is like an ornament, which is not only useless, but also harmful to society.

  I think the beauty of the soul is the real beauty. I read an article. The protagonist of that article is a man named Dongshi. Although she is ugly, she is called Saixi Shi by the county magistrate. Why?

  It is precisely because her heart is very beautiful. Once a child fell into the urinal, others said to save it, but no one was willing to go down to save the child. Just then, the man named Dongshi just walked by and saw it. She didn't care about three, seven and twenty-one and went down to save people immediately. After saving the child, she was covered with shit. Why did she save the child? It is because she has a beautiful heart. It is because of this that the magistrate of the county calls her Cecilia.

  Friends, please keep a beautiful heart and let it help do something good for the world!

  People's appearance is not necessarily the most beautiful, but people's spiritual beauty is the real beauty.

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