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—— 矮人之王 by 石疗者欧格登

加里斯·铁锤 was the last king of the 德里莫 dwarves. With the aid of human heroes, he led the 德里莫 in the war against the Elder 巨龙 派莫德斯's destroyers and invoked the 崇高矮人仪式 to give the dwarves bodies of living stone with which to fight the destroyers.

目录 1 Biography 1.1 Early years 1.2 Guild Wars 预言 1.3 Guild Wars: 北方之眼 1.4 Legacy 2 Gallery 3 Related achievements 4 Trivia 5 See also 6 References Biography Early years 本文的这一关键部分还不完善。你可以帮助激战2中文维基修订补完。 King Jalis's throne amidst the riches of the 巨锤's Hoard.

加里斯·铁锤 was born in Grooble's Gulch, to the north of modern-day 漂流雪境, in either 944 or 945 AE.[1][2] The large number of found 加里斯家族戒指s suggests that he had many family members. The brother of Brechnar Ironhammer and cousin of 达格纳·石头, Jalis was crowned king of the 德里莫 dwarves and was widely regarded as being a good and kind leader. While Jalis was still young and spry, his village was threatened by the frost giant Gorgash. He managed to defeat Gorgash with his trusty hammer and made a pipe out of the giant's bones.[3]

As the King of 德里莫, Jalis did not involve the dwarves in the Guild Wars but attempted to be friendly with other races such as humans. Although the 德里莫 had had peaceful trade relations with humans for centuries, a rift began forming between various dwarves about how to treat the other races. These ideological differences eventually led Jalis's cousin 达格纳·石头 to found the xenophobic 石峰会 faction whose goal was to overthrow King Ironhammer and enslave the other races of Tyria in order to usher in an age of dwarven superiority. To realize their vision, the 石峰会 engaged in a brutal civil war with the more peaceful 德里莫 dwarves. At some point during the civil war, Jalis held out in a cave system in 漂流雪境 for two months while the 石峰会 attempted to lay siege to the fort. The cave would come to be known as 加里斯国王的避难所 in modern times.[4]

Guild Wars 预言

跟随 the 灼热 of 阿斯卡隆 during the human-charr conflict in 1072 AE, several 阿斯卡隆人 refugees led by 卢瑞克王子 attempted to reach a sanctuary in Kryta through the 席瓦雪山 in order to flee the invading charr forces. They were forced to fight against the 石峰会 who had been preying on the travelers after blocking the path to 波里斯小径. In order to secure a safe passage for his people, Rurik led negotiations with King Jalis, invoking the ancient alliance between humans and dwarves, and discovered that the 石峰会 were besieging the 德里莫 village of Krok's Hollow. The 阿斯卡隆人s helped the 德里莫 drive back the besiegers, which earned them the goodwill of Jalis who in turn offered them shelter and valuable intel during their long trek through the mountains.[5][6]

The 阿斯卡隆人s learned that the 石峰会 were intending to build a new kind of siege weapon which would devastate 德里莫 defenses in a decisive strike. They aided the 德里莫 by stealing the blueprints but found an obstacle at the 冰霜之门 which they needed to open in order to leave the mountains behind. While the 德里莫 and humans worked on the gate mechanisms, Dagnar and his 石峰会 forces ambushed them, seeking revenge for earlier defeats. 卢瑞克王子 perished in a last stand to buy time for the rest of the weary refugees, including several heroes, to flee to safety.

The 石峰会 eventually succeeded in taking over 雷云要塞, forcing King Jalis and his brother Brechnar Ironhammer to sound the retreat for the 德里莫.[7] Before the dwarven loyalists could be fully beaten, however, they witnessed a welcome sight. The 阿斯卡隆人 heroes, now accompanied by the 光刃饰物 and 齐伯恩维齐尔, came to the assistance of the 德里莫 and helped retake the keep after a fierce battle while fulfilling parts of the dragon Glint's 逐火预言. 有不少 石峰会 champions fell during the battle, including 达格纳·石头 himself.

Shortly after, however, the mursaat and their 白斗篷 followers tracked down the heroes to the keep and attempted to kill them for having meddled in the 白斗篷 affairs. With the help of the 德里莫, however, the humans managed to defeat the invaders. When Jalis proceeded to kill the 白斗篷 忏悔者多瑞安 as revenge for daring to assault the dwarves, 齐伯恩维齐尔 managed to convince the king to stay his hand so the confessor could be interrogated for intel.

Upon learning that the humans would be headed for the 火环群岛 next to take the fight to the mursaat's stronghold, Jalis commented that the heroes were brave to enter such a treacherous and dangerous land. However, when the king pointed out that the mursaat defenses would be too strong and that the party would never get past the beachhead, Brechnar volunteered to lead a dwarven strike force and pay the humans back for helping to scatter the 石峰会. Realizing that his brother was serious even though the mission could end badly, Jalis ultimately relented and bid farewell to Brechnar, urging him to fight bravely in the name of 德里莫.[8]

After the heroes' return, Jalis learned that Brechnar had died helping them to finish their mission. He also learned that their ally Khilbron had actually been a lich who had tried to use the heroes against the mursaat to unleash titans on Tyria and how the heroes had defeated the treacherous vizier after the mursaat's fall. The king swore that the 德里莫 and humans would forever be allies after the heroes had helped him secure his throne at 雷云要塞. As thanks, Jalis offered the heroes a talisman with which they could claim any 德里莫 weapon of their choice from dwarven weaponsmiths.

Guild Wars: 北方之眼 Jalis wields the 巨锤 of the Great Dwarf during the 变形 of the Dwarves. 本文的这一关键部分还不完善。你可以帮助激战2中文维基修订补完。

Legacy 本文的这一关键部分还不完善。你可以帮助激战2中文维基修订补完。

In 1333 AE, the 契约团指挥官 encountered a champion of 派莫德斯 bearing the name 铁锤线毁灭者, and 伯拉罕·伊尔之子 encountered another champion named 末代国王毁灭者. However, there is no confirmed relation between these destroyers and the last king of the dwarves and whether they succeeded in their mission or not.

Gallery 传奇 Dwarf activation render.png

A render of the portrait that appears when 传奇矮人姿态 is activated.

Related achievements 日常加里斯国王的避难所跳跳乐 (API)默认PVP日常目标:前往漂流雪境,完成加里斯国王的避难所跳跳乐。数量:1 (成就点数:0)成就点数Arenanet Points.png0奖励:602790.png 运动员宝箱 (1)成就描述: 加里斯国王的避难所 (API/成就分类)默认永久目标:完成跳跳乐。数量:1 (成就点数:10)成就点数Arenanet Points.png10成就描述:找到加里斯国王的避难所。 1301993.png 远古皇家符文卷轴 1205047.png 矮人建筑材料 铁锤颂歌 铁锤王座 (API/成就分类)默认隐藏永久目标:坐在加里斯国王的王座上。数量:1 (成就点数:1)成就点数Arenanet Points.png1成就描述:谁坐在铁锤王座上? Trivia 加里斯·铁锤 is voiced by Paul Eiding. He also voiced Jalis in the original Guild Wars. Jalis's name is mentioned in dwarven sayings such as "By King Jalis's braided armpit hair."[9] The Mists-echo of King Jalis is available to revenant players. See also Gwwlogo.png 激战1英文wiki有一篇关于加里斯·铁锤 的文章. 铁锤地窖 加里斯国王的避难所 The 巨锤's Hoard Associated items Jalis' armor 455905.png 加里斯家族戒指 534263.png 加里斯·铁锤的家徽 2083408.png 加里斯纹戒 Associated skills 961410.png 传奇矮人姿态 References ↑ Guild Wars 预言 manual, page 52 Born In: Grooble's Gulch Nation: 德里莫 职业: 战士 Age: 127 ↑ Birth date extrapolated from given age of 127 at the time of the events of the 灼热, 1072 AE. ↑ 有史以来最强大的雪人 King 加里斯·铁锤: Some winter, eh? Even a dwarf needs a little something extra to stay warm this year. 尝尝这招 pipe, for example. 可以 think its a mere corncob, but...well, let me tell you a heartwarming 冬幕节 tale. 当然 you have heard of the mighty frost giant, Gorgash? No? Why, fifty hands high and twenty kegs wide he stood! The very mountains trembled beneath him. I was a bit more spry and light-footed in my younger days, so when Gorgash threatened my village, I took up my hammer like any stout young dwarf would and beat him to a pulp. And then...and this is the heartwarming part...I made this pipe out of his bones! A touching story, eh? Well, this 冬幕节 season reminds me of those years long past. You say you need a pipe. Hmm. Though it would be a shame to part with it, I can think of few humans more deserving. You have done much for the 德里莫矮人. 拜托了, , take this magic pipe as a gift. For the children. ↑ 学者吉纳 ↑ 阿拉里克·托甘 ↑ 波里斯小径 加里斯·铁锤: The Good Dwarves of 德里莫 thank you for your help. : 我们尽力而为 to honor the old alliances. 加里斯·铁锤: Then the 德里莫矮人 will honor them as well. Your prince's request for passage through the mountains has been granted. 尝尝这招 enchanted torch and light the beacon outside Grooble's Gulch. My brother, Brechnar Ironhammer, will open the gate for you once he sees the arcane flame. Your people will be safe in the Gulch for the night. : 谢谢你 King Ironhammer. 加里斯·铁锤: 任何条件都行 for our friends. Now, waste no more time here. Night will be upon you, and your people will freeze in the cold without shelter. 跟我来 to the gate. ↑ Iron Mines of Moladune Brechnar Ironhammer: "Brother, the portcullis has been breached. The first and 秒 regiments have fallen, and the 石峰会 has raised their flag over 雷云要塞. My king, the fortress is taken. King 加里斯·铁锤: Sound the horn of retreat, Brechnar. 我们会的 cut our losses and regroup. Brechnar Ironhammer: Get yourself to safety, brother. 德里莫 cannot afford to lose its capital and its king in the same day. King 加里斯·铁锤: 守卫, with me. 是的 leaving. ↑ 雷云要塞 King 加里斯·铁锤: 就算死亡也不行 will save you from my wrath. 齐伯恩维齐尔: If you will allow me this indulgence, King Ironhammer. 也许吧 the confessor can still be of some use to us. King 加里斯·铁锤: Never give me the opportunity for revenge. 齐伯恩维齐尔: 这是...... just as it was written in the 逐火预言. An opening will be given to the disciples of the Unseen. The peaks and valleys of the 席瓦雪山 will be painted in blood. At this time, the 升华s will rise, and the way to the Door will be clear. The time of our judgment is near. We must prepare. Today's was a great victory, but now your true challenge begins. You must go to the 火环群岛 island chain. In the caldera of the largest volcano you will find the power you need. King 加里斯·铁锤: The 火环群岛? A more treacherous land in Tyria there is not. 齐伯恩维齐尔: 那倒是真的, but that is where we will find the Door of Komalie. Behind it lies the secret to defeating the 末世魔. King 加里斯·铁锤: You're a brave lot, but you'll not make it past the beachhead. Brechnar Ironhammer: Not without some Dwarven help. 我会的 go with them. King 加里斯·铁锤: Brechnar, do you know what you are saying? Brechnar Ironhammer: Yes, brother. King 加里斯·铁锤: A mission to the 火环群岛 would be suicide. Brechnar Ironhammer: Then may we meet each other in the afterlife. 齐伯恩维齐尔: Through this portal awaits your destiny. Do not let it linger. Seize that which you were born to do. Brechnar Ironhammer: Until we are reunited in the Great Forge. King 加里斯·铁锤: Go with honor, my brother. Fight bravely in the name of 德里莫. ↑ 石疗者欧格登 石疗者欧格登: 加里斯国王的编织胡子啊,你做到了.

类别:历史 figures 类别:Dwarves 类别:德里莫 类别:传奇

de:König Jalis Eisenhammer es:Jalis Martillo de Hierro




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