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#灰姑娘英文版故事简短加中文| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. cinderella灰姑娘英语故事,含中文翻译

A rich man's wife became sick, and when she felt that her end was drawing near, she called her only daughter to her bedside and said,从前,有一个富人的妻子得了重病,在临终前,她把自己的独生女儿叫到身边说:“乖女儿,妈去了以后会在九泉之下守护你、保佑你的。”

说完她就闭上眼睛死了。The girl t out to her mother's grave every day and wept, and she remained pious and good. When winter came the snow spread a white cloth over the grave, and when the spring sun had removed it again, the man took himself another wife. 她被葬在了花园里,小姑娘是一个虔诚而又善良的女孩,她每天都到她母亲的坟前去哭泣。


冬去春来,人过境迁,他爸爸又娶了另外一个妻子。This wife brought two daughters into the house with her. They were beautiful, with fair faces, but evil and dark hearts. Times soon grew very bad for the poor stepchild. 新妻子带着她以前生的两个女儿一起来安家了。


They took her beautiful clothes away from her, dressed her in an old gray smock, and gave her wooden shoes. 说完又脱去她漂亮的衣裳,给她换上灰色的旧外套,恶作剧似地嘲笑她,把她赶到厨房里去了。There she had to do hard work from morning until evening, get up before daybreak, carry water, make the fires, cook, and wash. Besides this, the sisters did everything imaginable to hurt her. They made fun of her, scattered peas and lentils into the ashes for her, so that she had to sit and pick them out again. In the evening when she had worked herself weary, there was no bed for her. Instead she had to sleep by the hearth in the ashes. And because she always looked dusty and dirty, they called her Cinderella. 她被迫去干艰苦的活儿。

每天天不亮就起来担水、生火、做饭、洗衣,而且还要忍受她们姐妹对她的漠视和折磨。到了晚上, 她累得筋疲力尽时,连睡觉的床铺也没有,不得不睡在炉灶旁边的灰烬中,这一来她身上都沾满了灰烬,又脏,又难看,由於这个原因她们就叫她灰姑娘。

One day it happened that the father was going to the fair, and he asked his two stepdaughters what he should bring back for them. 有一次,父亲要到集市去,他问妻子的两个女儿,要他给她们带什么回来。第一个说:“我要漂亮的衣裳。”

第二个叫道:“我要珍珠和钻石。” 他又对自己的女儿说:“孩子,你想要什么?” 灰姑娘说:“亲爱的爸爸,就把你回家路上碰着你帽子的第一根树枝折给我吧。”

So he bought beautiful dresses, pearls, and jewels for his two stepdaughters. On his way home, as he was riding through a green thicket, a hazel twig brushed against him and knocked off his hat. Then he broke off the twig and took it with him. Arriving home, he gave his stepdaughters the things that they had asked for, and he gave Cinderella the twig from the hazel bush. 父亲回来时,他为前两个女儿带回了她们想要的漂亮衣服和珍珠钻石。在路上,他穿过一片浓密的矮树林时,有一根榛树枝条碰着了他,几乎把他的帽子都要扫下来了,所以他把这根树枝折下来带上了。

回到家里时, 他把树枝给了他女儿。Cinderella thanked him, t to her mother's grave, and planted the branch on it, and she wept so much that her tears fell upon it and watered it. It grew and became a beautiful *ella t to this tree three times every day, and beneath it she wept and prayed. 她拿着树枝来到母亲的坟前,将它栽到了坟边。

她每天都要到坟边哭三次,每次伤心地哭泣时,泪水就会不断地滴落在树枝上,浇灌着它,使树枝很快长成了一棵漂亮的大树。A white bird came to the tree every time, and whenever she expressed a wish, the bird would throw down to her what she had wished for. 不久,有一只小鸟来树上筑巢,她与小鸟交谈起来。

后来她想要什么,小鸟都会给她带来。Now it happened that the king proclaimed a festival that was to last three days. All the beautiful young girls in the land were invited, so that his son could select a bride for himself. When the two stepsisters heard that they too had been invited, they were in high spirits. 国王为了给自己的儿子选择未婚妻,准备举办一个为期三天的盛大宴会,邀请了不少年青漂亮的姑娘来参加。


They called Cinderella, saying,她们把她叫来说道:“现在来为我们梳好头发,擦亮鞋子,系好腰带,我们要去参加国王举办的舞会。” Cinderella obeyed, but wept, because she too would have liked to go to the dance with them. She begged her stepmother to allow her to go. 她按她们的要求给她们收拾打扮完毕后,禁不住哭了起来,因为她自己也想去参。

2. 《灰姑娘》英文版的故事

Stepmother: Oh;t last forever。

恐怕它不能永远延续下去.。我约会要晚了! stepsister2;clock-five to twelve。

;re always so sluggish, her stepmother became cruel to her?stepsister1.。我怎么能找到你呢,等一会儿。

Godmother,不, wait。 Duke: Oh..Whoever the shoes fitted well would be the bride of the princel: Nonsense: Oh?但现在你的意思并不是这样: It',我就不会在这里了,灰姑娘成了王子唯一选中的舞伴。

The next day.. She had a lot of animal friends。 把它们放在一起, come back;d lost all your faith. 王子和灰姑娘举行了盛大的婚礼.Her two step-sisters teased her。

?stepsister2, child, you can have a try;re so。 Duke, a wonderful dream come true,旁人都很羡慕地看着他们。

At the party,看你得到了什么: Hurry up,等等: Oh, Dry those tears! Godmother, it',继母的女儿们当然也不能穿上那双玻璃鞋! 噢, Cinderella appeared and asked to have a try。 Godmother, I must. Enjoy yourself! Get me my sweater。

, on the stroke of twelve。 Cinderella,钟将会打破,我的孩子? Cinderella,把我的衣服拿来;t even know your name? Wait,独自带着女儿去了,另外她还有许多小动物做她的朋友,你现在不能走!This is terrible: Oh,等等.. 为什么你一定在;s nothing left to believe in,擦干眼泪。

Prince, but like all dreams;s almost midnight,一个美好的梦想变成了现实, pay no attention to her. After her father'. Clean the floors right away. 从前有一位可爱善良的姑娘;s more? Oh, so it is;m afraid this can'? Cinderella。拥有它!不. 灰姑娘非常地伤心.the magic words, but,穿上鞋子最合适的姑娘将成为王子的新娘: Your fairy godmother,教母出现了. All of a sudden,一切事情又恢复了从前, leaving Cinderella at home,等等,国王要让王子自己选择心爱的人. How will I find you。

但它比我期望的要多地多, I must, hmm: What': Yes,议论他们.Time passed quickly! I don': Nothing,这时: Please wait, her fairy godmother *'? Cinderella? 什么事,我必须走.,等等. 把这些衣服拿到洗衣房做你的事情。你仅仅能在午夜和;m to be late for my date. At that time。

Duke;s beautiful;s out of her mind. 噢。记住,bring me my breakfast?当然. 午夜了,她父亲很早就去世了。

Cinderella。 One day, come now!象一个梦! Cinderella,玩得开心。

Cinderella and the prince held a grand wedding and they led a happy life from then on,Bibbidi-boddidi-boo:Of course,国王命令城中每一位女孩必须史穿玻璃鞋,噢。 Cinderella. 可继母嫉妒灰姑娘的美貌,把我的早饭带来: Oh,我有另一只拖鞋! Prince? 是的. 噢,为王子举办了一个宫廷舞会. 亲爱的. Just an imaginative child, well, Cinderella still lived an optimistic life,现在让我看看, I', my goodness;t really mean that, you can', my dear, I couldn', you',邀请城里所有的姑娘参加, nor could the two step-sisters,孩子。

,灰姑娘与王子高兴地跳舞. You'. 虽然继母这样对她。她的继母经常虐待她。

Godmother,可灰姑娘还是乐观地活着. Nothing。 stepsister1,当时钟敲响到12点的时候: No?等等。

但现在我在这. Please come back. Oh。 Godmother,谢谢你: It'。

Cinderella;s only Cinderella中英双语的,幸福地生活.. 当然你可以试试!Oh. 不, the king held a party for the prince to choose the girl he loved. 噢! Wait. The king?噢, the spell will be broken and everything will be as it was before. 你看,你总是那么慢慢腾腾的。国王?Oh! 她仅仅是灰姑娘,我感到有点冷,这些魔力的话。

Prince, now you don'。. And what',快到午夜了: goodbye. You'. 她疯了。

Cruel as her stepmother was to her! It',wait. 灰姑娘!我可以试一下吗? 噢, Cinderella danced with the prince all the time,灰姑娘出现在楼梯上! May I try it on. 再见;s midnight。 Prince,继母带来的两个孩子也经常欺负她。

stepsister1。 Cinderella. Now let'.., my child!把马车给我准备好。

如果你失去了你的信仰! Prepare the carriage for me。 stepmother;t go now, every maid in the town was ordered to try the glass shoe;s see,我懂了。

Prince: Oh。.Bibbidi-boddidi-boo, hand me my gloves! What shall I do。

. Remember? 请等等, because she was jealous of Cinderella':Impossible。另外;t be here,天啊: Midnight。

Cinderella was broken-hearted,她们把灰姑娘当女拥一样使唤。 Cinderella!我连你的名字都不知道呢! 胡说;ll have only till night and。

时间在美妙的歌舞中过去. 一天;s the matter.. 第二天. 是的. When the officials were going to leave: Why then. 哦, nothing,但我确实是这样想的,我的女士, I understand! 不。 The stepmother took her two daughters to the party, Cinderella caught sight of the clock on the wall;s more than I ever hoped for: She',什么也没有, thank you.!No。

最后来到灰姑娘的家中,不, just a minute。 Cinderella: Yes。

, I have the other slipper, yes. 再见: No;s like a 。

3. 用英文简单说一下《灰姑娘》的故事

That bird has come, it has brought a set that wrap more attractive formal clothes which day before puts on compared to * she arrives the dance party hall , she causes all people beautifully surprised not * always waiting for she arrives the prince goes forward to hold her hand immediately, asks her to jump * some people must invite she dances, he always and day before equally said: “This woman in dances with me.” To the time which midnight her had to go home, the prince also and day before with her, was thinking equally like this might see which room she has entered .But she has thrown off him, and has immediately jumped in behind in her father house * the garden had a very attractive big pear tree, on the tree the knot has filled the mature * Cinderella did not know oneself this Tibet in any place, had to crawl on the * prince has not had saw she, he did not know where she has gone to, when has her father to come back continuously, only then walks goes forward to say to him: “That dances with me did not know name the girl sneaked off, I thought she definitely was jumps up the pear tree to go.” The father mused that,“Is the ash girl?”Therefore, his important person brings a handle axe, as soon as cut down the tree looked, on tree radically * the father and continues the mother to look to the kitchen, when Cinderella peace is lying down equally in the * originally she jumps up the pear tree, also at the same time slides in addition down from the tree , takes off the attractive formal clothes, lets on the hazel the bird brought, then has put on her gray small coat. Third days, when her father, the stepmother and two sisters walked after, she arrives in the garden to say: “Hazel! Asks you to help me, Asks you to swing, Exposes the money formal clothes one whole set for me.” Her good friend has brought a set compared to second day that wrap more attractive formal clothes and pair of pure gold establishment dance * she rushes the dance party scene, everybody is unable by her that with language expression America for to be * prince only dances with her, each when has other people ask her to dance, he always said: “This woman is my dance partner.” When the midnight soon comes temporary, she had to go home, the prince wanted to deliver her to go back, and said secretly: “This I might not be able to let her run *r”, the Cinderella tried from his side to sneak *e walks too hurriedly, she lost unexpectedly the left leg golden dance shoes in the staircase. The prince picks up the dance shoes, second days arrive his king in front of the father to say: “I must marry the girl who happen to can put on this golden dance shoes to be me the wife.” After Cinderella's two sisters hear this news to be extremely happy, because they all have a pair of very attractive foot, they thought oneself puts on that dance shoes is without a * elder sister accompanies from her mother is arriving in the house to try on that dance shoes first, but her big toe cannot put on actually, that shoes too are small to her.“Has not related, cuts away the big toe! So long as you have worked as queen, but also cares about this toe to do, you thought where eradicated does not need to use the foot originally.” The big daughter has listened, thought makes sense, this silly girl endured the pain to cut away own big toe, put on reluctantly in the foot comes up to Wang * prince looked she put on the shoe, has regarded as her the bride, rode abreast in row with her in immediately, carried off her. But goes out the royal palace in them on the road, when passes through that hazel which the back garden Cinderella plants, stops on the branch a small pigeon sings: Again “goes back! Again goes back! Looks at that shoes quickly! The shoes too are small, is not does for her! Prince! Prince! Again looks for you the bride, Sits in your side is not your bride!” After the prince hears, discontinuing stares at her foot to look, discovered the blood is flowing from the shoe, he knew oneself has been deceived, turns around immediately the wharf, brings back to the vacation bride she in the family to say: “This is not the real bride, lets another younger sister try this shoes .Therefore” the younger sister tries to put on the shoes on the foot, in front of the foot has gone in, but the foot heel too has been big, is cannot put * mother lets her pare the foot heel to put on, then pulls her to arrive in front of the * prince looked she put on the shoe, treated as her the bride to hold starts, shoulder to shoulder 。

4. 灰姑娘英文版+中文

Once there lived a kind and lovely girl. After her father's death, her stepmother became cruel to * two step-sisters teased her, asking her to do all the housework. 从前有一位可爱善良的姑娘,她父亲很早就去世了。

她的继母经常虐待她,继母带来的两个孩子也经常欺负她,她们把灰姑娘当女拥一样使唤。 stepmother: Do the laundry and get on with your duties. Clean the floors right away. And what's more,bring me my breakfast. 把这些衣服拿到洗衣房做你的事情。


stepsister1: Cinderella! Get me my sweater, I feel a little cold. 灰姑娘,把我的衣服拿来,我感到有点冷。 stepsister2: Hurry up! Prepare the carriage for me, hand me my gloves. I'm to be late for my date. You're so, you're always so sluggish. 快点!把马车给我准备好,递我手套。

我约会要晚了,你总是那么慢慢腾腾的。 Cruel as her stepmother was to her, Cinderella still lived an optimistic life. She had a lot of animal friends. 虽然继母这样对她,可灰姑娘还是乐观地活着,另外她还有许多小动物做她的朋友。

One day, the king held a party for the prince to choose the girl he loved. Every maid in the town was invited to the party. 一天,国王要让王子自己选择心爱的人,为王子举办了一个宫廷舞会,请城里所有的姑娘参加。 The stepmother took her two daughters to the party, leaving Cinderella at home, because she was jealous of Cinderella's beauty. 可继母嫉妒灰姑娘的美貌,让灰姑娘在家干活,独自带着女儿去了。

Cinderella was broken-hearted. At that time, her fairy godmother appeared. 灰姑娘非常地伤心,这时,教母出现了。 Cinderella: There's nothing left to believe in. Nothing! 没有什么我相信的事情,什么也没有! Godmother: Nothing, my dear? Oh, now you don't really mean that. 亲爱的,什么也没有吗?但现在你的意思并不是这样。

Cinderella: Oh, but I do. 噢,但我确实是这样想的。 Godmother: Nonsense, child! If you'd lost all your faith, I couldn't be here. And here I am!Oh, come now, Dry those tears! 胡说,孩子。


Cinderella: Why then, you must be。 为什么你一定在。

Godmother: Your fairy godmother? Of course. Now let's see, hmm。now。

the magic *i-boddidi-boo. Put them together and what have you got. 你传说中的教母?当然,现在让我看看。


把它们放在一起,看你得到了什么。 Cinderella: Oh, it's beautiful! It's like a dream, a wonderful dream come true. 噢,它太美丽了!象一个梦,一个美好的梦想变成了现实。

Godmother: Yes, my child, but like all dreams, well, I'm afraid this can't last forever. You'll have only till night and。 是的,我的孩子,象所有的梦一样。


拥有它。 Cinderella: Midnight?Oh, thank you. 午夜?噢,谢谢你。

Godmother: Oh, just a minute. Remember, on the stroke of twelve, the spell will be broken and everything will be as it was before. 噢,等一会儿。记住,当时钟敲响到12点的时候,钟将会打破,一切事情又恢复了从前。

Cinderella: Oh, I understand, but。it's more than I ever hoped for. 哦,我懂了。

但它比我期望的要多地多。 Godmother: Bless you, my child. Enjoy yourself. 祝福你,我的孩子,玩得开心。

At the party, Cinderella danced with the prince all the * passed quickly. All of a sudden, Cinderella caught sight of the clock on the wall. Oh, it is almost twelve o'clock-five to twelve! 舞会上,灰姑娘成了王子唯一选中的舞伴,灰姑娘与王子高兴地跳舞,旁人都很羡慕地看着他们,议论他们。时间在美妙的歌舞中过去,墙上的大钟突然映入灰姑娘的眼里,差5分钟12点。

Cinderella: Oh, my goodness! 噢,天啊! Prince: What's the matter? 什么事? Cinderella: It's midnight. It's almost midnight. 午夜了,快到午夜了。 Prince: Yes, so it * why? 是的,但又怎样呢? Cinderella: Goodbye. 再见。

Prince: No, no,wait, you can't go now. 不,等等,你现在不能走。 Cinderella: Oh, I must, please, I must. 噢,我必须走。

Prince: But why? 但为什么呢? Cinderella: goodbye. 再见。 Prince: No, wait, come back. Please come back! I don't even know your name. How will I find you? Wait, please wait! Wait! 不,等等,回来,请回来!我连你的名字都不知道呢。

我怎么能找到你呢?等等,等等,等等! Cinderella: Goodbye. 再见。 * (以上内容,概括一下) The next day, every maid in the town was ordered to try the glass shoes. Whoever the shoes fitted well would be the bride of the prince. No one could put on the shoe, nor could the two step-sisters. When the officials were going to leave, Cinderella appeared and asked to have a try. 第二天,国王命令城中每一位女孩必须只穿玻璃鞋,。

5. 英文版的灰姑娘故事、也需要汉语翻译、急用

Once there was a rich man's wife was very ill, on his deathbed, she called around their only child, said: "Melissa, mom to go after the guard you in heaven, bless you." Then she closed his eyes and died. She was buried in the garden, the little girl is a pious and kind girl, she every day to her mother's grave to weep. If winter comes, the snow for her mother's grave covered with a white blanket. Spring breeze blowing, the sun has shed a grave of snow. Winter to spring, people moved in transit, but his father married another * wife with her two daughters, one born before it settled down. They look very beautiful, but inside is very ugly and evil. The time of their arrival, which is suffering this poor girl was seriously beginning. They said: "To such a useless eater in the living room doing? Who wants to eat bread and who have earned themselves, rolled the kitchen to do the kitchen maid go!" Then they take off her beautiful clothes, put on her old gray coat, her mischievous laugh wildly, she rushed to the kitchen gone. She was forced to buckle down to hard job. Up before dawn every day to carry water, fire, cooking, laundry, and have to live with their sister for her neglect and torture. In the evening, when she tired exhausted, did not even sleep in bed and had to sleep in the kitchen next to the ashes, this to her are covered with ashes, dirty, ugly, for this reason they called her Cinderella. Once, my father to go to the market, he asked his wife, two daughters, to take what he gave them back. The first to say: Once there was a rich man's wife was very ill, on his deathbed, she called around their only child, said: "Melissa, mom to go after the guard you in heaven, bless you." Then she closed his eyes and died. She was buried in the garden, the little girl is a pious and kind girl, she every day to her mother's grave to weep. If winter comes, the snow for her mother's grave covered with a white blanket. Spring breeze blowing, the sun has shed a grave of snow. Winter to spring, people moved in transit, but his father married another wife.。

6. 灰姑娘英文版+中文

Once there lived a kind and lovely girl. After her father's death, her stepmother became cruel to * two step-sisters teased her, asking her to do all the housework. 从前有一位可爱善良的姑娘,她父亲很早就去世了。

她的继母经常虐待她,继母带来的两个孩子也经常欺负她,她们把灰姑娘当女拥一样使唤。 stepmother: Do the laundry and get on with your duties. Clean the floors right away. And what's more,bring me my breakfast. 把这些衣服拿到洗衣房做你的事情。


stepsister1: Cinderella! Get me my sweater, I feel a little cold. 灰姑娘,把我的衣服拿来,我感到有点冷。 stepsister2: Hurry up! Prepare the carriage for me, hand me my gloves. I'm to be late for my date. You're so, you're always so sluggish. 快点!把马车给我准备好,递我手套。

我约会要晚了,你总是那么慢慢腾腾的。 Cruel as her stepmother was to her, Cinderella still lived an optimistic life. She had a lot of animal friends. 虽然继母这样对她,可灰姑娘还是乐观地活着,另外她还有许多小动物做她的朋友。

One day, the king held a party for the prince to choose the girl he loved. Every maid in the town was invited to the party. 一天,国王要让王子自己选择心爱的人,为王子举办了一个宫廷舞会,请城里所有的姑娘参加。 The stepmother took her two daughters to the party, leaving Cinderella at home, because she was jealous of Cinderella's beauty. 可继母嫉妒灰姑娘的美貌,让灰姑娘在家干活,独自带着女儿去了。

Cinderella was broken-hearted. At that time, her fairy godmother appeared. 灰姑娘非常地伤心,这时,教母出现了。 Cinderella: There's nothing left to believe in. Nothing! 没有什么我相信的事情,什么也没有! Godmother: Nothing, my dear? Oh, now you don't really mean that. 亲爱的,什么也没有吗?但现在你的意思并不是这样。

Cinderella: Oh, but I do. 噢,但我确实是这样想的。 Godmother: Nonsense, child! If you'd lost all your faith, I couldn't be here. And here I am!Oh, come now, Dry those tears! 胡说,孩子。


Cinderella: Why then, you must be。 为什么你一定在。

Godmother: Your fairy godmother? Of course. Now let's see, hmm。now。

the magic *i-boddidi-boo. Put them together and what have you got. 你传说中的教母?当然,现在让我看看。


把它们放在一起,看你得到了什么。 Cinderella: Oh, it's beautiful! It's like a dream, a wonderful dream come true. 噢,它太美丽了!象一个梦,一个美好的梦想变成了现实。

Godmother: Yes, my child, but like all dreams, well, I'm afraid this can't last forever. You'll have only till night and。 是的,我的孩子,象所有的梦一样。


拥有它。 Cinderella: Midnight?Oh, thank you. 午夜?噢,谢谢你。

Godmother: Oh, just a minute. Remember, on the stroke of twelve, the spell will be broken and everything will be as it was before. 噢,等一会儿。记住,当时钟敲响到12点的时候,钟将会打破,一切事情又恢复了从前。

Cinderella: Oh, I understand, but。it's more than I ever hoped for. 哦,我懂了。

但它比我期望的要多地多。 Godmother: Bless you, my child. Enjoy yourself. 祝福你,我的孩子,玩得开心。

At the party, Cinderella danced with the prince all the * passed quickly. All of a sudden, Cinderella caught sight of the clock on the wall. Oh, it is almost twelve o'clock-five to twelve! 舞会上,灰姑娘成了王子唯一选中的舞伴,灰姑娘与王子高兴地跳舞,旁人都很羡慕地看着他们,议论他们。时间在美妙的歌舞中过去,墙上的大 钟突然映入灰姑娘的眼里,差5分钟12点。

Cinderella: Oh, my goodness! 噢,天啊! Prince: What's the matter? 什么事? Cinderella: It's midnight. It's almost midnight. 午夜了,快到午夜了。 Prince: Yes, so it * why? 是的,但又怎样呢? Cinderella: Goodbye. 再见。

Prince: No, no,wait, you can't go now. 不,等等,你现在不能走。 Cinderella: Oh, I must, please, I must. 噢,我必须走。

Prince: But why? 但为什么呢? Cinderella: goodbye. 再见。 Prince: No, wait, come back. Please come back! I don't even know your name. How will I find you? Wait, please wait! Wait! 不,等等,回来,请回来!我连你的名字都不知道呢。

我怎么能找到你呢?等等,等等,等等! Cinderella: Goodbye. 再见。 * (以上内容,概括一下) The next day, every maid in the town was ordered to try the glass shoes. Whoever the shoes fitted well would be the bride of the prince. No one could put on the shoe, nor could the two step-sisters. When the officials were going to leave, Cinderella appeared and asked to have a try. 第二天,国王命令城中每一位女孩必须只穿玻璃鞋。

7. 用英语简单概括灰姑娘的故事

① 从前,有一位长得很漂亮的女孩,她有一位恶毒的继母与两位心地不好的姐姐。





王子很开心,便向灰姑娘求婚,灰姑娘也答应了,两人从此过著幸福快乐的生活。 Once upon a time, there was a very pretty girl, she has a wicked stepmother and two agood sister. She often bullied by the stepmother and two sisters, was forced to doheavy work, often made the whole body is full of dust, nicknamed "the cinderella". One day, the prince held a dance Town, invited the city girl to attend, but the stepmotherand two sisters don't let Cinderella attend, but she does a lot of work, make her sad disappointment. At this time, a fairy appeared, to help her become a noble princess,and the mouse into the groom, a pumpkin into a carriage, and becomes a beautiful dress and a pair of glass (glass) to Cinderella put on shoes. Cinderella is happy, quicklywent to the palace to attend the dance party. The fairy remind her at her departure, can not stay to twelve midnight, after twelve spells will automatically terminate. Cinderellapromise, she went to the ball, the prince saw she was fascinated by her, immediatelyinvited her to dance. Happy time really flies, began to twelve midnight, Cinderella had toleave immediately, left a crystal shoe in a botched. The prince is very sad, then sent to the national minister visits, find can wear the glass shoe girl, despite the stepmother and sister obstacles, Minister managed to find cinderella. The prince is very happy, theypropose to Cinderella, Cinderella also promised, two people live happily ever after。

(这个长了点)②辛德瑞拉死了母亲,爸爸再婚,被继母和两个姐姐虐待.后在仙女的帮助下参加了王子办的舞会,12点回去的时候掉了只鞋,王子通过鞋找到了她,从此幸福生活.继母等3人遭报应.Cinderella's dead mother,My father remarried and was stepmother and two sisters * the fairy's help in the prince 's dances,12 back off shoe,The prince through the shoe to find her,From a happy *ther 3 retribution.(这个应该可以)。

8. 用英文简单说一下《灰姑娘》的故事

Long ago, in a land far away, there lived a beautiful young girl. She was very sad. Her mother had died and her father had married again. His new wife had two ugly daughters, Esmerelda and Griselda. Soon after, her father also died and life immediately changed for the girl. "You will be our servant, "said her stepmother. "You will do everything we say." "You must sleep in the kitchens, by the fire," said the stepsisters. After tending the fire, and cooking and leaning, the girl's clothes were very dirty. She was called to clear away dishes. "There are cinders all over your clothes!" exclaimed the stepmother. "Cinders for Cinderella. That's your new name. Clear these things away, Cinderella." "Cinderella! Cinderella!" sang Esmerelda and Griselda. "Oh, how clever you are, Mama!" Cinderella had to work very hard, as all the other servants were dismissed. One day, an invitation arrived from the palace. "Girls, listen to this," said the stepmother. Cinderella was serving the breakfast. She listened as her stepmother read the invitation. "The King is having a ball," she said, excitedly. "He is looking for a wife for the Prince! Oh, my dears, this is wonderful. He will probably choose one of you, but it will be such a hard choice to make. "Am I invited too, stepmother?" asked Cinderella. "You! Certainly not!" exclaimed her stepmother. "The thought of such a thing. A scruffy servant going to a ball, when only beautiful ladies are invited!" "Hah! Hah!" laughed the stepsisters. "Beautiful! That doesn't include you, Cinderella!" "You may help my two lovely girls to get ready," said her stepmother. "Oh," said Cinderella, sadly. "We shall all have new dresses, girls, and we shall go shopping today. Clear away these things, Cinderella." 'Oh, I wish I could go to the ball,' thought Cinderella. The day of the ball arrived and the whole day was spent preparing Esmerelda and Griselda. Cinderella did her best to make the sisters look pretty, but it was an impossible task. Finally, the coach arrived to collect the girls and their mother. Cinderella was very tired and she wandered back to the kitchens. "Oh, I did so want to go," she sighed as she sat down by the fire. "What's to stop you?" asked a voice. "Who's that?" asked Cinderella, looking around. "I'm here by the door." A strange woman walked up to Cinderella. "I heard you the other day, wishing you could go to the ball. Well, the ball is this evening, and you're going." "But how?" asked Cinderella. "What can you do?" "Anything I want to," said the woman. "I'm your fairy godmother, and I'm here to send you to the ball. She sat down. "Come now," she said. "Dry those tears. We have work to do. I need a large pumpkin, two rats, two mice and a frog. Can you find these?" "Yes," said Cinderella, mystified by the request. "Off you go, then." When Cinderella found all the things, her fairy godmother took them all outside. "Now for the magic," she said. She waved her hands and the air began to twinkle and sparkle. The pumpkin began to grow and change, until standing there was a glittering coach. The mice changed into two fine footmen, the frog into the driver, and the rats into two beautiful horses to pull the coach. Cinderella clapped her hands. "It's beautiful!" she cried. "In you get," said her fairy godmother. "But I can't go like this," said Cinderella. "Like what?" asked the fairy godmother. "You look lovely to me." Cinderella looked at herself. While the magic had been working on the pumpkin, it had also been working on her. Instead of her ragged dress she wore a beautiful ball gown, with glass slippers on her feet. "Oh, fairy godmother," said Cinderella. "It's lovely. How can I thank you?" "By going to the ball," said the fairy godmother. "Off you go, but remember, the magic stops working at midnight. Everything will change back then. Now go and enjoy yourself." "Good-bye, fairy godmother," called Cinderella, as the coach swept off. Cinderella arrived at the palace and walked into the ballroom. Everyone stopped and stared. "Who is she?" people asked, including her stepmother and stepsisters. The Prince saw her, and had eyes for no one else for the rest of the evening. Cinderella danced only with the Prince, and as the evening passed, he fell in love with her. A clock chiming reminded Cinderella of her fairy godmother's warning. 'It must be eleven o'clock,' she thought, but she asked the Prince. "What time is it?" "Almost midnight," he answered. "Oh, no!" cried Cinderella. "I must go!" "You can't. Not now," said the Prince. "I must." And Cinderella swept out of the 。


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