中英双语话中国旅游 第73期:千年古镇同里自然概况(1)

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中英双语话中国旅游 第73期:千年古镇同里自然概况(1)

2024-07-05 09:50| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Tongli Millennium EldestTown


Natural Features


Tongli , which belongs to Wujiang in Jiangsu Province,is located along the bank of Taihu Lake and to the east of ancient canal with eight lakes surrounded;it is 80 kilometers away from Shanghai Hongqiao Airport in the east and I 8 kilometers away from Suzhou in the north,adjacent to 318 national highway in the south and Suzhou-Jiaxing expressway in the west. The administrative district of Tongli town,after mergence of Tongli and Tuncun in October,2001,covers a total area of 102. 91 square kilometers and boasts a total population of 58 000 with 12 administrative villages,I aquatic product base and 6 community residents" committees affiliated.

同里隶属江苏省吴江市,位于太湖沿岸,古运河之东,八湖环抱;距离东边的上 海虹桥机场80公里,离北边的苏州18公里,南边连接苏州至嘉兴的318国道。2001年,同里和屯村合并后,同里镇行政区域总占地102. 91平方公里,下辖12个行政村,总人口 58 000人,还有一个水产品生产基地,6个社区研委会。 Tongli,formerly known as Futu,changed its name as"Tongli(铜里)"in ear1y Tang dynasty due to its luxuriousness,and the current name"Tongli(同里)"can be traced back to the Song dynasty when people re-created the two characters of“fu(富)”and "tu(土)”. 同里,旧称富土,由于这个名字太过奢华,故于初唐时期改为“铜里”。现在的名字”同里“课以述到宋朝,那时候的人重新创造“富'和“土”两个字。


Tongli,the ancient town with beautiful scenery,is surrounded by five lakes, namely Tongli,Jiuli,Yeze,Nanxing and Pangshan. The town is divided into 7 small islands by I S rivers arranged like the Chinese character"川"connected by 49 ancient bridges,making these islands an integrated area. The architectures built by riverside,famous for“small bridge,flowing stream and thatched households",make Tongli ancient town the best-reserved ancient town by riverside as well as the key cultural relics protection unit of province level,which has been listed as one of the 13 scenic spots of Tai Lake.

风景优美的同里古镇镶嵌在五湖(同里湖、九里湖、叶译湖、南星湖和庞山湖)之中。小镇有15条河,被分成七个小岛。小河的排列l挂“川”字塑,49座占桥使这些小岛连接成一个整体。以“小桥、流水、人家”而著称的濒河建筑群使同里古镇成为保存最好的濒河占镇和太湖风景区13大景点之一的省级重点文物保护单位。 The ancient town is open to the public in 1986,and is listed as the first group of historical and cultural towns in Jiangsu Province by the provincial government in 1995. 同里古镇1986年对外开放,1995年被江苏省政府列为首批江苏历史文化名城。


Pretty and unsophisticated Tongli town boasts fertile paddy fields rich resources and outstanding natives,thus crowned as"Small Oriental Venice" . Tongli is characterized by a large number of architectures in Ming&Qing dynasties,small bridges and outstanding celebrities. Tongli boasts 38 residences in Ming &Cling dynasties,4.7 temples and ancestral halls and around 100residences of local rich and powerful people as well as former residences of celebrities. In the past,Tongli ancient town featured over 200natural scenic spots including "Eight Sceneries Ahead","Eight Sceneries Back","Successive Four Sceneries"etc.,while such scenenes as 'Eyeing on the Moon by East Creek",.'Mist in Southern Area",“Overlooking on Top of Northern Hill","Flute form Fishing Households","Flourishing Vegetation of the Hill",etc.

优美秀丽的同里小镇以其沃野良田和丰富的自然资源而素有“小东方威尼斯”之称。明清时期建筑多、水乡小桥多,名人志士多是同里古镇的特点:这里有38处明清时期住宅,47座寺庙和祠堂,大约100多处当地大户人家和权贵的住宅和名人雅士的故居。同里古镇历史上有20多处自然景观,包括八景、续,又景、后四景等,至今尚丰“‘东溪望月”、“南市晓烟”、“北山春眺”、“水村渔笛”、‘'长山岚翠”等景点。 Tongli people are diligent,hard-working and well-educated,and many outstanding celebrities come from Tongli town. From 1247 AD in Southern Song dynasty to late Qing dynasty,Tongli cultivated 1 Zhuangyuan(champion in imperial examinations),42 Jinshi(imperial scholars ) and 93 Juren(first-degree scholars)in civil and military field. 同里人勤奋好学、知书达理,这里曾走出许多杰出名人。从1247年南宋时期到晚清时期,同里先后出了一位状元,42位进士和93位文武举人. Famous Tongli people were Zhu Heling .Yuan Long,etc,while famous ones in modern times were Chen Qubing,Fei Gong,etc. 同里古代名人有朱鹤龄、袁龙等;现代名人则有陈去病、费巩等。 At present,Tuisi Garden in Tongli ancient town has been listed as one of the world's Cultural Heritage,and Tongli ancient town is applying for it. With the reinforcement of publicity,an increasing number of people are aware of and familiar with the ancient town. Many newspaper media in mainland,Hong Kong and America introduce Tongli with illustrations;many shooting crews come to Tongli frequently,and Tongli Shooting Base was established here by China Film Association due to its natural film studio renowned both home and abroad. 目前,同里的退思园被列为世界文化遗产之一同里古镇正在申请世界文化遗产。随着宣传的广泛深人,越来越多的人开始了解这个古镇。大陆、香港和美国的许多新闻媒体都用图文并茂的形式介绍同里;许多影视摄制组也频繁来同里取景。由于同里拥有蜚声海内外的这、天然摄影棚,中国电影家协会也在此设立了“中国同里影视摄制基地”。




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