
您所在的位置:网站首页 演讲的最后怎么说 做英文学术报告最应掌握的问答环节技巧及英文回答模板


2024-07-17 18:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





列出你可能被问的问题 把你的问题分成1)可回答的问题 2)你无法或不想回答的问题



审阅每个列出的问题,并试着用不同的方式来提问,就算是同一个问题,也可能有各式各样的提问方式。接下来,根据自己对于研究主题所拥有的知识,以及我们下列要领中所提供的范例句子,你可以试着练习回答问题。 Practice makes perfect!


第一步: 打开Q&A页面


演讲者: “I will now answer any questions you have about this research. Please speak slowly and clearly.”

第二步: 阐明问题


情況应答方式没听清问题时“Sorry, I didn’t catch all of that.” “Could you repeat your question, please?”不理解问题时“I’m afraid I don’t understand.” “Could you please rephrase the question?”不太确定问题细节时“I don’t quite understand…”“Are you asking about (the 1995 study)?”“Are you referring to (the peptides discussed in Figure 2.3)?”“Do you mean (the patients in the placebo group) ?”“Could you be more specific?”在问题被复述后,仍然不理解时“I’m sorry. I still don’t understand your question.” “Could I come back to you later?” “Could you please talk to me after the session?”

第三步: 回答问题


3a. 礼貌的回答方式


以礼貌地开头进行答复“That’s a great question. Thank you for asking.”“I appreciate your question and am happy to answer it.”“What a thoughtful question! I’m glad you asked.”“What an interesting question! I’ll do my best to answer.”

3b. 提供恰当的回答


第一种类型: 你无法或不想回答问题时。如果你无法或不想回答问题,你可以用以下的句型回答提问者。

情况应答方式不知道答案时“I’m sorry. I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to that question.” “I will look into that and follow up with you.” “I can’t answer now, but I will try to find out more about this.”不想在该场合回答时“I’m sorry–could we discuss this issue after the session?” “I’d rather discuss this issue privately please.”没有充分信息回答时“We aren’t aware of any details at this time.” “We don’t have information about this yet.”必须等待进一步研究执行时“We are awaiting further research on this issue.” “We need to do more studies to answer this.”

第一种类型的回答范例: 以下是研究相关的实际问题范例与应答方式。

情况问题范例应答方式不知道答案时“What about the data collected between 1994 and 1997?”“I’m sorry. I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to that question.”不想在该场合回答时“When is the latest version of this study going to be published?”“I’d rather discuss this issue privately, please.”你没有充分的信息时“What are the findings of other state hospitals on this issue?”“We don’t have information about this yet.” “We are awaiting further research on this.”

第二种类型: 你可以回答但是需要多一点时间或是更多细节。 有时候你需要进一步阐清问题或给自己一些思考时间来回答问题,以下是几种回答方式来告诉听众你的需求是什么。

情况应答方式必须仔细想想问题时[*Repeat the whole question or part of it]“Please give me a moment to think about this question.” “Just one moment—I need to consider my answer.”需要该问题的更多细节信息时“Just so I understand…”“Are you referring to (the methods of analysis or to the experiment)?“Do you mean (the Smith study from 2014)?“What information are you referring to exactly?”

第二种类型的回答范例:  以下是研究相关的真实问题范例与回答。

情况问题范例应答方式必须仔细想想问题时“Were all sample groups in the study in the same cohort?”“In the same cohort? Please give me a moment to think about this question.”需要该问题的更多细节信息时“What about the data collected between 1994 and 1997?”“The data collected between 1994 and 1997? Which data are you referring to exactly?” 研究发表中不同部分的Q&A问题



问题/评论应答方式“Have you used this approach?”“No, but thank you for your input. We will look into this.” “We considered this approach. But there were some problems.”“Why did you use this method of analysis?”“There were several reasons for this. First…”“We found several other methods to be problematic.” “We have explained our rational fully in the paper.”“What limitations to the study did you identity?”“We didn’t identify any specific limitations.” “We did identify a couple of limitations. These include…”


问题/评论可能的应答方式“Could you elaborate on the results of X?”“Yes. What results would you like to know about?” “I’m afraid I can’t say more about the findings now.”“What are the implications of these findings?”“Most importantly, these findings imply that…”“There are several implications here. First…”“I’m afraid I can’t say more about the implications now.”“Could this study impact any other related areas of research?”“These results might impact areas of (medicine/patient care/administration, etc.).”“We need more information to answer this question.”“Our conclusions are limited to this area of research.”


情况问题范例应答方式重新检视报告的某部分内容“Could you repeat what methods of analysis you used?”“As I mentioned earlier…”“Let’s look at this slide again…”“Yes. Looking at slide 34…”使用视觉辅助材料“Are the data in Figure 4 representative of all sample groups?” “What is being measured in Table 2.2?”“Let’s take a look at this figure again.” “As you can see in this chart/graph/figure…”“Let me explain this figure again.” 成功的Q&A应对技巧

把自己的态度、姿势与声音调整好,跟准备好 Q&A的回答一样重要。这些简单的技巧能够帮助你顺利地结束上台报告。

挺直腰板—这样的站姿能够帮助自己在上台讲话时有更多的自信 保持友好和善的态度—时常微笑并礼貌地回答问题能够让你的问答环节更加轻松。 从容地回答问题—听完问题后,不需要急着回答,先确定自己理解每一个问题再回答。 将自己的联系方式用一个单独的幻灯片展示—这样一来,还有其他问题的听众可以通过这些方式来向你提问。 延伸阅读 How to Write a Research Paper Introduction Which Verb Tenses to Use in a Research Paper How to Write an Abstract for a Research Paper How to Write a Research Paper Title 学术写作的实用句型 英语论文中常用的转折、连接词跟短语 [视频] 论文当中应该要多使用主动还是被动语态? 如何替换论文中的动词,让文章更吸引人? [视频] 研究论文的改写(Paraphrasing)技巧(APA, AMA格式) Other Related Resources 9 Tips for Handling Q&A Sessions (Inc)

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