「红尘」英文怎么说?. 滚滚红尘, 尘世的纷扰, 英文怎么表达?

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「红尘」英文怎么说?. 滚滚红尘, 尘世的纷扰, 英文怎么表达?

2024-07-11 23:22| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. Worldly pleasures



世间荣华富贵皆是空, 人间红尘情爱也是苦; 荣华富贵带不走, 水中捞月一场空, 一生努力业随身。要懂得这些道理, 才能真正得到解脱, 才能真正放下自我, 才能真正求佛, 才能真正成为佛菩萨。

Wealth and glory are nothing but vanity; worldly pleasures and romance are nothing but suffering. The hard work of our lives will be all in vain, like trying to capture the moon in the water. When we leave this human world, we take with us nothing but our karma.

Only when we understand this concept can we achieve true liberation, let go of the self, and attain Buddhahood.


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash2. Worldly defilements

中文字面意思:尘世的污垢, 世俗的杂染


修得好的有两种人:一是从小没有杂念,没有接触五欲六尘;二是在红尘中找到了摩尼珠, 找回了本性, 出淤泥而不染。

There are two categories of people who cultivate well:

The first is comprised of people who are free of distracting thoughts and who have not come into contact with the defilements of sensual desires since they were young.

The other is comprised of those who have found the jewel of wisdom. They have found their true nature and remain untarnished by worldly defilements.


3. Worldly…

中文字面意思:世间的, 俗世的


守住定,才能远离红尘中的思维, 定力与涅盘做伴。

Only by maintaining concentration can you stay away from worldly thoughts. Power of concentration and Nirvana are companions.


有些人认为解脱要通过禅修, 通过脱离红尘俗事, 切断与这个世界的一切联系来实现。

Some people believe that liberation can be achieved through meditation and through detaching oneself from worldly affairs and cutting all ties to this world.

Photo by Dino Sabic on Unsplash4. Human Realm/World of mortals/Mundane world

中文字面意思:人道, 人间, 俗世。


红尘滚滚两茫茫, 忍辱柔和是妙方。

Cycle of rebirth in the Human Realm leads to our aimless pursuit of transient gratification in this world.

Forbearance and understanding are the best solution.


所以心态要好, 有什么过不去的大坎儿?人生走到今天, 身在红尘之中, 你只要以善为本就可以了

So you must have a good mentality. There is no trouble too difficult to overcome.

You have come a long way in life. In this mundane world, just try to carry out acts of kindness.

Source: 卢台长《白话佛法视频开示系列》第4集


To see through the world of mortals




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