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2023-10-23 04:43| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


        接下来,我将在下文仅以我自己的视角讲述这两年来的经历,如造成不适还请多多包涵。        事实上,自2020年7月4日项目全线暂停后,我及任何其他相关人员都并未提及相关情况,一直到2020年国庆节左右才有私下里的非正式消息传出,指出RS停更的事实。看到所有不知情玩家一直蒙在鼓里、白白期待,我自己内心也非常不是滋味。但是实际上在一开始的安排里,RS并非“终止”更新,而是“中止”更新。我及其他很多核心玩家,尤其是内测玩家们都曾进行过很多努力,包括但不限于建议官方制作组开放关卡编辑器、开发社区游戏模式等等,但都限于种种因素未能成行。我觉得在我们心里,其实大抵也都慢慢默认了RS“中止”即“终止”的事实。        但是即便是“终止”,核心玩家们依旧保有热爱。在这两年时间里,我见到了太多热心友爱的核心玩家坚守在这里,仍旧在为社区环境努力着,并不止一次被深深地感动到。2021年,部分原RF制作组成员(基本也都是原RS内测人员)开始重聚,打算重新开始制作饭制并公开给所有人游玩。污猫和我与原制作组的一些人员进行沟通后,同意放开对于饭制关卡甚至安装包的制作及传播的限制。此后一年时间里,诸如RF、PB等各式非盈利饭制百花齐放,也涌现了许多优秀的关卡路线设计者。        到了2022年,RS的情况开始有了一些转机。大多数玩家都发现了“米麦版RS”,也是第一次知道了“米麦”这个公司的存在。坊间开始传出“米麦收购RS”的说法,实际上这是不准确的:粗略地来讲,米麦是由原猎豹公司游戏部建立的公司,其成员组成也基本都是原班人马。米麦版RS的出现也极大激励了我们这些原来接触制作组的内测玩家们的心。我开始重新尝试联系原来的关卡设计师,试图了解近况,但是得到了否定的答案。事实上,自2020年7月后,我们便与原制作组大多数成员都没有了联系,我自己在去询问时也没报任何希望。        但到了2022年暑期末尾的某一天时,我一觉醒来,发现原设计师突然给我留言,我的QQ消息提醒也因RS内部测试群的重建而久违地出现了“99+”。



        2022年10月初,一些玩家发现了由几位新的官方人员组建的官方2群,但其实它是由于工作繁多复杂、沟通不周而意外地建立的,连我们都不知道这个群的存在。RS即将恢复更新的消息就此传播开来,大多数人的普遍观点似乎仍是观望真实性。我在同官方人员沟通后,得知他们目前并未打算公开消息,而是想沉下心来继续开发一段时间,我便私下找到了发布过相关新闻视频的@跳舞的线-滚动的天空 ,以及在抖音平台发布了相同视频的@Maxwalter315 ,协商删除了视频。一些玩家因此认为删视频即为“证伪”,发表了一些伤人言论。在此我为二人证明其视频内容所言非虚,但当时并不是合适的公开时机。此外,大多数玩家发现的专辑《Rolling Sky Battle Royale》及其中任何曲目均并不是官方曲目,在网易云音乐平台发布此专辑的不是猎豹游戏官方账号,而QQ音乐平台则没有官方入驻账号。






根号(a.k.a. SquareRoot_p0/FurrySquareRoot)2022年10月28日,于英国

        It's my honor to be the team's representative and hereby announce: Rolling Sky ("RS") is now back to continue with new level updates!

        Next, I will only tell the experience of the past two years from my own perspective below. Please forgive me if it causes any discomfort.

        In fact, since the entire project was suspended on 4th July, 2020, neither I nor any other relevant member mentioned the relevant situation. It was not until around the National Day (1st October) of 2020 that informal gossips came out to reveal the suspension of RS updates. Seeing that all the unknowing players had been kept in the dark and looking forward to it in vain, I also felt very uncomfortable myself. But, in the initial arrangement, RS wasn't "TERMINATED", but actually "SUSPENDED". I and many other core players, especially the beta testers, have made a lot of efforts, including but not limited to recommending the official dev team to make the level editor public, developing RS as a community game, etc., but it was not possible due to various factors. I think in our hearts, in fact, we have gradually acquiesced to the fact that "SUSPENDED" actually equals to "TERMINATED".        

        But even if it's "TERMINATED", core players still retain their love. In the past two years, I have seen too many enthusiastic and friendly core players sticking here, still working hard for the community environment, and I have been deeply moved more than once. In 2021, some of the original RF dev team members (are basically all RS beta testers) began to reunite, planning to restart the production of fanmades and allow everyone to play. After RSP-LX Dyeing Cat and I communicated with some members of the original dev team, we had agreed to loosen the restrictions on the production and dissemination of fanmade levels and even apks. In the following year, various non-profit fanmades such as RF and PB have blossomed, and many excellent route designers have emerged.

        By 2022, things started to take a turn for RS. Most players discovered the "MINIMAX RS", and it was the first time they knew the existence of the company called "MINIMAX" (a.k.a. Mimai, transliterated from its Chinese name "米麦"). There had been rumors like "MINIMAX acquired RS", which are actually inaccurate: Roughly speaking, MINIMAX is a company established by the former Cheetah Mobile's game department, and its members are basically the same as the original team. The appearance of "MINIMAX RS" had also greatly inspired the hearts of us beta testers who were once in contact with the dev team. I started to try again to contact the original level designer to find out what was going on, but got no positive answer. In fact, since July 2020, we have lost contact with most of the original dev team members, thus I wasn't giving any hope when I tried to ask.        

        However someday at the end of summer 2022, I woke up and found that the original level designer have suddenly left me a message, and my QQ message reminder was also appearing a long-lost "99+" due to the reconstruction of the RS beta test group.

The time shown in this picture is London time, GMT+1 (DST). This screenshot was taken in September, 2022.

This is exactly the scene that I have dreamed many times in the past two years: the original level designer suddenly found me and told me "RS is revived, your dream has come true", and this short sentence grabbed me out of my bed. At one point I suspected that I was still dreaming, but here's the thing in fact: what we've been working hard on has finally paid off. Words could no longer express my inner excitement, however the words that I typed were still calm and normal.

        At the beginning of October 2022, some players discovered the 2nd official QQ group formed by several new official personnel, but in fact it was accidentally established due to the complexity of work and poor communication, and even we didn't know the group's existence. As news that RS would come back with continuous new updates had spread, the prevailing view among most people still seemed to be to wait and see for authenticity. After I communicated with the official staff, I learned that they didn't plan to disclose the news at present, but wanted to settle down and continue to develop for a period of time. I privately found @跳舞的线-滚动的天空 who posted the related news video on Bilibili, and @Maxwalter315 who posted the same video on Tiktok, negotiating to delete the video. Some players therefore believed that deleting the video was the "falsification", and made some hurtful remarks on them. Here I'm proving for them that what they said in the video was true, but it wasn't the right time to go public. What's more, the album "Rolling Sky Battle Royale" and any single song in it that most of you might have heard of is not an official album. The album released on the NetEaseCloudMusic platform isn‘t the official account of Cheetah Mobile Games, while the QQMusic platform doesn't have a Cheetah Mobile Games official account at all.

        I dare to speak too much from my own perspective, and there might inevitably be wrong events or situations, so all above contents are only here for reference. In May 2020, I once wrote an announcement announcing the termination of "Dancing Line", quoting the words of Tianxin, the game operator at that time: "You never know which will come first, tomorrow or sorrow." I still want to repeat it today to RS, who has finally ended the suspension, and also to the separation moment that will definitely come someday in the future. Only after experiencing the separation do we know how to cherish the time we could spend together.

The moment that touched me deeply.

       I have always been apprehensive about being able to participate in level design, because I know that I don't have enough ability for this. It was only through a series of coincidences that I was able to sit in this position, which means my abilities don't match my position. I personally have no intention to evaluate the RS game itself, related game companies or dev teams and any of their members from any point of view, and I only represent my own position. Before that unpredictable separation moment strikes us, I will continue to participate in RS level-related work as a level designer, and continue to improve myself in the coming future. I will also accept submissions of high-quality fanmade routes in my personal capacity from time to time. You are very welcome to supervise and assist our work, especially the talented route designers. No matter how you've regarded RS itself or its community environment in the past, I hope that we can move forward together from now on to welcome the separation moment that we don't know when it will come, and try to make it less bleak. 

       On behalf of all RS core members (beta test team and dev team), I'm pleased to announce to you the news that RS has revived. And only on behalf of myself, I would like to express my long-standing sincere thanks to everyone of you.

        In addition, due to the resumed update of RS, the current RS official doesn't restrict the production of any non-profit fanmade based on the original RS, such as RF, PB, etc., but only the level videos are suggested to be released rather than releasing or sharing packages, and is still strictly prohibited from releasing on any app store. I hope that everyone will still strictly prevent any form of fanmade from producing any commercial activities, otherwise you may be legally responsible in the future. In addition, fanmade level editors such as RJ, RA, etc. that do not use any RS-related material will also not be banned. The above policies may be changed in the future based on changes in the actual situation.

根号(a.k.a. SquareRoot_p0/FurrySquareRoot)

28th October, 2022. In United Kingdom

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