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这是一份湖南怀化市2024届高三下学期三模英语试题(Word版附答案),文件包含英语-湖南高三5月份考试课件pptx、怀化市2024高三三模英语试题docx、英语湖南高三5月考简易答案pdf、英语-湖南2023-2024学年高三年级5月考命题报告pdf等4份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共18页, 欢迎下载使用。

试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。试卷共四大部分。第一部分 听力(20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分);第二部分 阅读(20小题,每小题2.5分,满分50分);第三部分 语言运用(第一节 15小题,每小题1分,满分15分;第二节 10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分);第四部分 写作(第一节 满分15分;第二节 满分25分)。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有2分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What des Harrisn suggest?A.Taking a yga class. B.Finding a gd his sister fr help.Text 1W:Harrisn, I'd like t practice yga, but I dn't knw where t start.M:Why nt sign up fr a yga class? Many gyms ffer yga classes. My sister Cathy chse ne. The yga instructr ffers students much persnalized training. A天一大联考湖南高三英语2. Hw much did Jenny pay fr her phne shell? A.$6. B.$9. C.$15.Text 2M: What a nice mbile phne shell! I like the pattern design. Where did yu buy it, Jenny?W:At an nline stre. And I saved $6. Yu knw it csts $15 fr the same style in a physical stre.B3.What des Grace think f the Tiangng lessn?A.Difficult. B.Bring. 3M:Grace, d yu knw China’s Shenzhu-13 astrnauts presented a science lessn live frm the rbiting Tiangng space statin?W:Yes. And I watched it nline. It really inspires me t be an astrnaut.C 4.Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?A.On a ship. B.In a clinic. C.On a plane.Text 4M:Cindy, yu lk pale. Are yu seasick?W:Maybe. I feel dizzy nw.M:Take the tablets, clse yur eyes and relax. Let’s g back in.A5.What des the wman mean?A.She desn’t want t will take all the files will clean up the ffice.Text 5M:Yu have ne mre mnth here befre yu get transferred t the Chicag ffice.W:Dn’t wrry. I fully intend t use this time t clean up the ffice and rganize all the files befre I leave.C第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.What des the wman suggest ding this weekend?A.Helping charity grups. B.Ging bird-watching. C.Cleaning a will the wman bring alng?A.A camera. B.Sme phts. C.An applicatin frm.Text 6W:David,what d yu plan t d this weekend?M:I have n gd idea yet.What abut yu, Alice?W:I’m ready t take up bird-watching. I just signed up fr a weekend grup n trips t ppular lcatins fr bird-watching. Wuld yu like t jin us?M:Yes,I’d lve t. It’s an pprtunity t get clse t nature.W:Yes.The grup will walk arund the Century Park. I’ll take my camera t take sme phts.M:Ww. Hw can I jin this grup?W:I will help yu d that after schl.M:OK. Thank yu! BA 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8.Where did the man get the news?A.Frm a bk. B.Frm the Internet. C.Frm a library d rbts d in the library?A.Sweep the flr. B.Read bks t visitrs. C.Put bks n the des Sarah sund?A.Surprised. B.Impatient. C.Cnfused.Text 7M:Sarah, d yu think rbts can lead library visitrs t the shelves where their requested bks are?W:It may exist in the imaginatins f me.M:But this fantasy is nw a reality at a public library in McKinney, Texas. I read abut it n a website this mrning.W:Awesme! Tell me mre.M:The rbts serve as guides during busy hurs. They can prvide infrmatin and help keep things tidy by getting bks back n shelves.W:Oh, really? They wrk just like a library assistant.M:Yu bet. The rbts are fully designed and made by Chinese high-tech cmpany, Orin Star.W:That’s great! BCA听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11.What will the man be ding at 10:45 am prbably?A.Meeting new a a will the man d in the afternn?A.See his parents t the an award will the speakers meet?A.At lunchtime. B.This afternn. C.Tmrrw mrning.Text 8W:Hell, Mr. Andersn. Wuld yu like t have a talk with me this mrning?M:I’d lve t, Miss Brwn, but I’ve gt a tight schedule tday. I have a cnference with the department managers at 10:30 am.Then I have t attend the award ceremny fr the utstanding emplyees at 11:30 am. After that, I’ll have lunch with my bss.W:Hw abut this afternn?M:Well, let me see…After lunch, I’m ging t attend an pening ceremny fr the new factry, which may last abut tw hurs. Can yu cme at 3:00 pm? We can talk fr an hur in my ffice befre I pick up my parents at the airprt.W:I’m afraid an hur is nt enugh. What abut tmrrw mrning, frm 9:00 t 11:00?M:OK, see yu then. BBC听第9段材料,回答第14 至17题。14.What is the wman prbably?A.A prfessr. B.A hstess. C.A did the man begin t repair and restre antique clcks?A.In 1949. B.In 2016. C.In lng des it take t restre a clck?A.It ranges frm several mnths t a ranges frm several weeks t a ranges frm several days t a des the man pst vides n the Internet?A.T advertise a clck raise funds fr scientific intrduce the wrld f antique clcks.Text 9W:Gd mrning, welcme t ur prgram. Our guest tday is a clck cnservatr, a man with time n his hands. He’s ging t share his wrk with us.Well, I knw that yu have ever wrked at Beijing’s Palace Museum, haven’t yu? M:Yes. There’re ver 1,500 antique timekeepers in the museum.W:When did yu begin t repair and restre antique clcks?M:In 1949. I have returned mre than 100 timepieces t their frmer glry s far.W:Hw lng des it take t cmpletely restre a clck?M:Abut several mnths, and smetimes up t a year.W:That sunds like hard wrk.M:Yu can say that, but I still remember the excitement when the hands f my first repaired clck began t mve.W:And yu’ve started psting vides abut the antique clcks n scial media since 2019.M:That’s right. I want t give viewers an insight int the cmplicated and fun wrld.W:That’s great. Thank yu very much fr bringing us s much. BAAC听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18.What is the speaker ding?A.Delivering a a a started the Slw Fd Mvement?A.An American. B.A Rman. C.An Italian20.What des the speaker think Slw Fd is mre abut?A.Traditin. B.Lifestyles. C.Healthy fd.Text 10 M:Gd evening, ladies and gentlemen. I’m Mike Smith. I feel hnred t be invited t the cnference. Nw, I’ll talk abut the Slw Fd Mvement. The Slw Fd Mvement is really a reactin t fast fd and ur fast mdern lifestyles. Peple eat t many hamburgers, t many pizzas, and t much fast fd in general. The mvement itself was started by an Italian called Carl Petrini. He rganized it because a McDnald’s pened near the Spanish Steps in Rme. He felt it srt f damaged many valuable traditinal things and he tried t prmte healthier ways f eating and living. Sme peple may think Slw Fd just means healthier fd. Nt exactly. I think it’s mre abut ur lifestyles than anything else. We’re always in such a hurry. We dn’t have enugh time t take care f urselves, r enjy ur lives. Fast fd cmpanies advertise that their fd is healthy as well. It may be right in a way, but fr me, and fr a lt f Slw Fders, the prblem is that wherever yu sit dwn fr a meal, whether it’s in Tky r Milan, what yu’re given is t similar. It makes eating and life bring. Traditinal fd isn’t ging t be lst cmpletely, but we d want as many peple as pssible t enjy it.ACB第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将 该项涂黑。文章大意:本文是一篇应用文。主题语境为人与社会。文章主要介绍了四本科幻小说。21.Which bk explres the relatins between humans and the universe?A.Alien Clay. B.In the Lives f Bdies. D.Stries f Yur Life and Others.答案 D命题透析 细节理解题。思路点拨 根据 Stries f Yur Life and Others by Ted Chiang部 分 中“Chiang’s unique imaginatin invites readers t questin their understanding f the universe and their place in it.”可知,这本书引发读者思考人类与宇宙的关系。22.Whse bk uncvers the crime dne by rbts t humans?A.Adrian Tchaikvsky’s. B.Ted Chiang’ Asher’s. D.TJ Klune’s.答案 D命题透析 细节理解题。思路点拨 根据In the Lives f Puppets by TJ Klune 部分中“ …he learns f a shared criminal past between the rbts—a past spent in hunting humans.” 可知,当 Vic 修机器人时,发现了其黑暗的一面。23.Wh is the text prbably intended fr?A.Bk reviewers. B.Sci-fi researchers. D.Rbt develpers.答案 B命题透析 推理判断题。思路点拨 文章主要介绍了四本科幻小说,所以本文很有可能是写给科幻爱好者的。文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。主题语境为人与自然。文章主要介绍了保护 McAfee Knb景观的新协议。 24.What is the new agreement in paragraph 1 abut?A.Land purchase. B.Turism fr funding. D.Resurce management.答案 A命题透析 细节理解题。思路点拨 根据第 一 段中“Recently, a new agreement was reached t prtect much f this view frever… have bught 850 acres f land… belw the Knb.”可知,新的协议是关于购买附近土地来保护 Knb 的景观的。25.What’s Heather Richards’attitude twards the deal?A.Uncaring. B.Dubtful. C.Favrable. D.Mixed.答案 C命题透析 观点态度题。思路点拨 根据第二段中“She praised the cperatin between the rganizatins invlved and the landwners fr their cmmitment t cnservatin.”可知,Heather Richards 对这个协议持支持态度。26. Hw des the authr intrduce the ppularity f MeAfee Knb?A.By presenting facts. B.By cnducting an making cmparisns. D.By explaining a cncept.答案 A命题透析 推理判断题。思路点拨 作者通过列举每年有50 000名游客参观 McAfee Knb 以及谷歌地图的做法这些事实来介绍该地的受欢迎程度。27.Which f the fllwing abut the ATC agrees with the text?A.It served as the nly gave in t a certain refused dnatins in any apprved f the plan riginally.答案 B命题透析 推理判断题。思路点拨 根 据 倒 数 第 二 段 中“Despite initially ppsing the plan,the ATC entered int an agreement with its develpers t receive funding fr cnservatin effrts.”可 知 ,ATC 原本不同意该协议,但最终做出了 一 定程度的 让步。文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。主题语境是人与社会。文章介绍了一个名为Musical Bridges t Memry 的项目,研 究了音乐对痴呆症患者及其看护者的益处。28.What can we learn abut the MBM prgram?A.It needs t be mre cures patients f targets mre than dementia invlves different types f musical instruments.答 案 C命题透析 推理判断题。思 路 点 拨 根 据 第 一 段 中“Musical Bridges t Memry (MBM) is a 12-week prgram designed t bridge relatinships between peple with dementia, their families, and the greater cmmunity…”可知,这个项目研究的对象不只有痴呆症患者,还包含了痴呆症患者的家人及其所在社区。29.Hw des music affect dementia patients?A.It makes their memry prmtes their cnscius can bring back their past enables all their memries t stay lng.答 案 C命题透析 细节理解题。思路点拨 根 据 第 三 段 中“Music taps int ur implicit memry ( 内 隐 记 忆 ) , linking us t past experiences and emtins withut the need fr cnscius awareness.” 可知,音乐可以唤起过去的经历和情感。30.What des the underlined wrd“alleviates”in paragraph 5 mean?A.Relieves. B.Shifts. C.Distributes. D.Measures.答案 A命题透析 词义猜测题。思路点拨 根据画线词下文“Caregivers wh participated in this prgram reprted significant reductins in distress (痛苦) as a result f imprved cmmunicatin thrugh music.”可知,参加该项目的看护者报告说,由于通过音乐改善了沟通,他们的痛苦显著减少,即音乐减轻了看护者的负担。alleviate 与 relieve 词义相近。31.Which aspect f the prgram des the last paragraph stress?A.Its fcus. B.Its significance. C.Its backgrund. D.Its prcess.答案 B命题透析 段落大意题。思路点拨 通读最后一段可知,本段提到这些发现是对几十年的研究的一种补充,证明音乐对我们的健康有积极的影响,并进一步深入了解了MBM 项目对痴呆症患者及其看护者的益处,即最后一段强调的是该项目的重要意义。文章大意:本文是一篇议论文。主题语境是人与社会。本文主要讨论了学生是否真的需要AI 的问题。 32.Which best describes AI accrding t paragraph 2?A.Unavidable. D.Life-changing.答案 D命题透析 推理判断题。思路点拨 根据第二段内容,尤其是“It’s certainly true that Al is a wnderful new tl dramatically transfrming human life.” 可知,AI 是 一种改变人类生活的奇妙新工具。life-changing 意为“改变生活的”。33.What’s the authr’s purpse in writing paragraph 3?A.T argue against the invlvement f AI in clarify the rle f AI in prmting explre the pssibility f applying Al t present educatrs’ reliance n AI in class.答 案 A命题透析 推理判断题。思路点拨 作者在第三段中提到,让学生用AI 躲避传统学习方法会产生不确定和潜在的有害结果,教育者依 赖 AI 进行学生评估和课程规划也可能会对自然人类发展产生反作用,且强调了传统的死记硬背和写作业方法对于培养学习和认知发展的重要性。由此可知,本段作者意图反对在教育中使用AI。34.What des the authr say abut traditinal learning methds?A.They are ut f date have a fair reasn t make students less weaken students’ verall develpment.答案 B命题透析 推理判断题。思路点拨 根 据 最 后 一 段 “traditinal learning and writing assignments are crucial fr prmting learning and cgnitive develpment”可知,传统的学习方法对于培养学习和认知发展仍然很重要。由此可以推断,传统的学 习方法有相当充分的理由继续下去。35.What wuld be a suitable title fr the text?A.The Rise f AI B.The Rle f Traditinal LearningC.D Students Really Need AI? D.Des AI Help with Prductivity?答 案 C命题透析 标题归纳题。思路点拨 通读全文可知,本文主要讨论了学生是否真的需要AI 的问题,故 C 项“学生真的需要AI 吗?”符合语境。第二节(共5小题;每小题2 . 5分,满分12 . 5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。文章大意:本文是说明文。主题语境是人与社会。文章就如何与他人建立联系给出了一 些建议。 Have yu ever changed jbs r mved t an unfamiliar city, nly t find yurself wndering hw t cnnect with new peple? 36 Hwever, a cnnectin is a part f what it means t be human. When we d it well, ur lives are far mre fulfilling. Here are a few tips t help yu build and strengthen cnnectins with peple.Be yur real self Yu can’t g wrng with being yurself. Pretending t be smene yu aren’t can lead yur relatinships t be built n lies and cause cnfusin in the future. 37 They frget that being themselves is hw they make genuine cnnectins.Respect peple’s bundaries It’s likely that when yu get t knw smene new, yu’ll discver their limits quickly. In rder t build a meaningful relatinship with that persn, yumust respect the bundaries. 38 Otherwise, the cnnectin will be killed. Mve past the surface level Meaningful cnnectins mve past the basics f small talk. Yes, the first time yu meet smene, yu can cver surface-level facts. 39 What are their values? What types f gals d they have fr the future? What are their biggest hpes and dreams? These are all questins that give mre insight int wh they are and hw we can cnnect with them. 40 One f the best ways t learn hw t cnnect with ther peple is learning t be present. And dn’t just be present mentally. Use yur bdy language t shw thatthey have yur full attentin. If yu aren’t facing the persn wh’s speaking, theywn’t feel like yu care abut cnnecting with them.A.Stay fcused n the genuine with yur relatinships can be ’t push them t share things that they dn’t want can als reduce stress and awkwardness fr bth f make such a mistake when they desperately want t fit , after yu’ve been talking fr a while, try t g deeper.36.答案 C命题透析 考查上下文衔接。思路点拨 上文描述换工作或搬家导致不知道如何与人交往的现象,下文表示转折“与人交往是人生活的一 部分,当我们在这方面做得好,我们的生活会更有意义”,故 C 项“建立关系会很难”承接上下文,符合语境。it 指代C 项 中 的“Building relatinships”。37.答 案 F命题透析 考查上下文衔接。思路点拨 F 项“当人们拼命想要融入时,他们会犯这样的错误”,与上文“假装是别人会导致关系建立在谎言上,并在未来造成混乱”相呼应,符合语境。38.答案 D命题透析 考查上下文衔接。思路点拨 D 项“不要强迫他们分享他们不想分享的东西”,与上文“为了与那个人建立有意义的关系,你必须尊重这些界限”相呼应,符合语境。39.答案 G命题透析 考查上下文衔接。思路点拨 G 项“然而,在你们交谈了一段时间之后,试着更深入一些”,与上文“第一次见到某人时,你可以涵盖表面上的事实”形成对比,符合语境。40.答案 A命题透析 考查段落主旨句。思路点拨 本段主要讲述在与人建立关系的时候,要注重当下,注重身体语言,表明自己身体和心理的双重“在场”。A 项“聚焦于当下”符合语境。第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。主题语境是人与社会。文章主要介绍了 Frank Herbert 的小说《沙丘》,它被认为是最优秀的科幻小说之一 ,对环境运动产生了重要影响。 Frank Herbert’s 1965 nvel Dune is widely cnsidered ne f the best sci-fibks ever written. It is als ne f the first t take envirnmental cncerns 41 _. “It’s really calling attentin t the 42 t think eclgically,”says Gerry Canavan, c-editr f the histry f science fictin. “Prir t that mment, peple just weren’t thinking in that way." Herbert 43 t find a publisher fr Dune, facing 23 rejectins befre it was finally 44 by Chiltn Bk Cmpany. As the bk gained 45 —winning tw mst prestigius( 有 声 望 的 ) prizes in science fictin and eventually sellingarund 20 millin cpies 46 —it began t affect pp culture. Dune 47 the envirnmental mvement, which Herbert largely embraced. “I’m 48 t be put in the psitin f telling my grandchildren,‘Srry, n mre wrld fr yu. We have 49 all the resurces,’ ’’Herbert said at the first Earth Day in 1970. Herbert was ne f the earliest t 50 renewable energy, installing( 安 装 )his wn slar cllectr and windmill. He believed that understanding the 51 f human actins culd reduce envirnmental damage. The 52 fr Dune came frm Herbert’s visit t Oregn’s sand dunes in 1957, where he 53 effrts t stabilize the landscape frm lcal peple. His nvel serves as a cautinary tale abut humanity’s relatinship with the envirnment and the disastrus effects f 54 resurce explitatin(开发) . Dune challenges readers t cnsider the impact f their actins n the planet and serves as a 55 f the imprtance f sustainable B.literally C.seriusly B.attempt C.agreement D.freedm B.struggled C.chse D.hesitated B.accepted C.recmmended B.cntrl C.trust time B.in turn C.in advance D.in B.pushed C.skipped B.unfrtunate C.unsuitable up B.given up C.used up D.piled B.assign C.investigate B.cnsequences C.flexibility B.prpsal C.inspiratin B.spared C.cnfirmed B.balanced C.unchecked B.symbl C.victim D.reminder41.答案 C命题透析 考查副词。思路点拨 根 据 下 文“Prir t that mment, peple just weren’t thinking in that way.” 可知,这本书的出版使得人们重视环境问题。take…seriusly 意为“认真对待”。42.答案 A命题透析 考查名词。思路点拨《 沙丘》这部小说提醒人们从生态角度思考问题的必要性。43.答案 B命题透析 考查动词。思路点拨 根 据“facing 23 rejectins”可知,Herbert 找出版商遇到了很多困难。44.答 案 B命题透析 考查动词。思路点拨 在被拒绝了23次后,这本书最终被接受。45.答 案 D命题透析 考查名词。思路点拨 根据“winning tw mst prestigius( 有 声 望 的 )prizes in science fictin”可知,这本书获得了两项最有声望的科幻小说奖,并最终卖出了大约2000万册,说明它很受欢迎。46. 答案 D命题透析 考查介词短语。思路点拨 最终总计卖出了大约2000万册。in ttal“总计”。思路点拨 每个人都很友善。47.答 案 B命题透析 考查动词。思路点拨 《沙丘》促进了环境运动。48. 答案 A命题透析 考查形容词。思路点拨 根 据“Srry, n mre wrld fr yu.”可知,Herbert 不愿意自己处于告诉孙辈“对不起,没有更多的世界给你们了。我们把所有资源都用光了”的境地。 49.答案 C命题透析 考查动词短语。思路点拨参考上题解析。 50.答案 A命题透析 考查动词。思路点拨 根 据“installing(安装)his wn slar cllectr and windmill”可知,Herbert 安装了自己的太阳能收集器和风车,说明他提倡可再生能源。51.答案 B命题透析 考查名词。思路点拨 根据“culd reduce envirnmental damage”可知,了解人类行为的后果可以减少人类对环境的损害。52.答案 C命题透析 考查名词。思路点拨 《沙丘》的灵感来自于Herbert 1957 年对俄勒冈沙丘的访问。53.答案 A命题透析 考查动词。思路点拨 根据“t stabilize the landscape”可知,他目睹了稳定景观的努力。54.答案 C命题透析 考查形容词。思路点拨 根据语境可知,这里指的是不加控制的资源开发的灾难性后果。55.答 案 D命题透析 考查名词。思路点拨 《沙丘》提醒人们可持续生存的重要性。第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填写 在答题卡上。 文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。主题语境是人与自然。文章主要介绍了中国著名景区漓江。 Li River,ne f China’s mst famus scenic areas, was listed 56 ne f the wrld’s tp ten watery wnders by Natinal Gegraphic magazine. 57 was even cnsidered ne f the wrld’s 15 best rivers fr travelers. 58 (riginate)in Ma’er Muntain in Xing’an cunty nrtheast f Guilin, Li River winds its way sutheast fr abut 437 km, passing thrugh Guilin, Yangshu, Pingle, Zhaping, and finally 59 (meet) Xi Rive in Wulin. It basts ( 拥 有 ) the largest and mst beautiful scenic area in China and attracts thusands f visitrs each year. The 83-km-lng waterway frm Guilin t Yangshu is like a masterpiece. The landscape 60 (decrate) with rlling hills, steep cliffs, fantastic caves, as well as leisurely bats. A pem says,"The river is a green silk ribbn, and the hills are jade hair-pins”. Cruising ( 航 游 ) n Li River is always a 61 (please).Yu can breathe the fresh air, feel gentle breeze 62 appreciate the wnderful landscape n bth sides f Li River. In spring, 63 (feel) the mizzle ( 细 雨 ) fall nt their faces, turists may stand n the frnt f a bat, 64 is truly a wnderful experience. Mstly, the cruise starts frm Zhujiang Wharf ( 码 头 ). After abut an 65 (hur) drive frm Guilin city, a cruiser will then take yu t Yangshu, a beautiful ancient city, t start a wnderful jurney.56.答 案 as命题透析 考查介词。思路点拨 be listed as “被列为 … … ”57.答 案 It命题透析 考查代词。思路点拨 根据语境可知,此处应用it 指代上文出现的 Li River。 58. 答案 Originating命题透析 考查非谓语动词。思路点拨 此处为非谓语形式,Li River 与 riginate 之间是逻辑上的主动关系,故用现在分词形式作状语。59.答案 meets命题透析 考查动词时态。思路点拨 此处缺少谓语动词,主语Li River,根据语境可知,表达的是“最终与西河相遇”,故用一般现在时。60.答案 is decrated命题透析 考查动词时态、语态及主谓一致。思路点拨 主 语 The landscape 为单数形式,与decrate 之间是被动关系,且描述的是一般的情况,故填 is decrated。61.答 案 pleasure命题透析 考查词性转换。思路点拨 a pleasure 意为“一 件乐事”。 62.答案 and命题透析 考查连词。思路点拨 breathe, feel和appreciate 是三个并列的动作,故用 and 连接。63.答案 t feel命题透析 考查非谓语动词。思路点拨 分析句子结构可知,此处应用动词不定式作目的状语。64.答案 which命题透析 考查定语从句 。思路点拨 此处为非限制性定语从句,which 在从句中作主语,指代前面整句话。65.答案 hur’s命题透析 考查名词所有格。思路点拨 此处表示一小时的车程,故用hur’s。第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分) 你校英文报 Campus Life 栏目正在举办主题为“冲突与妥协”的征文比赛。请你写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:1.你的经历;2.你的感悟。注意:1.写作词数应为80个左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Cnflict and Cmprmise____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ One pssible versin: Cnflict and Cmprmise Cnflict is an unavidable part f campus life, and my wn jurney has been n exceptin. Last semester, I fund myself in a grup prject, where each member had a different visin, leading t arguments ver ideas and respnsibilities. Tensins ran high, and cmprmise seemed ut f reach. Hwever, thrugh pen cmmunicatin and active listening, we gradually fund cmmn grund. We cmprmised n ur individual viewpints and cmbined ur ideas. The prject turned ut better than we culd have imagined. Nt nly did we achieve ur academic gals, but we als develped strnger teamwrk skills and mutual respect. This experience has taught me that cnflict, when handled cnstructively, can lead t grwth and understanding. It’s nt abut aviding cnflicts altgether but abut reslving them with maturity and cmprmise. 第二节(满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 It started ut as a simple hike in the Utah canyn( 峡 谷 ) lands n a warm Saturday afternn.Fr Arn Ralstn,a twenty-seven-year-ld muntaineer and utdrsman,a walk int the remte Blue Jhn Canyn was a chance t get a break frm a winter f sl climbing Clrad's highest and tughest peaks. He'd earned this weekend vacatin,and thugh he met tw ther climbers alng the way, by early afternn he had finally fund himself in his element:alne,with just the beauty f the natural wrld all arund him. It was 2:41 pm.Eight miles frm his truck,in a deep and narrw slt( 狭 缝 ) canyn,Arn was climbing dwn a wedged bulder( 巨 石 ) when the rck suddenly came lse.Befre he culd get ut f the way,the falling stne pinned his right hand and wrist against the canyn wall. And s began 4 days f suffering fr Arn Ralstn.With little water and fd, n jacket fr the painfully cld nights, and the terrible knwledge that he’d tld n ne where he was headed, he fund himself facing a lingering death—trapped by an 800-pund bulder 100 feet dwn in the bttm f a canyn. As he eliminated ( 淘 汰 ) his escape ptins ne by ne thrugh the days, Arn faced the full hrrr f his situatin: By the time any pssible search and rescue effrt wuld begin, he’d mst prbably have died f dehydratin ( 脱 水 ) , if a flash fld didn’t drwn him befre that. What des ne d in the face f almst certain death? Using the vide camera frm his pack, Arn began recrding his grateful gd-byes t his family and friends, thinking back ver a life filled with adventure, and dcumenting a last will with the hpe that smene wuld find it.注意:1.续写词数应为150个左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Arn was grwing weaker with each passing day. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Luckily,the rescue team fund Arn.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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