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2023-11-30 12:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

2022年清华大学“健康星球与可持续发展”全球暑期学校将于7月4日-7月10日举办。今年暑校课程开设SDG马拉松的环节。SDG马拉松共设置11个不同主题的分赛场,学生可以根据兴趣自由选择分赛场,现场组成跨学科创新团队(Innovation Team),针对某个领域与可持续发展相关的问题(Challenge),进行解决方案(Innovative Solution)的开发。

Tsinghua University’s “A Healthy Planet for Sustainable Development” Global Summer School 2022 will be held from July 4 to July 10. This year, the Summer School curriculum will include a special “SDG Hackathon”. The hackathon is composed of 11 sub-groups, each focusing on a different theme related to the SDGs. After selecting a sub-group to join, students will form an interdisciplinary “Innovation Team” to explore, develop and present solutions for the sub-group’s “Challenge” topic.



How can art & design make our meals greener? 





We are what we eat. What you choose to put in your plate can make up your identity and make a significant impact on our planet’s environment. We have lost a third of the world’s biodiversity to monocultural farming. Meat farming is the leading cause of land degradation, soil erosion and animal extinctions.

This hack will look into how industrial farming erodes the planet’s carbon sinks, how antibiotics and agrichemicals are killing pollinators and larger species. how livestock farming is taking up more land, using and contaminating more water. And ask tough questions about the food we eat and how we farm it.

Our planet has plenty of food if the land used for farming domestic animals is rehabilitated back to healthy natural eco systems or used for growing local plant-based foods. If, as experts recommend, we eat less meat, the supply chain will be different. In this case consumers can drive change much more immediately than many other environmental issues.

Art can’t save the world, but art can change the world by changing the people. As individuals, we all have our role. Compared to climate emissions or to the plastics issue, there’s a very direct link between food supply and what individuals do. Join us, together we will try to figure out how art and design thinking and ingenuity will find greener ways to our eating pattern.


封  帆


主要从事生态艺术的创作及西方现当代艺术史的研究。作为实践艺术家和艺术史学者的双重身份使其兼顾视觉分析与文本讨论,具有工作室实践与理论研究并举的双重特性。曾任美国史密森尼学会美国美术档案馆访问研究员(2017);罗马美国学院访问学者(2017);2016年被美国艺术史研究机构协会 (ARIAH Association of Research Institutes of Art History))授予“东亚学者”(Eastern Asian Fellowship)奖;著有《神祇与天真:赛·汤布利的古典世界》(江苏凤凰美术出版社,2020)。

FENG Fan (Eric) is a Ph.D. in art history, Associate Professor of art and Deputy Chair of Department of Painting in Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University in Beijing. Dr. Feng was trained as a visual artist, who has exhibited work across China, and in the U.S. and Japan. Dr. Feng’s work is in several public collections and he has produced a number of public art commissions around China. In 2016, he was awarded the “East Asia Fellowship” by ARIAH (The Association of Research Institutes in Art History). He was a visiting fellow at Archive of American Art, Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C. and Visiting scholar at American Academy at Rome in 2017. In 2020, he taught 2 online courses at University at Buffalo, SUNY, one art history, one studio painting. 



Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development

人类活动造成水、土、气的广泛污染。这些污染问题进一步带来健康的风险,并威胁生态系统安全。对这些环境问题的应对对于多个联合国可持续发展目标的达成至关重要,包括SDG 2, 3, 6, 11, 13, 14, 和15.未来我们必须开发创新性的可持续解决方案。

Anthropogenic activities cause wide spread pollution in air, water, and soil. Such environmental pollution can jeopardize human health and damage ecosystems. Addressing these pollution issues will be critical for meeting SDG 2, 3, 6, 11, 13, 14, and 15.  It is imperative to develop innovative and sustainable solutions for addressing these issues.



侯德义,清华大学环境学院长聘副教授,博士生导师。主要从事土壤与地下水污染防治的科学研究和实践应用。先后毕业于清华大学(学士)、美国斯坦福大学(硕士)、英国剑桥大学(博士)。在环境领域有17年的研究和从业经验,具备注册环境工程师(PE-Environ),注册土木工程师(PE-Civil),注册绿色能源建筑师(LEED AP)等资质。在Nature、Science和Nature Climate Change等国际期刊上发表论文百余篇。主持科技部、生态环境部、自然基金委等20余项科研项目,主持和牵头编写多个国际和国内的技术指南与技术标准。现担任SCI期刊Soil Use and Management主编,以及Science of the Total Environment副主编,曾担任Journal of Hazardous Materials副主编。

Dr. HOU Deyi is an Associate Professor at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. His research interest includes sustainability of soil use and management, regional to global sources and distribution of heavy metal contamination, green and innovative remediation technologies, etc. Dr. Hou received his B.E. from Tsinghua University, M.S. from Stanford University, and his Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge. Dr. Hou has published over 100 papers on top journals including Nature, Science, Nature Climate Change, etc. He is currently serving as an Editor-in-Chief for Soil Use and Management, and Associate Editor for Science of the Total Environment.  



Future scenarios and innovation model of energy transition development in the context of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality


In order to control the atmospheric temperature rise within 2°C or even 1.5°C, the "Paris Agreement" calls on all parties to put forward long-term low-emission development strategies based on national conditions and common but differentiated responsibilities and their respective capabilities, so as to achieve global carbon neutrality in the second half of this century. At present, China, Canada and other countries have announced their own carbon neutral target schedule, and China has set a goal of achieving peak carbon by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. To achieve the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, it is necessary to promote the construction of a low-carbon policy system, set the boundaries of energy development, and ensure a rapid transformation of energy development towards a green and low-carbon direction. In the context of energy transition development, the new development trend of energy transition under the new situation can be explored from the aspects of demand, ideas, concepts, mechanisms, systems and technologies, and the future scenarios and innovative models of energy transition development can be looked forward to.



钟海旺,清华大学电机系副教授,博士生导师,IEEE高级会员,入选第三届中国科协青年人才托举工程。研究方向为智能电网运行与规划、电力市场、需求响应等。发表SCI收录60余篇。主持国家自然科学基金2项(1项获结题优秀评价)、北京市自然科学基金1项;作为子任务负责人承担国家重点研发计划项目1项,作为骨干承担国家863、科技支撑、自然科学基金重点、NSFC-国网联合重点项目各1项。获德国洪堡基金会等联合授予的亚太青年科学家奖;获省部级奖励4项,日内瓦国际发明展金奖2项。担任IEEE PES Working Group on Demand Response主席,CIGRE D2.53电力物联网工作组秘书。

ZHONG Haiwang, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, IEEE Senior Member. His research interests include power system operations and planning, electricity markets and demand response. He has published 60+ SCI indexed papers. He is the Primary Investigator for two projects funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, one project funded by Beijing Natural Science Foundation. He currently serves as the Chair of the IEEE PES Working Group on Demand Response, Secretary of the CIGRE D2.53 Working Group on Power Internet of Things. He was awarded the ProSPER.Net Young Scientist Award. He was awarded 4 provincial Science & Technology Awards. He won 2 Gold Medals in Geneva International Invention Exhibitions.



Future Information Technology for Human Healthcare


During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have witnessed the great impact of advanced information technology on the fight with the pandemic. After the pandemic, how will the information technology (including both hardware and software) be revolutionized, and how will it address various challenges of human healthcare?


盛  兴


SHENG Xing is currently working as an associate professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Tsinghua University, China. He received his bachelor and PhD degrees from Tsinghua University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, respectively. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. His current interests are primarily in the exploration of implantable micro- and nano-scale optoelectronic devices, to enable high performance and versatile applications in biomedicine.



How to build a sustainable lifestyle?



1. Focus on gender equality, responsible consumption and production, quality education and sustainable cities and communities within the 17 SDGs of the United Nations, and build a sustainable way of life in modern society.

2. Measuring and evaluating the process and effect of sustainable development goals of a region or country objectively and scientifically by information technology and big data methods.


曲  炜


QU Wei, Doctor of Law, China University of Political Science and Law, is currently the director of the Global Learning Center of the School of Social Sciences of Tsinghua University and the Chinese leader of the IUP project (a talent training and academic exchange project jointly implemented by 11 world-class universities such as Tsinghua University, Yale University, and Stanford University). He is responsible for developing and implementing cooperation with central ministries and commissions, local governments, large enterprises, financial institutions, overseas universities, and international organizations. Additionally, He created the "Horizon Program for Global Youth Development," committed to providing support and assistance for young people to participate in global governance and sustainable development. He worked in the central ministries and commissions for 13 years.Furthermore, he has served as the liaison of the national research and implementation of the "United Nations Convention against Corruption" work coordination group, WTO trade policy review inter-ministerial working group, and other institutions, participating in the relevant work of each working group and negotiations and consultations with the Working Group on the Implementation Review Mechanism of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, the WTO Secretariat Working Group and the US Department of Commerce. 



Communicating for Health and Sustainable Development


As the world enters the third year of living with COVID-19, we reflect on how to achieve a sustainable and inclusive recovery from the pandemic. Productive actions and creative solutions are urgently needed as we face the triple planetary crisis of climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste, described as “our number one existential threat” that needs “an urgent, all-out effort to turn things around” by the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres. This SDG theme seeks to catalyze transformative changes through communication efforts in our relationship with nature. It also places a strong focus on meaningful engagement and addressing our intergenerational responsibility for a healthy planet and sustainable development.

6.png师 Hack Le

匡  恺

匡恺,清华大学新闻与传播学院副教授、博士生导师,国际研究生项目主任;全球发展与健康传播研究中心项目主任。现任国际传播学权威刊物Human Communication Research (SSCI)编委以及健康传播研究旗舰刊物Health Communication (SSCI)编委,美国传播学会(NCA)人际传播方向执行董事会成员,曾任国际传播学会(ICA)健康传播方向执行董事会成员(2019-2021)。在国际传播学期刊Journal of Communication, Communication Research, Communication Theory等发表论文20余篇,数次获得国际传播学会(ICA)及美国传播学会(NCA)最佳论文奖。


KUANG Kai (PhD, Purdue University) is Associate Professor of Communication at the School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua University. Dr. Kuang publishes in top-tier journals including Journal of Communication, Communication Research, Communication Theory.  She serves on the Editorial Board of Human Communication Researchand Health Communication, two flagship journals in the discipline of communication studies. She is an Executive Board member of National Communication Association’s (NCA) Interpersonal Communication Division and a past Executive Board member of International Communication Association’s (ICA) Health Communication Division. Dr. Kuang is the recipient of NCA’s Gerald R. Miller Dissertation Award and multiple Top Paper Awards from ICA and NCA.

Research Interests: Health Communication, Health Psychology, Interpersonal Communication



How AI can help us build an intelligent and sustainable future?


AI technologies are rapidly transforming our world, but there are concerns over how to balance their benefits and potential risks. More efforts and investments are needed to steer the technology towards achieving the sustainable development and making AI beneficial for all. This hack aims to bring teams of passionate young people worldwide eager to harness AI technologies to tackle real-world problems, to embark on a learning journey together.


梁  正


在National Science Review, Journal of Informetrics, World Economy等国内外学术期刊上发表论文超过70篇,出版各类著作30余部,先后获第八届高等学校科学研究优秀成果一等奖,中国科学学与科技政策研究会优秀青年奖等多项奖励。参与完成国家中长期科技发展规划战略研究,中科院知识创新工程试点评估、科技部—OECD合作中国国家创新体系研究,国家自然科学基金“十二五”、“十三五”发展规划战略研究多项国家级重大咨询和国际科技合作重点课题。

Dr. LIANG Zheng now serves as the Professor of the School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, as well as the research fellow and vice president of Institute for AI International Governance, Tsinghua University (AIGI),the research fellow and deputy director of China Institute for Science &Technology Policy at Tsinghua University (CISTP).

Dr. Liang got his doctor’s degree of economics at Nankai University (2003) and accomplished the senior executive training program on leadership at Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (2010). He had visited at MIT Industrial Performance Center (MIT IPC) as the Fulbright Visiting Research Scholar for one year (2012).

The main areas of his research now focus on Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Globalization of R&D, IPRs and Standardization, Emerging Technology and Innovation Governance etc. Besides academic publishing on peer review journals such as National Science Review, Journal of Informetrics, World Economy etc. Dr. Liang also participated in some important research projects such as the Strategic Research for National Medium and Long Term Science and Technology Development Program (MLP) of China. He used to be the member of National Innovation Survey Expert Group (2014-2017), as well as the member of Sino-US Innovation Dialogue Expert Group (2015-2018).


肖  茜





XIAO Qian is the Vice Dean of the Institute for AI International Governance (I-AIIG) and Deputy Director of the Center for International Security and Strategy (CISS) at Tsinghua University.

From 2003 to 2014, she served in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as the Chinese Embassies in Russia and in the UK as Third Secretary, Second Secretary and First Secretary. She joined the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) in 2015, where she contributed to parliamentary engagement and work related to the NPC Spokesperson’s Office.

From 2015 onwards, she has been engaged in the establishment of the National Institute for Global Strategy of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and its subsequent operation, where she worked on the organization of a series of events including U.S.-China Manor Forum, Joint U.S.-China Think Tank Project, U.S.-China High-level Experts Dialogue, and Weekend Forum on Security and Strategy.

In January 2019, Ms. Xiao joined Tsinghua University in the establishment and development of CISS and I-AIIG. In addition, she is the Vice Dean of International Affairs, Tsinghua University.



The Metaverse and Sustainable Development of Healthy Cities and Communities





How to achieve healthy, environmentally-friendly sustainable development of cities and communities with limited resources is a common challenge faced by us. A healthy city is the future blueprint of urban cities and an important path to realize the sustainable development of human society. For building a healthy city, technology is the most powerful tool.

The global COVID-19 pandemic that began in 2019 has greatly changed our living habits in the real world, while at the same time, telecommuting, homeschooling, online shopping, online socializing and other online behaviors have boomed. The distance between humans and the digital world is getting closer and closer.

The Metaverse, where you can immerse in a personal imaginary world like the "Little Prince", interact with real people far away, or seek more opportunities in a digital world that exceeds the scale of existing cities or residential communities in the real world, has already caught our eyes. The Metaverse will affect the real world and real life of human beings more and more widely and deeply.

The Metaverse born from the sci-fi world integrates the achievements of information technology, artificial intelligence, cloud computing power, big data, blockchain, and virtual reality technology including VR\AR\MR and game engines. A digital world that is parallel to the real world has already been near at hand. In the symbiosis of virtuality and reality, how will human beings and the planet they live on achieve sustainable development?


杜  霞

杜霞女士现任清华经管动态竞争与创新战略研究中心研究员。她曾先后在国有企业和跨国公司有近20年中高层管理经历,并兼任清华x-lab创业导师。她在业务发展战略、新产品开发及市场战略、市场营销、大客户关系、业务运营、项目投融资等领域拥有丰富的管理经验。已辅导过100+团队及项目,领域涵盖智能制造、智慧城市、智慧交通、智能生活、健康医疗、信息技术及互联网、教育文创、能源环保等,帮助部分项目获奖及融资。她曾担任清华大学SDG Open Hack(2019 & 2020)以及清华大学全球暑校(2021)Hackathon的主讲教师。杜霞女士本科毕业于天津大学化学工程系,获化学工程专业学士学位;硕士毕业于清华大学经济管理学院,获清华-麻省理工大学国际MBA硕士学位。

DU Xia (Sherry) is the researcher of Research Center for Competitive Dynamics and Innovation Strategy, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University. She has 20 years of industrial and management experience for both state-owned company and foreign companies, including Sinopec, Roland Berger, KG and SFC. She once was the Head of the Process, Strategic Management Consultant, China BD Manager, Senior BD Manager, and General Manager of China.

She has accumulated rich management experience in business development strategy, new product development and marketing strategy, key account management, operations management, business investment and financing in different fields covering smart manufacturing, smart city & transportation, smart life, health care, information technology and Internet, education, cultural and creative, new energy and environmental protection, etc. and has coached more than 100 projects and start-up teams and helped some of them win awards and financing.

She has served as a lecturer for Tsinghua University SDG Open Hack (2019 & 2020) and Tsinghua Global Summer School (2021) Hackathon.

She has graduated from Tianjin University with a bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering, and got her master degree in the International MBA program of Tsinghua University and MIT.



Digital transformation for a more inclusive university campus and learning environment



Inclusive education is a challenge for university systems. Among the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Goal 4 “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” is promoting a global 2030 agenda for the effective recognition of the rights of all people and the construction of a cohesive society that respects the principle of equal opportunities and non-discrimination.

When universities are identified with the principles of inclusion, diversity is valued, recognizing that there are different ways of learning and that all students bring things of value to the learning environment. In addition, it removes barriers linked to exclusionary practices and works proactively to respond to the needs of all learners. Inclusive practices can enrich the curriculum and the success of all students. Learning-centered approaches and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) have been shown to be effective in inclusive contexts. However, moves towards inclusion are taking place at different rates in different countries. Digital technology has considerable, but largely unused potential to support inclusive education of disabled people and other minority groups. In particular it can provide multiple means of presenting, representing and expressing learning and through assistive technology (AT) enable disabled learners to overcome barriers they would otherwise experience to participating in the curriculum. It also has the potential to increase enjoyment and motivation. Online education has potential to increase educational access too. Regardless, the major challenge remains that not all the initiatives consider the needs of disabled people.




Enoch WONG is from Hong Kong, China, and currently a Senior Manager of Online Education and International Cooperation at Tsinghua University and the Assistant Secretary-General of the Global MOOC and Online Education Alliance. He studied in the UK for 10 years, and has worked in 7 countries across Asia, Europe and Africa. He was a Swire Scholar and graduated from the University of Warwick with BSc. MORSE (Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics) and a Schwarzman Scholar at Tsinghua University. After a brief tenure at McKinsey’s London office and then working at the world’s largest youth leadership non-for-profit and world’s largest private education company as their Head of B2B Marketing for Asia and coordinating academic research with Harvard, Cambridge and Peking University, he continued to pursue his passion and co-founded 3 educational start-ups. As a result, he was selected to represent China at the UN Youth Forum, and as a Global Shaper and the Advisory Council Steering Committee by the World Economic Forum (Davos). He is also a mentor and a guest lecturer across over 30 countries on the topics of design thinking, innovation and entrepreneurship.



Create decent job opportunities for the youth

本赛场,我们将聚焦于SDG 8促进持久、包容和可持续的经济增长,促进充分的生产性就业和人人获得体面工作,并尝试应对2019年以来因冠状病毒扰乱了数十亿人的生活,全球近一半的劳动力面临失去生计的挑战。




In this hacking cohort, we focus on the SDG 8 to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all, and attempt to tackle the challenge that nearly half of the world's workforce is facing the loss of livelihoods due to coronavirus disrupting the lives of billions of people.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a historic recession with record levels of deprivation and unemployment, creating an unprecedented human crisis that is hitting the poorest hardest.

Nearly 2.2 billion people around the world live below the $2 poverty line. From 2016 to 2030, the global labor market needs to add 470 million jobs to keep up with the growth of the global working age population, and the labor market needs to add 30 million jobs every year. In addition to creating job opportunities, we need to improve the situation of some 780 million women and men who have jobs but do not earn enough money to lift themselves and their families out of poverty.

Decent work means opportunities for everyone to get work that is productive and delivers a fair income, security in the workplace and social protection for families, better prospects for personal development and social integration. A continued lack of decent work opportunities, insufficient investments and under-consumption lead to an erosion of the basic social contract underlying healthy and stable societies.

We call for positive actions to advance the relevant Sustainable Development Goals, ensure a dignified life for all and share prosperity on a clean and healthy earth. Science, technology and innovation must become tools for social inclusion, poverty eradication and sustainable development. Therefore, we should put our heads together and explore breakthrough solutions.



毛东辉目前担任SDG开放创新马拉松中国执委会的执行主任,致力于促进中国和国际高校将可持续发展目标(Sustainable Development Goals,  SDGs)教育与创新创业教育相融合,为社会培养具备可持续创业理念的新一代人才。



MAO Donghui (Pearl) currently holds the position of Executive Director with the China Steering Committee for SDG Open Innovation Hackathon. In her role, she helps to promote the integration of education for the SDGs and innovation & entrepreneurship education in Chinese and international universities. The objective is to cultivate a new generation of talents with the mindset and capabilities for sustainable entrepreneurship as well as workforce.

She initiated and served as the director of Tsinghua x-lab for eight years, and spearheaded the action-based innovation and entrepreneurship education paradigm which led to entrepreneurship education of Tsinghua University having a leading influence in colleges and universities all over China and beyond.

In 2019, Pearl initiated the "SDG Open Innovation Hackathon Challenge" which was participated by more than 500 students at Tsinghua and successfully explored the innovative teaching approach of large-scale, cross-disciplinary and sustainable entrepreneurship. As of to-date, three consecutive SDG Open Hackathons are broadly well received with excellent evaluation and feedback from participating students.

Prior to her role with Tsinghua x-lab, Pearl served as Executive Director of MBA Programs and Director of the Career Development Center and in the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University for ten years. She received a bachelor's degree in microbiology from Wuhan University and a master's degree from Thunderbird School of Global Management.



How to Create Smarter and Healthier Community Life Circle?


The health of human-being and our planet are incessantly interlinked, and such links often exist in the context of buildings, communities, and cities. How can we make future cities more responsive to sustainable development and smart technology? This track invites students to envision future living and explore ideas in architecture, urban planning, and landscape architecture, which collectively contribute to planetary health with better understandings in future human settlements.  



韦诗誉,清华大学建筑学院讲师、系主任助理,清华大学建筑学学士、博士,瑞士苏黎世联邦理工大学访问学者,长期从事建筑设计及其理论研究。参与设计作品获“亚洲建筑师协会建筑大奖”银奖、铜奖,“世界建筑节大奖”入围奖,“中国建筑学会建筑创作奖”金奖等,参与设计作品应邀参加南非德班“第二十五届世界建筑师大会中国建筑展”、英国“从北京到伦敦/中国当代建筑16人展” 、意大利罗马“向东方 /中国建筑展”及在美国、德国、法国、中国香港等不同国家和地区举办的国际性展览。自2018年起每年于北京国际设计周主持举办“乡见”专题展览。主持国家级、省部级科研项目多项,出版专著、译著5部,在建筑学报、IGC等重要学术期刊与国际会议发表文章30余篇。

WEI Shiyu is Lecturer at School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, China and Academic Guest at Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. She has Bachelor and Doctor Degrees in architecture from Tsinghua University. Shiyu Wei has long been engaged in architectural design and theory. Her participating design works have been rewarded global awards, including Honorable Mention of Architects Regional Council Asia Awards for Architecture (ARCASIA), Shortlist of World Architectural Festival Award (WAF), and First Prize of Architectural Design Award of the Architecture Society of China. Her participating design works have also been invited to a great many international exhibitions including XXV International Union of Architects World Congress Exhibition, South Africa, From Beijing to London: 16 Contemporary Chinese Architects Exhibition, England, VERSO EST. Chinese Architectural Landscape Exhibition , Rome, and many other exhibitions in the United States, Germany, France, Hong Kong and so on. She is also the curator of the annual exhibition “Into Countryside” at Beijing International Design Week from 2018. She is the author of 5 books, and more than 30 papers published in academic journals and international conferences.






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