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#去世界之窗的英文作文| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


关于”去世界之窗“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:To the window of the world。以下是关于去世界之窗的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:To the window of the world

Window of the world is a theme park located in the west of Shenzhen city. It has copies of some of the world's most famous tourist attractions, covering several hectares. The Eiffel Tower stands on the skyline, part of the pyramids and the Taj Mahal.

The theme park has a slightly kitsch charm, as well as a variety of international restaurants and small exhibitions of celebrities in the window of world history. You can taste Mexican food, visit Niagara Falls, and then walk around Angkor Wat. It takes at least half a day to explore, with fireworks and laser displays at the end of each day.

In the evening, "Alpine indoor skiing" provides skiing and snow pipes, and visitors can enjoy the "passionate Paris night" in "Caesar Palace".





Please note, I have something to do on May 1, that is, next Saturday. On that day, we will visit the window of the world. We will gather at the school gate at 6 a.m.

and then take the bus to set out. Everyone has to wear school uniform, bring water and lunch. After entering the window of the world, we need to pay RMB as admission fee.

We are free to view and take photos. We will be in the next Come back by bus at six o'clock in the afternoon. Don't be late.

Thank you. Can I get your attention? Next Saturday we are going to visit the window of the world. We will meet at the school gate on Monday, May 1st, and then go there by bus.

We are all required to pay RMB to buy tickets, wear school uniforms, drink water and have lunch by ourselves after entering the window of the world. We are free to visit and take photos. We will come back by bus in the afternoon.

Don't be late. Thank you for your attention.





Dear students, I have good news to tell you next week that we are going to visit the window of the world. Please get some requirements: first, we set out at the gate of the school bus on Monday morning in May. Second, everyone has to pay a ticket of 30 yuan.

Everyone must wear school uniform. Everyone must bring water and lunch. Third, students can visit students freely after entering the window of the world The first four o'clock is that we will take the bus back to school at o'clock and ask the students to arrive on time and not to be late.



本文网址: https://www.baobaoyingyu.cn/zuowen/e7n87ayo.html





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