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2024-07-09 22:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

中国著名景点英语作文_考研高分英语作文4篇 作者:勇敢小白 • 2023-11-16 02:02:52 • 阅读 807

关于”中国著名景点“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Chinese famous attractions。以下是关于中国著名景点的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”中国著名景点“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Chinese famous attractions。以下是关于中国著名景点的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Chinese famous attractions

(Broadway) (Bronx Zoo) (Brooklyn Bridge (Metropolitan Museum of Art) (central station) (Empire State Building) (Fifth Avenue) (flushing, Queens) (Columbia University th Street) (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum) (Wall Street) (Carnegie Hall) (United Nations Headquarters) (Lincoln Center) (East Village) (Greenwich Village) (Harlem, North Manhattan) (SoHo) (Upper East Side) (Upper West Side) (Chinatown) (American Museum of natural history) (New York University District and Washington Square Park) (New York Second Avenue Public Library) (World Trade Center) (New York Stock Exchange) (New York Botanical Garden) George Washington Bridge) (Times Square and Madison Square Garden (MSG (History Templeton Island Ferry) (Museum of modern art MOMA) (Central Park) (statue of Liberty) (Rockefeller Center, New York).




Xinhaoshan park is meters above sea level. It was originally named dashishan. After the German army built a navigation signal station on the top of the mountain, it was transformed into one of the ten Mountain Parks in Qingdao in the following year.

The mushroom shaped dome symbolizes the ancient torch used to transmit signals. Tourists can overlook the Princess Palace from the top of the mountain. It is said that this building was built by the Danish Consul General in Qingdao for the princess of Denmark, so it is named Princess House Built in, with a total area of more than meters, the main building is a typical European Gothic style and is listed as a key cultural relic protection unit in Shandong Province.

Qingdao Tianhou temple was built in the third year of Chenghua in the Ming Dynasty. Before the establishment of Qingdao as a key cultural relic protection unit of the provincial government, the temple is not only a famous cultural relic integrating the celestial culture, marine culture and folk culture, but also a historical site It is a vivid miniature of the Qingdao munil government's huge investment in repairing the ancient buildings in Qingdao's coastal area. It is named Qingdao Folk Museum, with a building area of square meters.

It has two courtyards and a worship hall including Tianhou hall. The Dragon King Hall and the official palace contain statues of marquis, Dragon King, Wenwu and the God of wealth. Other halls are open to the public all year round for display Tianhou culture, folk handicrafts and folk customs held by Tianhou temple, a folk museum, are a famous cultural tourist attraction in Qingdao City, and an important base for the study of Qingdao's folk customs.




China is a vast country with a rich history and diverse culture. It is home to many famous landmarks and scenic spots that attract tourists from all over the world. In this essay, I would like to introduce a few of the most renowned attractions in China.

The Great Wall of China is the most iconic symbol of China. Built over 2,000 years ago, it stretches for thousands of miles across the country. The Great Wall not only served as a border defense but also showcases the ancient Chinese architectural skills. It is a must-visit destination for anyone who wants to experience China's history and marvel at its majestic beauty.

The Forbidden City, located in the heart of Beijing, was the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties. With its exquisite architecture and grandeur, it is one of the best-preserved imperial palace complexes in the world. Walking through its vast courtyards and ornate halls, visitors can immerse themselves in the splendor and glory of ancient Chinese emperors.

The Terracotta Army in Xi'an is another remarkable attraction. Discovered in 1974, this army of life-sized terracotta warriors and horses was buried with China's first emperor, Qin Shi Huang. The craftsmanship and attention to detail of each individual statue are truly awe-inspiring. It is a testament to the ancient Chinese belief in the afterlife and the emperor's desire to retain his power in the world beyond.

The picturesque Li River in Guilin is renowned for its stunning karst landscapes. Cruising along the river, visitors can enjoy the breathtaking views of limestone peaks, bamboo groves, and traditional fishing villages. The natural beauty of the Li River has inspired countless poets and painters throughout Chinese history.

The Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet, is a sacred site and a masterpiece of Tibetan architecture. It was once the winter residence of the Dalai Lama and is now a popular pilgrimage destination for Buddhists. With its golden roofs, red and white walls, and intricate murals, the Potala Palace is a majestic and spiritual place that reflects the unique Tibetan culture and religious traditions.

In conclusion, China is blessed with numerous famous landmarks and scenic spots that offer visitors a glimpse into its rich history and vibrant culture. Whether it's the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Terracotta Army, the Li River, or the Potala Palace, each attraction represents a different aspect of China's beauty and heritage. Exploring these sites is not only a journey through the past but also an opportunity to appreciate the grandeur and diversity of China.









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