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2024-07-13 06:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

   淮安市第一人民医院,又名南京医科大学附属淮安第一医院,坐落于苏北平原腹地、是一代伟人周恩来总理故乡。1950年在扬州何园成立,当时名曰:“中国人民解放军苏北军区医院”。1951年搬迁到淮安湖心寺,1958年搬进现在的淮安市淮阴区王营镇。历经几代人的努力,目前已成为淮安市规模最大、技术力量最雄厚的一所集医、教、研、防为一体的三级甲等综合医院。淮安市第一人民医院是也是徐州医学院、扬州医学院临床教学医院,南京医科大学研究生培养基地,国家级博士后科研工作站,国家药物临床试验机构、江苏省博士后科研工作站、卫生部指定的国际紧急救援中心网络医院、淮安市第一红十字医院。     至2012年4月底,医院总院占地面积为13.25万平方米,建筑总面积为9.04万平方米。床位编制1552张,开放床位2200张。在职职工1361人,2011年门急诊量128万人次,住院病人数5.83万人次,住院手术2.28万台次。高级职称311人,其中正高级职称103人,副高级职称208名。拥有博士后4人、博士28人、硕士240人;博士生导师1人,硕士生导师56人。医院另设四个分院,分别位于市区东部、西部、南部及中心地带,形成布局合理的三甲综合医院既解决高精尖技术又直接服务社区的医疗改革新格局。 医院专科设置齐全,已建成临床二、三级专科33个,病区40个,主要医技科室10个,拥有淮安市食管癌防治、临床检验、放射免疫检测、糖尿病诊疗、医学信息、孕产妇急危重症救治等6个技术中心和血液病研究所、肿瘤研究所、中心实验室等医学重点科研单位。     医院先后与韩国高丽大学医学中心、德国雷沃库森医院、北京安贞医院、瑞典卡罗琳斯卡医学院、加拿大西安大略大学等国内外知名医疗机构建立了友好合作关系,定期进行学术交流。2004年9月与韩国高丽大学附属安岩医院共同创建了江苏省首家中韩合作“心脏血管研究所”。2007年与中国医学科学院肿瘤研究所达成合作意向,在我院正式成立“中国医学科学院肿瘤研究所肿瘤治疗协作中心”。2008年与瑞典卡罗琳斯卡医学院临床研究中心达成合作意向。医院每年选派50人次出国出境学习交流。通过对外交流合作,有力推动了医院整体科技的进步和高层次技术人才的培养。 注重学科建设,医院重点建设了一批学科梯队好,专业特色明显的学科,部分学科在省内具有一定的影响,在苏北地区处于领先地位。     省级临床重点专科2个:血液内科、普通外科(包括肝胆外科、胃肠外科、甲状腺乳腺外科);     省级临床重点专科建设单位2个(内分泌科、肾脏内科);     市级临床重点专科16个:肿瘤内科、医学检验中心、医学影像科、心脏内科、心胸外科、泌尿外科、妇产科、耳鼻咽喉科、免疫风湿科、神经外科、病理科、骨  科、烧伤科、消化内科、放射治疗科、神经内科。     南京医科大学重点学科1个——血液科,     研究生培养硕士点21个——血液科、心胸外科、肿瘤内科、神经外科、儿科、普外科、泌尿外科、内分泌科、神经内科、检验科、影像科、呼吸科、老年科等等。 近年来,医院相继开展了Bentall手术、心脏不停跳下冠状动脉搭桥、肾移植、异体外周血干细胞移植、干细胞脑内植入术、Glisson蒂横断式精准干切除术等一大批高难技术。微创外科技术迅速发展,开展腹腔镜下肝、脾、胃、肠、甲状腺、肾脏、子宫等脏器切除术,胸腔镜下肺、食管、纵隔等脏器切除术。开展各种介入诊疗技术,如外周动脉内支架,急诊PTCA+冠状动脉支架术,海绵窦动静瘘栓塞术、肥厚梗阻型心肌病室间膈化学消融,先天性心脏病的介入诊疗,引进并开展超声内镜下粘膜下病变及早期癌的诊断及治疗。     医院近3年,医院获得国家自然科研基金、国家青年自然科研基金项目,参与国家级课题研究4项,省部级科研课题12项,市厅级科研课题32项,南医大校基金13项,获省科技进步三等奖在内的市以上科技成果80项,SCI收录论文17篇,省级以上杂志发表论文1500多篇。     医院拥有德国西门子直线加速器(ONCOR和PRIMUS-E)、单排CT 、16排螺旋CT、双源CT、磁共振2台、AXIOM Artis FA大型 DSA、心脏专用C臂平板DSA、双探头ECT等大型乙类设备十一台套;还有日本岛津Sonialvision Safire Ⅱ型多功能大平板X线机、岛津数字化胃肠机、三套珠海和佳HG(AS-L)型医用分子筛制氧系统、SC2000、S2000高档彩超等医疗设备千余套,资产总额达3亿元。     为改善病员住院条件和工作人员工作环境,着眼现代化医院高起点、高标准和拓展服务空间,一幢近12万㎡门急诊内科大楼正在兴建,以适应业务发展和覆盖2000万人口医疗、卫生、保健需要。     医院坚持“一切以病人为中心”,谨记“博爱、厚德、精诚、创新”之院训,不断增强服务意识、创新服务模式、提高服务质量。设置病区助理、推广示范病区等人性化的服务更是让患者充满温馨。1986年以来医院连续被评为省、市“文明单位”,两次被授予“全国卫生先进集体”,2000年被评为“江苏省十佳医院”,2002年获得了“江苏省服务质量奖”殊荣,2003年被江苏省消费者协会授予了“诚信单位”称号,2006年、2008、2009、2010、2011年五度获得淮安市委、市政府颁发的“公共服务行业行风建设先进单位”称号,2008年、2012年两次获得“全国医院文化建设先进单位”称号。2009年1-3季度,2010年全年在江苏省27所三级医院综合评价中荣获第一。2010年获得“全国改革创新医院”称号,2010年获得全省“全面改善医疗服务加强医德医风建设先进单位”称号,2011年度在全省27所三级综合医院综合评价中荣获第一,2012年4月获得“江苏省五一劳动奖状”。     观乎人文以化成天下,医院坚持以人为本,努力养成患者满意、员工满意的良好运行状态,以雄健的步伐在苏北大地上阔步前行。                                                                   医 院 概 况 A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO HUAIAN NO.1 PEOPLE'S HOSPITAL AFFILIATED TO NANJING MEDICAL UNIVERSITY Huaian No.1 People's Hospital affiliated to Nanjing Medical University,located in the centre interland of North Jiangsu Plain –the hometown of the late premier Zhou Enlai,was founded in HeYuan,Yangzhou in 1950,whose original name is North Jiangsu Military Region Hospital.In 1951,the hospital was moved to Huxin Temple,Huaian City,and in 1958 to the present location.Several generations' efforts have made it the largest A-level,Grade-III,level-A comprehensive hospital in Huaian municipal.The hospital boasts the most abundant technical resources,integrated with treatment,teaching,scientific research and prevented health care.As a hospital affiliated to Nanjing Medical University,it is also a clinical teaching hospital for Xuzhou Medical College and Yangzhou Medical College.Moreover,it serves as a postgraduate educational-training base,Institutions Of NationalDrugClinicalTrials、Post-doctoralProgrammeinJiangsu,a edicine-clinical-practice institution and a postdoctoral research office of Nanjing Medical University,as well as one of the international emergency rescue hospitals appointed by Health Department of China.Accordingly,it is also named First Red Cross Hospital of Huaian. The hospital covers an area of 132,500 square meters and possesses a construction area of 90,000 square meters ( The clinic%emergency department building under construction has a construction area of about 110,000 square meters).It holds 1,200 beds,has 1,372 staff,treats 1.15 million out-patients,hospitalizes 42,000 patients and conducts 18,000 operations every year.It has 285 professional technicians,including 91 chief doctors and 189 associate chief doctors,as well as 2 postdoctoral researchers,23 doctors,186 masters and 23 graduate tutors.It also owns four branch-hospitals,located in the east,west,south of the urban district and the center of the city respectively,forming a rational distribution of community health care network. The hospital has established a complete range of specialized departments,which covers 33 clinic specialties at Level II and III,40 wards,37 departments.It has also set up a hematological research institute,a central laboratory and 5 medical technical centers such as Huaian Clinical Examination Center,Huaian Radio-immunity Test Center,Huaian Diabetes Center ,Medical Information Centre and Huaian Emergency Centre of Critically-ill Pregnant and In-lying Women. The hospital attaches an importance to disciplinary construction.As a result,it has set up a number of key disciplines with a sound talent-structure and marked specialty features,some of which have exerted certain influence in Jiangsu province and taken the leading position in North Jiangsu. The hospital has set up 2 provincial key clinical specialties: Department of Hematology and Department of General Surgery.Department of Neurosurgery and Department of oncology are striving to be the provincial key clinical specialties in the near future.Meanwhile,the hospital has 14 municipal key clinical specialties,including Department of Neurosurgery,Department of General Surgery,Department of Cardio- Chest Surgery,Department of Orthopedics,Department of Urinary Surgery,Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics,Department of Haematology,Department of Oncology,Department of Cardiology,Department of Endocrinology,Department of Neurology,Department of Radiotheraphy,Department of Image and Department of clinical Laboratory. Department of Hematology is evaluated as a key specialty in Nanjing Medical University.In addition,the master-degree programmes of NMU cover 13 departments in Huaian No.1 People's Hospital,such as Departments of Hematology,Cardio- Chest Surgery,Oncology,Neurosurgery,Pediatrics,General Surgery,Urinary Surgery,Endocrinology,Neurology,Clinical Laboratory Medicine,Image Medicine,Pneumology,Geriatrics. We have established good relationships and kept regular academic communications with Medical Centre of Corea University of Korea,Klinikum Leverkusen of Germany,Beijing Anzhen Hospital,Karolinska Institute of Sweden and other renowned medical organizations.The Research Institute of Angiocarpy was founded along with Anam Hospital of Corea University in September,2004,which was the first Sino-Korean medical institution in Jiangsu province.In 2007,the Oncotherapy Cooperation Centre of Institute of Oncology was set up in our hospital,as a fruit of cooperation with Academy of Medical Science of China.In 2008,we approached an agreement with Karolinska Institute (Sweden) to cooperate.We select and dispatch 50 persons every year to study abroad.All these are very helpful to the hospital's progress in medical technique and the cultivation of advanced technicians. In recent years,the hospital has performed a large number of high-level technology operations,including Bentall operation,coronary artery bypass in the beating heart,renal transplantation,allogeneic peripheral blood stem cells transplantation,stem cells transplantation for the brain disease,and Glisson pedicle cross-sectional and precise excision of the liver.Furthermore,the minimally invasive surgical techniques are rapidly developed.For example,the laparoscopy is conducted in the resection of liver,spleen,stomach,intestine,thyroid,kidney,uterine and other organ,and meanwhile,the thoracoscopy is conducted in the resection of lung,esophagus,mediastinum and other organs.The hospital also has carried out a variety of interventional techniques,such as peripheral arterial stenting,PTCA plus coronary stenting in emergency,embolization of static fistula in cavernous sinus,hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy interventricular septal ablation,interventional treatment of congenital heart disease.In addition,we have introduced and developed diagnosis and treatment of submucosal lesions and early cancer under ultrasound endoscopy. In the last 3 years,the hospital staff has participated in 4 national research projects,12 provincial and ministerial research projects,32 municipal-level research projects and got 13 research grants from Nanjing Medical University.The hospital has got 80 scientific and technological awards,more than 1000 publications,including 14 SCI papers. The hospital has linear accelerator,Somatom Sensation16 spiral CT,Somatom Sensation64 spiral CT,Dual Source CT,Siemens Magnetom Avant 1.5T,3.0T MRI,AXIOM Artis FA DSA,Siemens ECT (dual head),Shimadzu DAR-3000 digital gastrointestinal detect machine,OLYMPUSL AU2700 automatic biochemical analyzer,ALICE Automatic enzyme immunoassay analyzer and flow cytometry.Totally,the hospital has 912 pieces of sophisticated equipment (worth over 10,000 yuan),and their total assets reach more than 600 million yuan. For the purpose of setting up a modern hospital,the emergency department building with an area of 50,000 square meters and the medicine building with an area of 40,000 square meters are under construction.With these new buildings,the hospital will greatly improve the hospitalization conditions and the work environment,meet the business development and provides best-service to meet the 20 million people's health demand. The hospital adheres to the "patient-oriented " service,bears in mind that "humanity,morality,sincerity,innovation" in hospital training,growing awareness of service,innovative model to improve the quality of service.Setting ward assistant model and promoting humanization services make it possible for patients to have a feeling at home.For 20 consecutive years,the hospital has been awarded provincial and municipal "civilized unit".It has been awarded the "National Health advanced group" twice and was named "the top ten hospitals in Jiangsu Province" in 2000; the “best service in Jiangsu Province" in 2002; the "integrity unit" in 2003; the title of "Public Service Style Construction industry advanced unit" in 2006,2008 and 2009 respectively; the "National Advanced Unit of the hospital culture" title in 2008.In the first three quarters of 2009 and the first quarter of 2010,the hospital won the No.1 position in the comprehensive evaluation in 27 tertiary hospitals in Jiangsu Province. Currently,the full-featured,well-equipped,technology-advanced and service-excellent hospital is taking vigorous forwarding steps in the north part of Jiangsu area.The staff of Huaian No.1 Hospital is enthusiastic,hard working,and positively walks towards the brilliant future!





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