
您所在的位置:网站首页 海外交流活动英语怎么说 “团建”冲上热搜,远程办公的老外都怎么团建的?


2024-07-14 12:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

“团建”冲上热搜,远程办公的老外都怎么团建的? Remote Team Building In The Age Of Virtual Collaboration

中国日报双语新闻 2021-01-25 11:14

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团建 (team building / team bonding) 无处不在。校园素拓、工会活动、集体生日趴等等都属于这类。出发点自然是好的:让组员意识到团队力量和有效沟通的重要性。不过公共空间难免有不同声音,微博话题 #为什么大部分人不喜欢团建# 有着4亿阅读量。

Photo by Belle Co from Pexels


❶ 有些同事合不来 disagreeable colleagues❷ 占用假期,形同加班 days off occupied❸ 酒文化,劝酒难挡 being urged to drink ❹ 换个地方开会 just another form of meetings❺ 强制性,不参加扣工资 compulsory and pay cuts apply on absence



周末静修Weekend retreats

Weekend retreats include yoga, massage, and meditation workshops.周末的静修活动包括瑜伽、按摩、以及冥想工作坊。

坐地起身Partner standing challenges

Pairs sit back-to-back, arms linked and have to stand up together.两个人背靠背坐着,手臂从背后挽住,需要一起站起来。

信任后倒Trust fallsIn a trust fall, a person deliberately falls backwards, trusting the members of a group to catch them, and in doing so, increasing trust.一个人需要故意往后倒,相信后面的组员会接住这个人,这么做会增加信任感。

攀岩Rock climbing

Rock climbing is a sport in which participants climb up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls.参加攀岩活动的人在自然岩石或者人工岩墙上上下爬行或者横着爬行。


Paintballing is a competitive team shooting sport in which players eliminate opponents from play by hitting them with spherical dye-filled gelatin capsules called paintballs that break upon impact. Paintballs are usually shot using low-energy air weapons called paintball markers that are powered by compressed air (nitrogen) or carbon dioxide and were originally designed for remotely marking trees and cattle.彩弹射击是一项竞技性团体射击运动,玩家们用一种被称为彩弹的球形染色明胶胶囊击打对手,以此在比赛中淘汰对手。玩家通常使用被称为彩弹标记器的低能气枪来射击,这种气枪由压缩空气(氮气)或二氧化碳为其提供动力,最初设计用于远程标记树木和牛。

剧本杀Jubensha – Script murder

A jubensha is a role-playing murder mystery activity that has become highly popular among young urban Chinese. 剧本杀是一项凶案角色扮演游戏,在城市年轻人群中十分流行。

Sessions of script murder, which take place in specialist escape room-style venues, cost up to 300 yuan per person and take over four hours. Players are each given a character with a complex backstory and costume, and are then thrown into an immersive environment to rummage around for clues and interact with other characters as they attempt to solve a crime.剧本杀的场地是专门的密室逃脱风格,每人需要花最多300块以及四小时才能玩一局。玩家们每人都会分配到一个有复杂背景故事和服装的角色,接着就会进入到一个沉浸式的环境中,需要搜寻线索以及与其他角色互动来破解案件。

我从未……过Never have I ever

"Never Have I Ever" is a drinking game in which players take turns telling things they have not done. Other players who have done this thing respond by taking a drink.“我从未……过”是一个喝酒游戏。玩家需要轮流说出自己从来没干过的事情,在座的玩家要是有谁干过这件事就需要喝酒。




Facebook created an outdoor spy game where employees had to solve clues to "rescue" a co-worker or object that had been "stolen."Facebook创造了一个户外间谍游戏,员工必须在游戏中破解线索,才能“解救”被“偷走”的同事或物品。

Lyft "stranded" employees on a private San Francisco island. Team members had to build a communication device to make contact with the outside world and be "rescued."Lyft把员工“困在”旧金山一个私人岛屿上。队员们不得不打造一个通讯装置,与外界取得联系,并获得“解救”。



看下别人的家A peek into each other’s homes

This virtual team building exercise requires team members to virtually open their homes to one another.这个虚拟团建要求团队成员彼此开放展示他们的家。

Each team member will take a short video showing off their home and some of their favorite things. This activity allows team members to get to know one another on a more personal basis, and can lead to cohesiveness and feelings of camaraderie.每个队员都会拍一段短片,展示他们的家和一些他们最喜欢的东西。这项活动使团队成员能够在更个人化的基础上相互了解,并能产生凝聚力和友情。

猜猜这条是谁Personal facts guessing game

The manager asks each team member to share some personal facts with them.主管会要求每个团队成员与众人分享一些个人事实。

These facts will then be compiled onto a document that’s shared with each individual in the team. Next to each personal fact there’s an empty column where each employee will have to guess which team member the fact belongs to.这些事实将被汇编到一个文档中,共享给团队中的每个人。在每条个人事实旁边有一个空栏,每个员工都必须猜测这一条陈述属于哪个团队成员。

分享遗愿清单Share your bucket list

Each week, designate one person with the task of sharing their bucket list. Everyone listening can then spend a short amount of time discussing the bucket list— whether it’s comparing similarities or simply asking fun questions!每周指定一个人分享自己的清单。每个听的人都可以花很短的时间讨论这个清单——不管是比较相似之处还是简单地问一些有趣的问题!

两条真一条假Two truths and a lie

Each team member presents three statements about themselves: two truths and one that is false. The team can then take turns to recognize what’s true and what the lie is. After everyone has guessed, the speaker reveals their lie.每个团队成员给出三条与自己有关的陈述:两条真一条假。然后团队成员可以轮流来鉴别哪两条为真,哪一条为假。在每个人都猜完之后,主管就可以揭晓哪条是谎言了。





formation [fɔːrˈmeɪʃn] n 组成物;形成物nitrogen [ˈnaɪtrədʒən] n 氮气rummage [ˈrʌmɪdʒ] v 翻寻;乱翻;搜寻strand [strænd] v 使滞留;使搁浅

编辑:李雪晴实习生:纪璎笑Source: 微博, Forbes Entrepreneur Sixthtone等









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