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考研英语作文模板推荐,考研英语作文 模板

#考研英语作文模板推荐,考研英语作文 模板| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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Suppose Professor Smith asked you to plan a debate on the theme of city traffic. Write him an email to。

1) suggest a specific topic with your reasons, and。

2) tell him about your arrangements.。

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.。

Don’t use your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead. (10 points)。

通过阅读题目关键词 plan a debate on the theme of city traffic,suggest,reason, arrangements可以看出,我们这次的任务是一封建议/介绍信。任务是假设Professor Smith让你规划一次以城市交通为主题的的辩论会。要求我们写一封电子邮件,其中目的有两个:首先是辩论赛的主题,提出建议并且阐明原因;其次告诉对方你如何安排(可以自由发挥,建议大家写辩论赛举办的具体时间和地点)。接下来我们就来结合模板谈谈思路如何进行:

一般来说,我们在试卷的左上角表明对方职位和姓名:即Dear Professor Smith。注意:在这里英文书写一般用逗号不用冒号,切记!。

【模板】 接下来,在第一段我们要表明自己的目的:比如I am writing this e-mail to。

make suggestions for (doing) sth.(建议信)。

make a complaint about sth.(投诉信)。

seek some advice about sth.(咨询信)。

extend an invitation to sb. for sth.(邀请信)。

to answer your letter about sth.(回复信)。

recommend you sth.(推荐信)。

make an application for sth.(申请信)。

express my sincere gratitude.(感谢信)。

express my sincere congratulations.(祝贺信)。


基本句式: I am+身份+who+表示相关。

身份可选: student, undergraduate, graduate, resident, citizen, customer。

表示相关: who majors in…; who is in charge of…; who takes an interest in…;who is concerned about…; who has bought…


基本句式: It will be held in+地点+on+时间。

地点可选: in the hall, in the gym, in the playground, in the library.....。

时间可选: on May 20, on Sunday.....。


Dear Professor Smith,

I am writing this e-mail to you to suggest a topic for the debate on the theme of city traffic (来自题目要求,可以稍作改写). It is such a great honbor to arrange such an interesting activity. (这句话我们可以在建立类中直接套用,划线动词可以替换)。The debate will be held on May 20th in the student centre Room 203. (最后要交代时间和地点,初步完成写作任务之arrangement)。


The primary factors are as follows. Firstly, there is/are 原因(名词短语) in 事物,。

which will be of great value for you to 作用(do sth 要写动词原形) . What is more, the。

fact that 原因(要写完整结构的句子) contributes to 作用(写 V-ing 短语或 N 词短语形式。


Dear Professor Smith,

I am writing this e-mail to you to suggest a topic for the debate on the theme of city traffic. It is such a great honbor to arrange such an interesting activity. 。The debate will be held on May 20th in the student centre Room 203.。

The theme of the debate could be “Should Private Car Owners be Accountable for the Traffic Jam” (二段首句直接引出任务一话题:辩论会的主题,注意双引号和首字母大写) The primary factors are as follows. Firstly, there are public concerns in city traffic jams, which will be of great value for us to discuss (结尾处动词可以结合话题稍微灵活处理). What is more, the fact that individual factors might be involved (结合我们设定的话题“个人车主是否应该对交通堵塞负责”) contributes to the solution of the problem.。


① I sincerely/really hope that my advice(建议信);complaint(投诉信);Inquiry(咨询信);Application(申请信);Recommendation(推荐信);Invitation(邀请信)...。

I’m looking forward to the reponse at your earliest convenience.。


Once again, I feel so grateful for your help.(感谢信)。

Once again, I feel very proud of your achievement.(祝贺信)。


Dear Professor Smith,

I am writing this e-mail to you to suggest a topic for the debate on the theme of city traffic. It is such a great honbor to arrange such an interesting activity. 。The debate will be held on May 20th in the student centre Room 203.。

The theme of the debate could be “Should Private Car Owners be Accountable for the Traffic Jam” . The primary factors are as follows. Firstly, there are public concerns in city traffic jams, which will be of great value for us to discuss. What is more, the fact that individual factors might be involved contributes to the solution of the problem.。

I sincerely hope that my advice can make this debate meaningful and inspiring. (划线词可以在不同建立类中替换使用). I’m looking forward to the reponse at your earliest convenience. (期待您的回信在书信中都可以套用)。


Li Ming





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1. 情感信件框架:感谢信+道歉信等。

Dear 称呼,

I am writing this letter to extend to you my sincere (情感) for 转述题目.。

For all you/I have done, my true appreciation/apology is beyond the word's description. 核心句1. 核心句2.。

To repay your kindness/To make amends, I would like to do anything I could. (或I would like to +具体措施). Once again, I sincerely hope that you can accept my heartfelt appreciation/apology.。

Yours sincerely,。



Dear 称呼,

I am writing this letter to extend to you my sincere congratulations for 转述题目.。

For all you have achieved, my true excitement is beyond the word’s description. 核心句1. 核心句2.。

To show my congratulation, I would like to do anything I could. (或I would like to +具体措施). Once again, I sincerely hope that you can accept my heartfelt congratulation.。

Yours sincerely,。



2. 信息信件框架:辞职信、投诉信、建议信、邀请信、推荐信、介绍信等。

Dear 称呼,

I am writing this letter to extend to you 转述题目.。

To be specific, the reasons for 信件词(或the details concerning信件词) could be listed as follows. 核心句1. 核心句2.。

I would appreciate it if you will take my 信件词 into consideration. Best wishes/Thanks for your time and I am looking forward to your early reply.。

Yours sincerely,。


同样,千万不要以为这个框架只适合以上几种信件,它还可以套用申请信、求职信等其他传递某种信息的信件。比如申请信(申请信可以是介绍申请的原因,所以第2句保留the reasons…as follows):

Dear 称呼,

I am writing this letter to extend to you my sincere hope for 转述题目.。

To be specific, the reasons for my application could be listed as follows. 核心句1. 核心句2.。

I would appreciate it if you will take my application into consideration. Thanks for your time and I am looking forward to your early reply.。

Yours sincerely,。


3. 通知


活动 is due to start at 9:00 a.m. this Saturday in the school hall (and we are now recruiting volunteers for the event).。

To be specific, the details concerning (活动/the qualification of志愿者) could be listed as follows. 核心句1. 核心句2.。

Those who are interested in taking part in the upcoming event are supposed to sign up with us before next weekend. For detailed information, please visit www. http://pekinguniversity.com。






You are supposed to write for the postgraduate association a notice to recruit volunteers for an international conference on globalization, you should conclude the basic qualification of applicant and the other information you think relative.。

You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "postgraduate association" instead.。

通过recruit volunteers for…可知,此处是招募志愿者。套用后是这样的:


An international conference on globalization is due to start at 9:00 a.m. this Saturday in the city hall and we are now recruiting volunteers for the event.。

To be specific, the details concerning the qualification of volunteers could be listed as follows. 核心句1. 核心句2.。

Those who are interested in taking part in the upcoming event are supposed to sign up with us before next weekend. For detailed information, please visit www. http://pekinguniversity.com。

Postgraduate association。




The student union of your university has assigned you to inform the international students about an upcoming singing contest. Write a notice in about 100 words.。

Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.。

Do not use your own name in the notice. (10 points)。

通过an upcoming singing contest可知,此处是活动通知。套用后是这样的:


The singing contest is due to start at 9:00 a.m. this Saturday in the school hall.。

To be specific, the details concerning the contest could be listed as follows. 核心句1. 核心句2.。

Those who are interested in taking part in the upcoming event are supposed to sign up with us before next weekend. For detailed information, please visit www. http://pekinguniversity.com。

The student union。


看过以上框架会发现,每个框架中都有“核心句1”、“核心句2” 这部分内容是为了切题,也就是题目要求你针对什么表示感谢、为了什么而道歉等。



9 组核心句表达方向:


①对方的帮助对你的意义:As a result of your generous help, I have been able to achieve so much progress.。

②如果没有对方的帮助,你会怎么样:If it had not been your assistance, I would have been at a loss about what to do.。

(2)表示道歉: ①承认自己的过失; ②提出解决的办法。

(3)介绍人物特点:①他/她的学习、工作能力突出; ②他/她与人相处的能力突出。

(4)介绍事物特点:①受到好评; ②有很大价值,优于同类。

(5)辞职原因:①工作本身的原因; ②个人的原因。

(6)投诉原因:①对自己造成不好影响; ②负责人消极态度。

(7)针对社会问题提建议:①从政策层面提建议; ②从个体层面提建议。

(8)针对个人问题提建议:①向他人寻求帮助; ②培养自己的主观能动性。

(9)介绍活动:①活动的基本信息; ②活动的举办方式。



You have just come back from the U.S. as a member of a Sino-American cultural exchange program. Write a letter to your American colleague to 1) express your thanks for his/her warm reception; 2) welcome him/her to visit China in due course. You should write about 100 words on the Answer Sheet.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Zhang Wei” instead.。

Do not write your address. (10 points)。


Step 1:通过express your thanks可知,这是一封感谢信,选用情感框架中的感谢信框架。

Step 2:选用表示感谢的核心句。

Step 3:将框架与核心句组合,形成一篇完整的作文。

Dear Bob,

I am writing this letter to extend to you my sincere thanks for your warm reception when I was in the U.S. as a member of a Sino-American cultural exchange program.。

For all you have done, my true appreciation is beyond the word’s description. As a result of your warm reception and generous help, I have been able to achieve so much progress in the understanding of American culture. If it had not been your assistance, I would have been at a loss about what to do.。

To repay your kindness, I would like to invite you to visit China this summer and I will introduce to you the historical sites in Beijing. Once again, I sincerely hope that you can accept my heartfelt appreciation.。

Yours sincerely,。

Zhang Wei

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(1)As is vividly depicted in the picture,(描述图画).(2) The most striking feature is(图画重点信息).(3)There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly conveyed should be given deep consideration.。


(1)As is symbolically depicted/shown in the set of drawings, the fact that(重复上面的图画信息) profoundly indicates that 主题 is momentous (重要的) and fundamental to any one who undertakes great deeds. (2)Undoubtedly, it is 主题 that keeps us continually doing something valuable and admirable in spite of difficulties, that makes us still full of energy to face the coming challenges and competition and that offers us the foundation for success. (3) According to a survey made by China Daily, 与主题相关的好的后果.(4)If 不这样的话, we will live a dull and depressing life or even feel loss of hope about the future. (5)Only by 主题 can you put your capacities into full play and can you be the winner in the society。


(1)From the above analysis, it can be safely concluded that in doing things whether great or small, 主题is indispensable on the way to success. (2)It is therefore, necessary that some effective measures are taken to make 主题more efficient. (3)On one hand, we should raise our awareness of its significance of 主题. On the other hand, 不这样的现象应该批评. (4)Only with主题 can we embrace a glorious future.。

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写作文要注意大小有别 。

大作文对于重点题材,需要提前背诵素材,例如:社会类、生活类、人际类、个人品质类等。英语一的题目重学术、观念,具有一定的抽象性,英语二的题目重数据和调查,和现实生活热点联系紧密。小作文,对于尚未考过的书信类别,做重点准备,包括模板化的开头和结尾句型,正文中常用的素材等。考研辅导专家提醒考生,有些意志品质类的文章,如果加入一句相关的谚语会让你的文章大放光彩。但是大家不要直接写句子,可以加一个模板句型,如An ancient oriental philosopher said。有同学会问西方的谚语为什么用东方的先哲呢?其实文化大都是相通的,比如:Where there is a will,there is a way是西方的谚语,同中国的有志者,事竟成是一个意思。考研辅导专家提醒考生,文化都是相通的,可以放心来用,大家在闲暇的时候要多翻看一下英文的谚语,积少成多,相信对大家一定有所帮助。

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