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#流星花园.2018.WEB| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


◎导演◎ 柴智屏 Angie Chai/林合隆 Her-Long Lin

◎编剧◎ 周苏婕 Sujie Zhou/方慧 Hui Fang

◎主演◎ 沈月 Yue Shen / 王鹤棣 Dylan / 官鸿 Kuanhung Chan / 梁靖康 Jingkang Liang / 吴希泽 Caesar Wu / 孙伊涵 Yihan Sun / 王润泽 Runze Wang / 孙千 Qian Sun / 刘尹昊 Yinhao Liu / 厉嘉琪 Jiaqi Li / 刘烨 Lidia Liu / 董馨 Xin Dong / 徐熙娣 Dee Hsu / 王琳 Lin Wang / 郭采洁 Amber Kuo / 王月 Moon Wang / 庾澄庆 Harlem Yu / 李泉 James Li

流星花园的剧情介绍,董杉菜(沈月 饰)出生于一个非常平凡的家庭之中,从小就对美食非常感兴趣的她通过自己的不懈努力,考上了心目中的理想大学——明德学院营养系,正式步入了大学的校园,打算在这里施展一番报复。哪知道刚刚入学没多久,就得罪了一个名为道明寺(王鹤棣 饰)的男人。   道明寺是学校里的风云人物,同时也是F4之首,另外的三个人别是花泽类(官鸿 饰)、冯美作(梁靖康 饰)和西门彦(吴希泽 饰)。内心里充满了正义感的杉菜看不惯道明寺平日里飞扬跋扈的样子,处处与他作对,相对的,道明寺也特别喜欢刁难杉菜。一来二去之间,两人竟然结成了欢喜冤家,萌生出了别样的感情。

Shan Cai is an 18-year-old girl from a family that's barely able to make ends meet. Due to a turn of events, she gets accepted into a school that only accepts the upper class elites. She immediately clashes with her classmates especially Dao Ming Si who is spoiled, arrogant and a bully. She remains defiant even after becoming a target of a series of pranks intended to torment her and just when she's about to give up, Hua Ze Lei always seems to show up to lend her a helping hand. Eventually, the four boys begin to acknowledge Shan Cai's unyielding personality that is like her namesake which is that of a weed that can never be brought down. She also begins to see the good in the boys, which paves the way for friendship and an eventual romance.

当玛丽苏也开始自我阉割。不是Flower4 是Country4。新《流星花园》:这样的偶像剧,是用来侮辱观众智商的吧?。从编剧的态度就知道这部会烂透地心。为什么新版《流星花园》又土又难看?。台湾,渐行渐远的青春乡愁。这大概是流星花园被黑的最惨的一次。很多人不知道16年前柴智屏就已经把《流星花园》拍砸了……。总有一些人没演技又来辣眼睛。董杉菜,英格兰淘汰后我唯一的快乐源泉。




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