
您所在的位置:网站首页 洋桔梗英语缩写 群星Stellaris自建星系(自定义星系)教程


2023-05-22 00:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265













distantstars_init_xzk_01 = { ####星系名,要不重复

class = "rl_standard_stars" ####星系类型,指默认星系内中心体类型,定义在common\star_classes\00_star_classes.txt中

name = "NAME_Xzkun_Starts"####星系游戏内显示名称,定义在localisation中

asteroid_belt = { ####是否存在小行星带,没有就整段删除

type = rocky_asteroid_belt ####小行星带类型,定义在common\asteroid_belts\00_asteroid_belts.txt中

radius = 190 ####距中心星体半径


flags = { empire_home_system xzklcluster1 }####标志,一般指会被哪种脚本或事件触发,定义在common\scripted_triggers\00_scripted_triggers.txt中

planet = {###星系内星体

name = "NAME_Xzkun_Starts"####同上

count = 1####数量

class = star####类型,定义在common\star_classes\00_star_classes.txt中

orbit_distance = 0####轨道距离

orbit_angle = 1####距中心的角度,按数学坐标系看角度;

size = { min = 20 max = 30 }####大小20-30之间

has_ring = no####有环吗?没有


change_orbit = 45####变更轨道


planet = {

class = pc_ringworld_habitable####同上,定义在common\planet_classes

orbit_angle = 0####同上

orbit_distance = 0####同上

size = 30####同上

deposit_blockers = none####障碍物

modifiers = none####附加值

init_effect = {####为实体添加

prevent_anomaly = yes####不出现异常现象

set_owner = root####此天体设定拥有者

set_controller = root####此天体设定实际控制者

add_building = building_system_capital####添加建筑

add_building = building_xzk_capital

add_building = building_xzk_capital

add_building = building_xzk_capital

add_building = building_xzk_capital

add_building = building_xzk_capital

while = {####当

count = 1####数量1

create_pop = {####创建人口

species = owner_main_species####国家主流人口





planet = {####一下重复,省略

class = pc_ringworld_habitable

orbit_angle = 90

orbit_distance = 0

size = 30

deposit_blockers = none

modifiers = none

init_effect = {

prevent_anomaly = yes

set_owner = root

set_controller = root

add_building = building_system_capital

add_building = building_xzk_capital

add_building = building_xzk_capital

add_building = building_xzk_capital

add_building = building_xzk_capital

add_building = building_xzk_capital

while = {

count = 1

create_pop = {

species = owner_main_species





planet = {

class = pc_ringworld_habitable

orbit_angle = 180

orbit_distance = 0

size = 30

deposit_blockers = none

modifiers = none

init_effect = {

prevent_anomaly = yes

set_owner = root

set_controller = root

add_building = building_system_capital

add_building = building_xzk_capital

add_building = building_xzk_capital

add_building = building_xzk_capital

add_building = building_xzk_capital

add_building = building_xzk_capital

while = {

count = 1

create_pop = {

species = owner_main_species





planet = {

class = pc_ringworld_habitable

orbit_angle = 270

orbit_distance = 0

size = 30

deposit_blockers = none

modifiers = none

init_effect = {

prevent_anomaly = yes

set_owner = root

set_controller = root

add_building = building_system_capital

add_building = building_xzk_capital

add_building = building_xzk_capital

add_building = building_xzk_capital

add_building = building_xzk_capital

add_building = building_xzk_capital

while = {

count = 1

create_pop = {

species = owner_main_species





planet = {

class = pc_ringworld_tech

orbit_angle = 30

orbit_distance = 0

deposit_blockers = none

modifiers = none


planet = {

count = 3

class = pc_ringworld_tech

orbit_angle = 90

orbit_distance = 0

deposit_blockers = none

modifiers = none


planet = {

class = pc_ringworld_seam

orbit_angle = 30

orbit_distance = 0

deposit_blockers = none

modifiers = none


planet = {

count = 3

class = pc_ringworld_seam

orbit_angle = 90

orbit_distance = 0

deposit_blockers = none

modifiers = none




init_effect = {####星系内创建其他实体

spawn_megastructure = {####创建巨构

type = gateway_final ###星门

orbit_angle = 225####角度

orbit_distance = 240####距中心距离


create_starbase = {####创建星港

size = "starbase_citadel"####擎天堡

#owner = event_target:caravaneer_home_country####由事件触发

module = "shipyard"####六大格

module = "shipyard"

module = "shipyard"

module = "shipyard"

module = "shipyard"

module = "shipyard"

#effect = {

# set_starbase_module = {星港内建筑####六小格

# slot = 1####数量

# module = trading_hub####都有啥

# }





distantstars_init_xzk_02 = {####第二个星系,我一共在此星团里创建了4个星系,所以一下忽略

class = "rl_standard_stars"

name = "NAME_Xzkun_StartsA"

asteroid_belt = {

type = rocky_asteroid_belt

radius = 125


asteroid_belt = {

type = icy_asteroid_belt

radius = 240


usage = misc_system_init

usage_odds = 0

flags = { empire_home_system xzklcluster2 }

planet = {

count = 1

class = star

orbit_distance = 0

orbit_angle = 1

size = { min = 20 max = 30 }

has_ring = no


init_effect = {

create_starbase = {

size = "starbase_citadel"

#owner = event_target:caravaneer_home_country

module = "shipyard"

module = "shipyard"

module = "shipyard"

module = "shipyard"

module = "shipyard"

module = "shipyard"



change_orbit = 30


distantstars_init_xzk_03 = {

class = "rl_standard_stars"

name = "NAME_Xzkun_StartsB"

usage = misc_system_init

usage_odds = 0

flags = { empire_home_system xzklcluster3 }

planet = {

count = 1

class = star

orbit_distance = 0

orbit_angle = 1

size = { min = 20 max = 30 }

has_ring = no


init_effect = {

create_starbase = {

size = "starbase_citadel"

#owner = event_target:caravaneer_home_country

module = "shipyard"

module = "shipyard"

module = "shipyard"

module = "shipyard"

module = "shipyard"

module = "shipyard"



change_orbit = 70


distantstars_init_xzk_04 = {

class = "rl_standard_stars"

name = "NAME_Xzkun_StartsC"

asteroid_belt = {

type = rocky_asteroid_belt

radius = 120


usage = misc_system_init

usage_odds = 0

flags = { empire_home_system xzklcluster4 }

planet = {

count = 1

class = star

orbit_distance = 0

orbit_angle = 1

size = { min = 20 max = 30 }

has_ring = no


init_effect = {

create_starbase = {

size = "starbase_citadel"

#owner = event_target:caravaneer_home_country

module = "shipyard"

module = "shipyard"

module = "shipyard"

module = "shipyard"

module = "shipyard"

module = "shipyard"



change_orbit = 120




namespace = xzkspawn####事件类

country_event = {####定义为事件

id = xzkspawn.1####事件名

hide_window = yes####隐藏窗口为是

is_triggered_only = yes####只能被触发,不能自主出现

trigger = {####触发对象

is_ai = no####不允许AI触发


fire_only_once = yes####只触发一次,这个一定要有,不然触发两次以上就刷新星系

immediate = {####立刻触发

set_spawn_system_batch = begin####触发批次,开始游戏就存在,翻译如下,大致意思就是锁定星系路径,别总刷新变,想琢磨的自己琢磨就行,重点在后面

# batch-processes the spawn_system effects between "begin" and "end",

# so caches are recalculated only once rather than for every system spawned

# can also be used when removing and adding hyperlanes

no_scope = {####以下为重点了

# makes system positions originate from galactic core

spawn_system = {####创建星系了,这个味主星系,以下是坐标

min_distance >= 600####距离银河系黑洞的最小距离,可以是固定值=

max_distance = 29####这个就是距离我们创建的星团的距离了,不是银河系中心了

max_distance = 29

max_distance = 30





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