
您所在的位置:网站首页 泰拉瑞亚怎么调出光标方块 光标模式


2024-07-14 22:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


光标模式 是一种 在 泰拉瑞亚的 游戏机制. 自动选择和智能光标是可实现的两种光标模式,使使用工具和放置对象更加方便。

目录 1 自动选择 2 智能光标 2.1 Enabling Smart Cursor for common blocks on Desktop version (Terraria 1.3 and later) 3 Lock on 自动选择 电脑版主机版 电脑版/主机版独有内容:此的信息适用于电脑版主机版泰拉瑞亚

使用自动选择将自动选择一个项目,根据光标的位置指出。项目不需要在热键上。默认情况下,电脑自动选择激活按“shift”,在PS3 / PS4按“R3”,或在Xbox 360按下“右摇杆”。

Target Item Selected 方块 和一些 家具 镐 树, 巨型蘑菇, 或 仙人掌 斧 祭坛, 暗影珠 或 猩红之心 锤子 提炼机 泥沙 或 雪泥 大炮 炮弹 兔兔炮 爆炸兔 当您指向空白空间或墙时,将根据以下条件选择光源 光标离玩家很远 荧光棒, 洞穴探险荧光棒 或 信号枪 玩家和光标在 水 (或其他液体) 火把, 诅咒火把, 荧光棒 或 信号枪 玩家在水 但光标不在时 诅咒火把 或 荧光棒 如果以上都不适用 任何 火把



智能光标selects a target based on the active item. 电脑版它默认由按"ctrl"激活/禁用;Mobile only.png按住并拖动右虚拟摇杆。在通用设置也有一个选项来让它只当按键按下时启用。智能光标由一个更宽一些的光标标明,并且被选中的方块is shown with a yellow box。在3DS版 3DS版,智能光标is on by default unless the D-Pad or Touch Screen is used to target an area.

Active Item Behavior 镐 Digs a passage wide enough to pass through in the direction indicated be the cursor. A tunnel going diagonally upwards will often have to be widened to go back down. 斧 Chops the base of the tree nearest the cursor. It will target branches when the base is out of range. An item that functions like an axe/pickaxe will target trees first then blocks. This can be easily seen with the Laser Drill (1.3+). 锤子 Removes the wall nearest the cursor. 方块 Places a block at the nearest legal space to the cursor. If the space under the cursor already contains a block or other object, it will do nothing. However if the cursor is over an NPC or player, it will encase them in multiple layers. This is currently the only way to automatically fill a large area with blocks. On the 移动版 移动版, this is quite unreliable. 墙 Places a wall at the nearest legal space to the cursor. Unlike other items, walls will only be placed by Smart Cursor within line of sight of the player. This makes it easy to fill a room without the walls "spilling" out. 平台 Adds to existing platforms (in any direction, including vertical). 矿车 Extends existing tracks horizontally or diagonally. 扳手 Extends existing wires of the same color. 钢丝钳 Removes the wire nearest the cursor. 橡实 Places an acorn on top of grass if two blocks beside it are free.

Using Smart Cursor with a multi-function tool, like 斧钻 or a 锤斧, may have unexpected results. These tools will behave as an axe by default, meaning they always target a tree if one is in range.

电脑版 Enabling Smart Cursor for common blocks on Desktop version (Terraria 1.3 and later)

A fresh installation of Terraria 1.3 or later will start with Smart Cursor disabled for placing common blocks. This setting applies to foreground blocks that you would use during construction, such as dirt, wood, and stone. The Smart Cursor will continue to behave as per the 1.2 standard for platforms and walls.

If you wish to use Smart Cursor for common blocks, you will need to edit Terraria's config.json file manually.

Edits to config.json must be performed while the game is not running, or else the new setting will not take effect. You may want to create a backup copy of the config.json file before editing, which will allow you to restore your original configuration later, if needed.

Browse to your config.json file location (see config.json for common locations). Right-click config.json and choose Open With... Select Notepad (or your favorite text editor). Use the 'Find' option in your text editor and search for this: "UseSmartCursorForCommonBlocks": false, Edit the line so it now reads: "UseSmartCursorForCommonBlocks": true, Save your config.json file. Launch Terraria. Now you will have SmartCursor On 电脑版Mobile only.png3DS.png Lock on Merge 有人建议该条目或其部分与Combat Targeting合并。

Lock on is a cursor mode that can be used on 电脑版 电脑版 while playing with a controller, on the 3DS版 3DS版, or on the 移动版 移动版. While holding a weapon, a small yellow triangle appears above the enemy to be targeted. 电脑版Depending on the chosen setting, Clearest Line or Target Closest, the yellow triangle will appear on the monster closest to the cursor's pointing direction or closest to the player (independently of line of sight). By pressing 电脑版3DS.pngSteam X.png or Mobile only.pngtapping the enemy, the enemy will be locked on to, 电脑版3DS.pngindicated by three triangles rotating around the enemy or Mobile only.pngby a single yellow triangle above the enemy. From then on, all attacks are automatically directed at that enemy (in the 移动版 移动版, all attacks initiated by hold tapping the center of the right thumb stick are directed at the target). Pressing Steam X.png again releases the lock (in the 移动版 移动版, the lock is released upon the enemy's defeat or movement offscreen).

This cursor mode can be especially effective while using weapons that require accurate aim, like Yoyos, Ranged Weapons, or Magic Weapons. Lock-on mode makes strafing (dodging while firing) an effortless task.

Left: Triangle indicates the enemy that will be targeted. Right: Enemy is now locked on.




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