
您所在的位置:网站首页 河怎么念英语单词 清明上河图的英文怎么说


2024-07-15 11:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

清明上河图的英文:1.Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival 2.Along the River During the Qingming Festival 3.Riverside Scene on the Pure Brightness Festival

参考例句:Qingming Festival by the Riverside is a long colored painted scroll with a length of 528 cm and a height of 248 cm.《清明上河图》是一幅绢本设色长卷,高248厘米,长528厘米。riverside是什么意思:n. 河畔adj. 河畔的My dog heeled me all the way to the riverside.我那条狗一路紧跟着我跑到河边。Some dozen barefooted urchins ganged in from the riverside.几十个赤足的顽童从河边成群结队而来。The golden willows by the riverside Are young brides in the setting sunscene是什么意思:n. 场面,现场;情景,景象;(戏剧的)一场;景色,风景;事件You were at the scene!你当时就在现场!There is no distant transmitter to telecast the scene.没有远距离发射机传送景象。The scene or setting, as of a novel.场景一部分小说的场面或布景


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