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2023-03-14 06:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


【作 者】李大遂编著 【页 数】 224 【出版社】 北京:北京语言大学出版社 , 2020.06 【ISBN号】978-7-5619-5609-0 【价 格】65.00 【分 类】汉字-对外汉语教学-教学研究 【参考文献】 李大遂编著. 对外汉字教学参考资料. 北京:北京语言大学出版社, 2020.06.







Common Knowledge of Chinese Charactersand the Teaching of Chinese Characters









For Chinese language learners in countries outside the Chinese-character cultural circles,

Chinese characters are a completely unfamiliar written language.If you want to learn Chinese

characters well,you must acquire some elementary knowledge.After having mastered therudimentary knowledge,your Chinese character learning could get twice the result with halfthe effort.The following are brief introductions to the history,character-making methods,

structures,theoretical basis,systematicness and so on of Chinese characters,with somesuggestions for the teaching and learning of Chinese characters.

(一)汉字的历史The history of Chinese characters





Chinese characters are the oldest written script which is still widely used around theworld.It originated about 6,000 years ago,and the Chinese character system took its formabout 4,500 years ago at the time of the Yellow Emperor.The oracle bone inscription of the

Shang Dynasty discovered at the end of the 19th century dates back to over 3,000 years ago,at which time it was already a very mature writing system.Viewed from the written materials

available,the evolution of commonly used Chinese characters has generally undergone the

stages of oracle bone inscription,bronze inscription,big seal script,small seal script,clericalscript and regular script(see Table 1).In addition,scripts of the Six States were used with thebig seal script at the same time,and there are also the cursive script and the semi-cursive scriptas the auxiliary scripts of the regular script.











Table-1 Evolution of Common Styles in Chinese Calligraphy

(Shang Dynasty)

(Zhou Dynasty)(The Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period)

Oracle Bone Inscription(等)→Bronze Inscription()→Big Seal Script(袋)→

(Qin Dynasty)

(Han Dynasty)

(Wei and Jin till now)

Small Seal Script(象)→Clerical Script(馬)→Regular Script(馬→马)

Cursive Script()→Semi-Cursive Script(馬→马)




Among them,oracle bone inscription,bronze inscription,big seal script,smallseal script,plus the scripts of the Six States,are ancient Chinese characters with strongpictographic characteristics,belonging to the ideographic system.The clerical script,regular script and its auxiliary scripts,namely cursive script and semi-cursive script,aremodern scripts,which have broken away from pictographic characteristics and belong tothe semanto-phonetic script system.



Chinese characters express meanings by their forms and they come in many forms

and structures.From ancient times till now,the total number of the forms and structures of

Chinese characters has reached over 80,000.However,the number of everyday charactersof all the times is 3,000-4,000,and that of general characters is 7,000-8,000.The "List of

Modern Chinese General Characters"published in 1988 collected 7,000 characters,3,500 ofwhich are everyday characters.The"Table of General Standard Chinese Characters"publishedin 2013 collected 8,105 characters.In it,3,500 are Level One characters,which are everydaycharacters;3,000 are Level Two characters,which are current characters.Altogether thereare 6,500 Level One and Level Two characters,all of which are current characters.The 1,605characters of Level Three are general characters used in professional fields.





Historically,there have been two outlines of Chinese characters for teaching Chineseas a foreign language.The first one is the HSK "Outline of Graded Chinese Characters"issued by the National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language(now the Office of

Chinese Language Council International,commonly referred to as Hanban)in 1992,whichhas a total of 2,905 characters and is divided into four levels.Among them,800 are Level A,804 are Level B,601 are Level C and 700 are Level D.The second is "The Graded Chinese

Syllables,Characters and Words for the Application of Teaching Chinese to the Speakers of

Other Languages"issued by Hanban in 2010.This syllabus contains 3,000 characters,whichare divided into three levels.Among them,there are 900 Level One characters,900 Level Twocharacters,900 Level Three characters,and 300 senior appendix characters.






Two great simplification processes happened in the history of Chinese characters.

One was the clerical change over 2,000 years ago,in which the forms of Chinese characterschanged from small seal script to clerical script,with not only tremendous changes inthe writing lines and postures (change in form),but also a great simplification in thestructure (change by omitting certain strokes,and corruption).It was the greatest changein the history of Chinese character evolution.The other one was the modern Chinese

Character Simplification Movement.By using seven methods,i.e.regularizing the cursiveor semi-cursive scripts,adopting ancient characters,replacing components,deleting parts,substituting some characters by others with the same,similar or different pronunciations,creating new characters,and analogizing by components,the forms or structures of 2,236

Chinese characters,which means about one third of current Chinese characters weresimplified,so as to reduce the difficulty in learning and using the Chinese characters.

Moreover,at the same time of simplifying Chinese characters,the quantity of everyday

characters was cut down by sifting the variants;the pronunciations of some everyday

characters were decreased by examining the characters with several different sounds.


Six Scripts,the Character-making Methods of Chinese Characters


Chinese characters are a man-made symbolic system created by numerous charactermakers headed by Cang Jie.The character makers created characters through six categories

of methods successively,namely the pictographic method,indicative method,associative

method,borrowing method,notative method,and pictophonetic method.



The pictographic method is to make characters by depicting the shapes of objects using

simple lines,.such as::“k(木,wood)”and“食(鱼,fsh)”


The indicative method is to make characters by using abstract symbols to build structures

and express meanings or by adding abstract symbols on the basis of pictographic characters,

such as:“(上,up;on)”and“(刃,edge)”.


The associative method is to make a new character by combining the forms or meaningsof two or more characters,.such as::“t来(林,woods)”and“(牧,to herd)”.



The borrowing method means if there is not a special character to express a certain word,then a character with the same or similar pronunciation is borrowed to express it.A borrowedcharacter is used to express the meaning which has nothing to do with its own meaning.Forexample,“求”whose original meaning is a fur---lined jacket was borrowed to indicate“求",which means“demand”,“require"”and“ask”.The original meaning of“”is a weapon.

Later,it was borrowed to refer to the first person narrator.The borrowing method is called"acharacter-making method without'making'".







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