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2024-07-01 06:48| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Keywords:  lopidogrel /ischemic stroke /neural function

Abstract: Objective To explore the clinical effects of different dose of clopidogrel on the neural functions in patients with ischemic stroke. Methods 120 patients with ischemic stroke were randomly divided into low dose group (clopidogrel 75 mg daily) or high dose group (clopidogrel 150 mg daily). All the patients received the same basic treatment plus clopidogrel for 3 month. Both groups were evaluated and compared for their NIHSS scores, platelet count, platelet aggregation rate, neurologic deterioration rate, recurrence rate of cerebral infarction and intracranial bleeding rate at the time of admission, one month and three month. Results Compared to the scores at the time of admission, NIHSS scores decreased in both groups after one month treatment with statistical significance (PP>0.05), while high dose group declined significantly (PPP>0.05). The neurologic deterioration rate, recurrence rate of cerebral infarction in the low dose group were 11.7%, 10.0% respectively, significantly higher than that of high dose group (5.0%, 5.0%, respectively), which was statistically significant (PP>0.05) between two groups in intracranial bleeding rate (5.0% and 6.7% respectively). Conclusion Patients on clopidogrel 150 mg exhibited much better recovery of neural functions and greater reduction in the recurrence of cerebral infarction and atherosclerosis related cardiovascular events.




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