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2024-04-12 20:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”最想去英国“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The UK you want to visit most。以下是关于最想去英国高二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The UK you want to visit most

There are o main reasons why I want to study in the UK. The first is that studying abad will make me independent. Obviously, I have to take care of myself and deal with all the pblems on my own.

In addition, I want to appreciate the culte here and see the betiful city. Some fends told me that XX city is amazing, there are many people very good, so learning in XX is my dream, I hope it will become a reality.





You have a chance to visit a forei country for o weeks. Which country do you want to visit? Explain yo choice with specific reasons and details. If I can visit any forei country, I would like to go to Ireland, where the scenery is so betiful, Ireland has a lot of rain, which makes rything green and lush.

It has not become a fully industalized country, so there are still some areas where the countryside is not polluted, you can dve a few miles without seeing another I didn't come to the big city. I want to take my set of paints and some canvases and try to capte some of the scenes there. It seems that ry time you tn nd, what you see is a betiful landscape.

This place close to the ocean is particularly eye-catching. Huge black cliffs se fm the water. I think I also like the slow pace of Ireland, which is quite different fm the busy pace of my country.

Of cose, the big cities and the big cities in Ireland are very different fm the busy pace of my country Any big city is as busy, but many Ishmen live in all towns or visit farms in ral areas. It's very quiet to visit these places, and people don't feel it's necessary to follow the schedule.




I want to go to Pas and visit France. It is said that there is a wonderful scene there. Pas is the capital and the largest city, the political and cultal center of France, and the capital of France.

The metpolitan area of Pas is one of the largest metpolitan areas in Eupean history. Young people fm all over the world come to Pas with all kinds of dreams and aspirations There are dreams and disappointments. Howr, as lilke said, "Pas is a unique city" often watch movie stoes.

There are "Eiffel Tower, Arc de Tomphe, etc." I don't want to start to fantasize about what is the ptagonist in the sky and how betiful the sunding scenery is. The bety that can't be expressed can only be realized fm the expeence we have, but that is An illusion, no expeence, I think if one day, I must not eat, sleep for a few days of Pas legend thughout.







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