毒气室(1996)The Chamber、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

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毒气室(1996)The Chamber、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

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so to preclude clemency at that point would be suicidal.如果我能带大卫-麦卡里斯特一起去毒气室,If I could take David McAllister into the chamber with me,我死了也会笑的I'd die with a smile.我被审了又审,两次陪审团都悬而不决I was tried. I was retried. I got a hung jury both times.有12年我都是自♥由♥身I was free. I was a free man for 12 years.然后那个混♥蛋♥麦卡里斯特And then that sleazy son of a bitch McAllister利用我来拉动他选举的选票used me to get hisself elected.不要和州长有任何交易No deals with the Governor.好吧Fine.好了,你为什么会成为3K党成员?All right. Why did you become a Klansman?因为我的爸爸是3K党成员Because my daddy was in the Klan.那你♥爸♥爸为什么会成为3K党成员的?Why did your daddy become a Klansman?因为他的爸爸是3K党成员His daddy was in the Klan.好吧,3代3K党,啊哈?Great. We got three generations, huh?不是,是4代No. Four.雅各布-凯霍尔上校曾与南森贝尔福德福里斯特(独♥立♥战争北方联盟将军)作战Colonel Jacob Cayhall fought with Nathan Bedford Forrest in the war.他成为了家族里第一位3K党成员And family legend has it that he was one of the first members of the Klan.让我想想,他是你的So let me see. I guess that'd make him曾曾曾祖父your great-great-great-granddaddy.你觉得我会以此为傲吗?Do you expect me to feel proud about that?我才不管你怎么想的I don't give a damn how you feel.我只是告诉你你是谁I'm just telling you who you are.你来这不就为了这个么?Isn't that why you're here?好吧,克莱默的那个炸♥弹♥是第五个炸♥弹♥All right, the Kramer twins was the fifth bombing.杰克逊市的那个房♥地♥产♥商办公室爆♥炸♥是什么情况?What about the real estate office in Jackson?我第一次就是那Well, I lost my virginity on that one.那只是个树枝和引线做的粗糙玩意儿It was a crude little thing with just some sticks and a fuse.报纸办公室的那个炸♥弹♥?The newspaper office?称得上是个火球了A real fireball.--赫希寺院的? --那是最好的一个The Hirsch Temple? Best one yet.克莱默律所的呢?The Kramer office?那是个挺厉害的炸♥弹♥, 但我从没想过要杀任何人It was a good bomb. But I never meant to kill anybody.真的吗?Really?你在早上4点引爆了平德家的房♥子You bombed the Pinder house at 4:00 in the morning里面有6个人正在睡觉and there were six people sleeping there.但没有人受伤,因为我把炸♥弹♥放在车♥库♥里了But nobody got hurt, 'cause I planted the bomb in the garage.我做不了很厉害的炸♥弹♥,我做的都是些小玩意儿I don't make fancy bombs. They're just simple little things.但我知道在哪里放炸♥弹♥But I know where to put them.就像我告诉你的,我从来没有想杀任何人Like I told you, I never meant to kill anybody.那么双胞胎呢?And the twins?就像《越战创伤》(1989年的越战片)Casualties of war.克莱默爸爸失去了双腿? 后来自杀?The father losing his legs? Killing himself?我不想谈这个I don't wanna talk about this.你是不是瞒着我什么? 我不建议你那样Are you hiding something from me? I wouldn't advise it.我没什么可隐瞒的I got nothing to hide.我做了我必须做的,3K党那时是在战时I did what I had to do. The Klan was at war.我们原本可以赢的,但是我们错误地从炸犹太人开始了,We would've won, too, but we started bombing the Jews,接着犹太人用他们的钱,拉拢了FBI,然后打败了我们and with all their money, they got the FBI, and they beat us.我们应该先去打黑鬼的We should've just stayed to whipping up on the niggers.那就是另一番景象了The world would've been a different place.是的,你可以假装你被冒犯了Yeah, you can pretend you're all offended by this.但内心深处But deep down inside,你我都知道或多或少你同意我所说的we both know that there's a part of you agrees with me.胡说八道That's bullshit.你敏感了?你在隐藏什么?Why you getting so touchy? What're you hiding?我没什么好隐藏的I'm not hiding a thing.我才不信Like hell you're not.如果你好好地开着车,被几个黑鬼酒驾截停,You're driving your car and some drunk jungle bunny cuts you off,车里还放着贫民区那些噪音his ghetto music blasting.你会想什么What do you think?“非裔美国人,你们想干什么” 不"Why you darn African-American." No.你会想,“黑鬼”You think, "Nigger."但凡你有一丁点胆子,你就会说出来If you had any guts, you'd say so.我明天再来I'm gonna come back tomorrow.伤了你幼小的心灵了,是吗?I hurt your little feelings, have I? Huh?你想要什么? 噢,爷爷,我很乖What'd you expect to find here? OI' Grandpa Do-Good?我想我哭的时候你亲亲我的背Expect me to go all blubbery and kiss your behind再给我唱个圣歌♥?and sing psalms of forgiveness?我不知道我想要什么I don't know what I expected.你当然知道,孙子Sure, you did, Grandson.嗨,我是霍尔律所的诺拉-斯塔克Hi. I'm Nora Stark, Attorney Hall.负责处理麦卡里斯特州长的事务I kind of clean up after Governor McAllister.亚当,请吧Adam, please.好吧,亚当Well, Adam it shall be.我很好奇,亚当I'm very curious, Adam.你知不知道德克萨斯在上个月Are you aware that the identical points raised同样观点的律师请♥愿♥书in the pending ineffective counsel petition已经被驳回了were turned down by Texas just last month?事实上,我知道,同样我也知道Actually, I am. It's my opinion, though,德克萨斯很多方面领先于密西西比that Texas is miles ahead of Mississippi特别是愚蠢的程度in many things, including stupidity.--我很乐观 --早上好, 律师I'm optimistic. Morning, counsel.--早上好,法官大人 --早上好Good morning, Your Honor. Good morning.这是个需要慎之又慎的决定This is serious business.这个是不可逆的、对犯人终极惩罚Ultimate, irreversible punishment of a fellow human.时间金贵, 你们准备什么时候提出上诉?And time is the purest gold. When do you plan to file an appeal?这次不同寻常,我计划等法庭裁定后Oddly, I had planned on waiting for the court to issue a ruling再上诉before appealing it,法官大人Your Honor.如果按照预期的话,周四However, if, as expected, Thursday.--那么州政♥府♥的回应是? --我们同意And the state's response? We agree.假设我们对面的年轻律师不在上诉时Assuming young counsel opposite will not be introducing提出额外的议题 --当然不会additional issues on this appeal. Obviously not.周五上午Friday morning.周五我会给出我的决定You'll have my decision Friday.还有新的档案需要提交吗?Can the court expect additional filings?你在问我的法律策略吗,法官大人?Are you asking me my legal strategy, Your Honor?不是,先生Not at all, sir.不过如果你有的话我会感到振奋的But I'm thrilled to know you have one.散会You're all dismissed. Now.亚当,特赦?Adam. Clemency?--按照规定我不能问 --你没问I'm contractually bound not to ask. You haven't.但你会问的,你看到了,州长是个思想开明的人But you will. You see, the Governor's a very open minded man.他没有阻碍任何事He's not precluding anything.你成为了一名律师一定让山姆感到非常骄傲You becoming a lawyer must've made Sam proud.州长,你们都知道他对律师这个职业的看法吧Well, Governor, you of all people should be familiar with his view of the profession.然而,回到正题However, I'd just as soon keep this discussion on the issue按照约定,非官方的and, as agreed, off the record.我明白你正在重新考虑I understand you're reconsidering我当事人的死刑the state-sanctioned murder of my client.亚当,你介意听我说两句吗?Adam, would you mind?不介意,先生No, sir.亚当,之前两位检察官没能定罪Adam, I obviously worked very hard而我通过努力工作,定罪了and am extremely proud to have won a conviction我很骄傲我成功了where two previous prosecutors have failed.山姆-凯霍尔有罪However, while I have no doubt Sam Cayhall is guilty as charged,但我认为他还有同伙I have always found it very difficult to believe he acted alone.你知道,他从未想过供出别人救自己And as you know, he's never been inclined to help himself in that regard.你究竟在说什么? 你还知道什么细节吗?What exactly are you saying? Is there something specific you know about?不,当然不知道No. Certainly not.我只想确保正义被伸张了I just wanna make sure justice is served.我明白了I see.所以如果我以某种方式知道...So if I should somehow learn...亚当,我可以用我的权利去决定Adam, I take my power to decide一个人的生死whether a fellow human should live or die very seriously.如果我能在某种程度上确信你的当事人也是想...Now, if I could somehow be convinced your client felt the same way...不好意思我赶时间, 诺拉, 请全力帮助霍尔先生I'm sorry to rush. Nora, please help out Mr. Hall in every way we can.很高兴能见到你It was lovely to meet you.很高兴见到你Nice to meet you.我猜,你不信他Let me guess. You're not convinced he's sincere.请允许我有一点怀疑论




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