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每日新闻播报(May 31)

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每日新闻播报(May 31)

chinadaily.com.cn 2022-05-31 15:24

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>Shanghai announces plan for economic recovery上海发布重振经济50条措施

Citizens enter the Yuyuan Garden Mall in East China's Shanghai, May 28, 2022. As one of Shanghai's landmarks, the Yuyuan Garden Mall reopened on Saturday. People are required to make reservations online before entering the mall. [Photo/Xinhua]

To coordinate COVID-19 control with economic development, the municipal government of Shanghai on Sunday launched an action plan to speed up economic recovery. Among the 50 policies and measures in the plan, the city's approval system for production resumption will be abandoned starting June 1. 为统筹好常态化疫情防控与经济社会发展,上海市政府5月29日发布《上海市加快经济恢复和重振行动方案》,共包括50条政策措施。根据行动方案,上海将于6月1日起取消企业复工复产审批制度。

At the same time, the city will promote work restarts in all sectors by expanding the scope of subsidies for epidemic prevention and disinfection, stabilizing industrial and supply chains in the Yangtze River Delta and smoothing domestic and international logistics and transportation channels. 同时,出台扩大企业防疫和消杀补贴范围、建立长三角产业链供应链互保机制、畅通国内国际物流运输通道等政策措施,支持各行业领域复工复产复市。


>Textbooks to be changed after illustration row教育部全面排查全国中小学教材

The illustration of a fourth-grade math textbook published by the People's Education Press has raised eyebrows among netizens who deem it ugly and inappropriate. [Photo/IC]

The Ministry of Education has asked the publisher of primary school math textbooks to revise the illustrations after they caused a public outcry for being inappropriate. 近日,人教版数学教材因其中插图人物形象“丑”,画风诡异,引发争议。

The ministry has asked the People's Education Press to carry out prompt rectification measures and make sure the new textbooks are available for students before the start of the autumn semester in September, it said in a news release on Saturday. 教育部5月28日发布回应称,已责成人民教育出版社立即整改,重新组织专业力量绘制教材插图,确保2022年秋季学期开始使用新教材。

The ministry will also conduct a comprehensive evaluation of all textbooks used by primary and secondary schools nationwide, especially regarding their content and illustrations. 此外,教育部立即部署对全国中小学教材进行全面排查,重点是教材内容、插图等,发现问题立即整改,确保教材坚持正确政治方向和价值导向,弘扬中华优秀文化,符合大众审美习惯。


>US politicians call for arming teachers得州总检察长建议给教师配枪

People visit a memorial for the 19 children and two adults killed on May 24th during a mass shooting at Robb Elementary School on May 30, 2022 in Uvalde, Texas. [Photo/Agencies]

Immediately after the school shooting in Texas, conservative politicians reacted with another push for arming school officials to protect students – a notion that has raised strong objections among teachers, researchers and gun control activists. 得克萨斯州发生校园枪击事件后,美国保守党政客立即作出反应,再次推动学校教职员工配枪保护学生,这一提案在教师、研究人员和控枪活动家中引起强烈反对。

"We can arm and prepare and train teachers and other administrators to respond quickly, because the reality is we don't have the resources to have law enforcement at every school," Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton told Fox News on May 24. 得州总检察长肯•帕克斯顿5月24日对福克斯新闻表示:“我们可以武装、培训教师和其他管理人员,让他们有所准备,迅速做出反应,因为我们没办法在每一所学校安排执法人员。”

Texas has already pioneered such training, the School Marshal Program, which allows teachers and administrators to carry handguns after 80 hours of training at academies overseen by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement.得州早前已经率先开展了“校警计划”培训,教师和行政人员在得克萨斯州执法委员会监管的学院接受80小时的培训后便可以配枪。


>Oxfam calls for end to billionaire 'bonanza'报告:全球疫情催生573位亿万富翁


A new billionaire emerged every 30 hours during the COVID-19 pandemic, and nearly a million could fall into extreme poverty at around the same rate in 2022, Oxfam announced in a release of sobering statistics. 全球慈善机构乐施会近日发布的数据揭示了一个冷酷的现实:新冠疫情期间每30个小时就有一位新的亿万富翁诞生,而2022年每33个小时就有近100万人正陷入极度贫困。

There were 573 more billionaires in the world by March 2022 than in 2020, when the pandemic began, the global charity said in a brief published May 23. 乐施会在5月23日发布的一份简报上称,2022年3月世界上的亿万富翁总人数比2020年疫情初期增加了573位。

On top of that, it estimated 263 million people could be pushed into extreme levels of poverty in 2022 because of the pandemic, growing global inequality and rising food prices that have been exacerbated by the war in Ukraine — the equivalent of nearly a million people every 33 hours.此外,乐施会估计,2022年将有2.63亿人因为疫情、全球不平等恶化和乌克兰战争加剧的食品价格上涨而陷入极度贫困。乐施会表示,这相当于每33个小时就有近100万人陷入极度贫困。


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