mutate是什么意思 mutate的中文翻译、读音、例句

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mutate是什么意思 mutate的中文翻译、读音、例句

2024-04-20 15:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



1. The virus has mutated and become even more dangerous. (这种病毒已经突变,变得更加危险。)

2. Scientists are studying how the cells mutate under different conditions. (科学家们正在研究细胞在不同条件下的突变情况。)




例句:Colds mutate even while they're infecting you, and new strains pop up so often that by the time drug-makers create a vaccine against one variation, the serum is already out of date. (即使在感染你的时候,感冒病毒也会发生变异,而且新的病毒毒株经常出现,以至于当制药商研制出针对其中一种变异的疫苗时,血清已经过时了。)


例句:Like nuclear DNA, mDNA harbours genes that can mutate and cause disease. (与核d NA一样,mDNA含有可以发生变异而导致疾病的基因。)


例句:It's also been predicted that if these robots mutate and self-replicate, they might not know when to stop. (如果纳米机器人能够发生突变和自我复制,它们也许不清楚什么时候该停下来。)


例句:A staph cell can be next to a muscle cell in your body and borrow genes from it when antibiotics come, and change and mutate. (翻译:当抗生素靠近的时候,人体内靠近肌肉细胞的葡萄球菌可以从肌肉细胞中借出基因, 从而变异。)


1. It's also been predicted that if these robots mutate and self-replicate, they might not know when to stop. (翻译:如果纳米机器人能够发生突变和自我复制,它们也许不清楚什么时候该停下来。)

2. A staph cell can be next to a muscle cell in your body and borrow genes from it when antibiotics come, and change and mutate. (翻译:当抗生素靠近的时候,人体内靠近肌肉细胞的葡萄球菌可以从肌肉细胞中借出基因, 从而变异。)

3. Bacteria that are not killed entirely by an antibiotic will mutate and become resistant to it. (翻译:没有被抗生素完全杀死的细菌会突变并产生抗药性。)

4. A staph cell can be next to a muscle cell in your body and borrow genes from it when antibiotics come, and change and mutate. (翻译:当抗生素靠近的时候,人体内靠近肌肉细胞的葡萄球菌可以从肌肉细胞中借出基因, 从而变异。)

5. We know the virus will mutate. It will be a different virus. (翻译:我们知道病毒是会变异的。它会成为一种新的病毒。)

6. Scientists warn that the virus could mutate into a much deadlier form. (翻译:科学家们警告,该病毒可能变异成更致命的形式。)

7. When these mutate, they change their shape, and the antibodies don't know what they're looking at anymore. (翻译:一旦病毒开始变异,它们开始改变自己形状, 抗体这时候就难以识别这些病毒。)

8. Chemotherapy and radiation can causecancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgerycan also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites. (翻译:化疗及放射线治疗会造成病患癌细胞突变及产生抗体而变得难以摧毁,而手术则易使癌细胞扩散至其它部位。)

9. You know, we mutate during four billion years before, but now, because it's me, we stop. Fin. (Laughter) For the end, for the eternity, it is one with a red jacket." (翻译:之前我们突变了四十亿年,现在因为是我,我们停止、结束。到了终点,到了永恒,就是身穿红色夹克。” )

10. We open with Laroche. He's funny. He says, "I love to mutate plants." (翻译:我们从老许开场 他幽默的说『我喜欢让花草变种』)

11. Hillis then reran the experiment but with this important difference: he allowed the sorting test itself to mutate while the evolving sorter tried to solve it. (翻译:接着,希利斯重新开始试验,不过这次大有不同:他允许排序测试在进化排序程序努力解决变异问题的同时自行变异。)

12. The virus did not mutate during the pandemic to a more lethal form. (翻译:在大流行期间这一病毒没有突变为某种更致命的形式。)

13. He said he and his team have zeroed in on a section of a key protein in HIV's structure that does not mutate. (翻译:他和他的小组人员已经解开了HIV病毒结构中不能发生变异的的一种关键性蛋白质的存在部位。)

14. And ce Lily and I start fighting, the fight starts to mutate and multly. (翻译:我和Lily一旦吵起来 就会愈演愈烈 引申开去)

15. "Influenza virus mutates remarkably rapidly so there is no doubt that the virus will mutate and evolve in humans, " said Holmes. (翻译:病毒的变异非常快,因此病毒无疑会在人体中产生变异和演化。)



1. 意释:


2. 词性:


3. 词源:


4. 应用领域:

'mutate'是生物学的专业术语,用于描述生物体基因的突变以及基因组的演化。在计算机科学领域,也有类似含义的缩写词:MUT(Mutation Testing),是一种软件测试技术,它通过对软件中的代码语句进行人为修改,以检测测试用例的覆盖率。

5. 中英例句:

1. The virus has mutated, it resistant to the current vaccine.(病毒已经发生了变异,使其对目前的疫苗产生了抵抗力。)

2. The bacteria mutated and became more dangerous.(细菌发生了变异,变得更加危险。)

3. Genetic mutations can have both positive and negative effects on an organism.(基因突变对于生物体可能有好有坏。)

4. MUT is a software testing technique that helps identify weak spots in a program.(MUT是一种软件测试技术,它可以帮助发现程序中的薄弱点。)

5. The software underwent several mutations before it was ready for release.(这个软件发布之前进行了多次修改和演变。)

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