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2024-07-10 22:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Kick the bucket To die 翘辫子,死

Old Dyson looks as if he may kick the bucket any day; I've never seen a living being look so thin. 老戴逊好像会随时死去,我从未见过活人这样瘦的。

Over my dead body Under no circumstances 只要我还有一口气就不能那样做;除非我死了

"Joe says he's going to buy a motorbike." "Over my dead body!" “乔说他想买辆摩托车。”“只要我还有一口气就不准他买!”

Pop one’s clogs To die 死,死亡

I think I'll leave all my money to charity when I pop my clogs. 我想我死后要把所有的钱都捐给慈善事业。

Pushing up daisies Dead and buried 死,入土,一命呜呼

I'll be pushing up the daisies long before it happens. 没等这件事发生我早就一命呜呼了。

Sleep with the fishes Dead, often by murder 被谋杀致死(黑话,通常被抛尸水中)

Don't worry, boss, that no-good snitch will be sleeping with the fishes before sunrise. 老板,别担心,告密的奸人在天亮之前就会被干掉。

Set in stone Fixed; unchangeable 确定,成定局,板上钉钉

These are just a few ideas - nothing is set in stone yet. 这还只是一些想法——什么都还没定下来。

Six feet under Dead and buried 入土,死去

There's no point worrying about it - we'll both be six feet under by then. 不用为此担心——到时候我们俩都已入土了。

Whistle past the graveyard Remain optimistic despite dangers; be clueless 在危险境地依然保持乐观,故作镇定;一无所知,一窍不通

He shows a confident manner, but he may just be whistling past the graveyard. 他表现出一种自信的态度,但他可能只是故作镇定。

Your number is up You are going to die (某人)气数已尽,死到临头

When the plane started to shake, I just thought my number was up. 飞机开始摇晃时,我真的以为我要完蛋了。




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