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2024-07-03 11:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  主讲人:大恒昌夫  日本庆应大学经济学研究科教授


  报告主题:(1)Introducing Virtue Ethics into Normative Economics for Models with Endogenous Preferences




  讲座语言:英 语


  时    间:2017年11月22日14:30-17:00


  地    点:武汉理工大学南湖校区管院大楼109教室







  大恒昌夫教授是国际知名的日本经济学家。1982年毕业于日本大阪大学,1988年获得芝加哥大学经济学博士学位,师从2013年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者Lars Peter Hansen。他曾先后任教于美国Rochester University和 Ohio State University,2013年至今任教于日本庆应大学。


  大恒昌夫教授研究兴趣广泛,是知名的计量经济学家、宏观经济学家以及国际经济学家。近年来,他专注于行为经济学的研究,对于如何将行为要素引入传统经济学模型做出了重大贡献。他的研究成果广泛发表于各类经济学刊物,其中包括Econometrica, American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, Review of Economic Studies等等。


  鉴于大恒昌夫教授在研究上的突出贡献,多家国际知名刊物纷纷邀请他出任杂志主编或编委。他曾于2003-2009年出任顶级宏观经济学期刊Journal of Money, Credit and Banking主编;于1994-2011年出任Economics Letters主编人之一;于2011-2016年出任日本顶级经济学期刊Japanese Economic Review主编。




  An important role of normative economics is to provide an analytical framework to evaluate social states. Such an evaluation is based on value judgments derived from moral views of the members of the society. There exist three major approaches in normative ethics, which formalize many people’s moral views. These are consequentialism that focuses on consequences of actions such as utilitarianism; deontology that focuses on moral duties, and virtue ethics that focuses on the cultivation of virtues and the moral character of people. Among these, important aspects of consequentialism and deontology have been incorporated into social welfare functions. However, normative economics does not have a formal analytical framework for virtue ethics. The purpose of this paper is to develop such a framework for models with endogenous preferences. We apply this framework to a rational addiction model and an intergenerational altruism model. We find that introduction of virtue ethics can lead to very different policy recommendations than those based solely on social welfare functions. Importantly, in contrast to the commonly held view, we find that incorporating virtue ethics into normative economic analysis may not always lead to greater government interventions in the market.











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