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2023-03-07 23:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

内蒙古财经大学本科毕业论文正定矩阵的性质及应用作者郝芸芸系别统计与数学学院专业信息与计算科学年级 10级学号 102093113 指导教师高菲菲导师职称讲师答辩日期成绩内容提要矩阵是数学中的一个重要基本概念,也是一个主要研究对象,,,,:定义法、主子式法、特征值法、.关键词:二次型正定矩阵判定方法应用

AbstractMatrix is an important basic concepts in mathematics, but also a main research object, at the same time matrix theory is a powerful tool for the study of linear algebra. At the same time, the positive definiteness of matrix is an important concept in the matrix theory. The positive definite matrix is a special matrix, the equivalence theorem in the problem solving process can be used flexibly. And the positive definite matrix with special properties of general matrix does not have these properties, especially widely used in various fields. In the first part of this thesis introduces the related definition of positive definite real matrix and its equivalent conditions. In the second part are held a series of properties of positive definite matrix, mainly introduced the positive definiteness correlation matrix is positive definite matrix. This paper introduces the related theorem of positive definite matrix in the third part. This paper introduces the method to judge the positive definiteness matrix in fourth parts: the definition, the master method, the eigenvalue method. Determination and simply cited a number of examples of real positive definite matrices. Two aspects of extreme finally this paper from the proof of inequality and multiple function describes the practical application of positive definite matrices.Key words: Quadratic form Positive definite matrix Determination method Application目录引言 1一、正定矩阵的定义 1二、正定矩阵的性质 2三、正定矩阵的有关定理 6四、正定矩阵的判定方法 9(一)定义法 9(二)主子式法 10(三)特征值法 11




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