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2024-07-15 23:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

      谢吉人先生,1964年出生于泰国,现任正大集团董事长,是正大集团第三代核心领导人。       正大集团1921年由谢国民先生的父亲谢易初先生创建于泰国曼谷。第一代核心领导人是谢易初先生,第二代核心领导人是谢国民先生。       进入新时期,2017年,经谢国民先生提议,正大集团董事会决议,谢国民先生任正大集团资深董事长,由谢国民先生的长子谢吉人先生任正大集团董事长、谢国民先生的三子谢镕仁先生任正大集团CEO,这标志着在正大集团的最高领导层中新一代接班人已经站在了第一线,正大集团的最高领导人将顺利地从第二代过渡到第三代,为正大集团第二个一百年的发展在组织领导层做好了准备,正大集团必将迎来一个更加美好的明天。       谢吉人先生毕业于美国纽约大学商业及公共管理学院,学士学位。因其对泰国经济和社会的贡献,泰国Ramkhamhaeng大学授予其工商管理哲学博士名誉学位。       谢吉人先生具有丰富及多元化的国际投资和管理经验。       谢吉人先生在担任正大集团董事长的同时,还担任正大集团多家公司及国际著名企业的高级管理职务,主要有:谢吉人先生担任泰国上市公司:CP Foods Company Limited(正大食品有限公司)董事长,CP ALL Public Company Limited(正大大众有限公司)董事长;香港上市公司:正大企业国际有限公司非执行董事兼董事长;并担任正大投资股份有限公司董事长,True Visions Group Company Limited执行董事长,正大光明控股有限公司董事长,中国平安保险(集团)股份有限公司非执行董事。       除了广泛的专业成就外,谢吉人先生还担任多个国家政府和社会相关职务。       由于谢吉人先生的专业成就和社会影响力,目前他受聘担任泰国政府多个委员会的顾问;还担任泰国世界华商主席团委员。2013 年谢吉人先生荣获泰王国一等骑士大十字勋章。鉴于谢吉人先生对促进俄罗斯与泰国的投资和经贸合作所做出的贡献,谢吉人荣获多项俄罗斯荣誉和勋章。自2008年起,谢吉人先生担任俄罗斯联邦驻泰国普吉岛省、甲米岛和攀牙省的名誉领事。2017年为庆祝泰国和俄罗斯建交120周年,俄罗斯外交部授予谢吉人先生特别互动纪念奖章。       在中国,谢吉人先生作为正大集团的第三代核心领导人有着广泛的影响。       多年以来,谢吉人先生积极参与和促进中泰友好交往和经贸合作,为中泰两国的经济和社会进步事业做出了积极的努力和贡献。       2006年和2008年,谢吉人先生两次荣获上海市人民政府颁发的白玉兰纪念奖和白玉兰荣誉奖。       2010年起至今,谢吉人先生担任中国泰国商会会长。       2017年至2019年,谢吉人先生担任中国侨商投资企业协会副会长。       2019年起至今,谢吉人先生担任中国侨商联合会常务副会长。       2018年,谢吉人先生荣选中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会海外侨胞列席代表。       谢吉人先生是上海市市长国际企业家咨询委员会成员;政协湖南省第十届和第十一届委员会委员。       谢吉人先生还担任正大集团与中央电视台合作栏目“正大综艺”的制作单位——正大综艺有限公司董事长,以及复旦大学管理学奖励基金会第三届理事会理事。       正大集团有着爱国爱乡的光荣传统,它起源发源于谢易初先生,发扬光大于谢国民先生,继承传承于谢吉人先生。       谢吉人先生虽为第三代泰籍华裔,但从小就在海外接受中华文化的教育,深受祖父和父亲的熏陶及影响,他热爱中国、热爱中国文化,高度赞扬中国发展取得的成就,始终看好中国的发展前途。       谢吉人先生多次表示,在新的历史时期,正大集团将始终坚守“利国利民利企业”的经营宗旨,继续加大在中国的投资发展,为中国的广大消费者提供更多更好的产品与服务,为中国的经济建设和社会发展做出新的贡献。


Mr. Soopakij Chearavanont, born in 1964 in Thailand, currently serves as Chairman of Charoen Pokphand Group (CP Group), representing the third generation of the group’s core leadership. 


CP Group was founded in 1921 in Bangkok, Thailand by his grandfather, Mr. Chia Ek Chor, who constituted the first-generation core leader, followed by his father, Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont, as the second-generation core leader.


In 2017, under his proposal of Mr. Dhanin and the resolution of CP Group’s Board of Directors, Mr. Dhanin assumed the role of Senior Chairman while Mr. Soopakij Chearavanont took on the position of Chairman and Mr. Suphachai Chearavanont, the third son of Mr. Dhanin, became the CEO of CP Group. This transition marked the formal succession of the highest leadership from the second to the third generation, setting the stage for CP Group’s second century of development with a prepared leadership team for an even brighter future.


Mr. Soopakij Chearavanont graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Business and Public Administration from New York University. Recognizing his contributions to the Thai economy and society, Ramkhamhaeng University in Thailand conferred upon him an honorary Doctorate in Philosophy in Business Administration.


Boasting extensive and diverse experience in international investment and management, Mr. Soopakij Chearavanont concurrently holds several senior management positions within companies of CP and many other renowned international corporations. Specifically, he chairs CP Foods Company Limited and CP ALL Public Company Limited, both listed in Thailand; he is a non-executive director and chairman of CP Lotus Corporation listed in Hong Kong. Additionally, he heads CP Capital Investment Co., Ltd., serves as Executive Chairman of True Visions Group Company Limited, Chairman of CP Bright Holdings Limited, and is a non-executive director of Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd.


Beyond his professional accomplishments, Mr. Soopakij Chearavanont also holds multiple government and societal positions in various countries. 


His expertise and social influence have earned him advisory roles in several Thai government committees and a seat on the World Chinese Entrepreneur Congress in Thailand. In 2013, he was honored with the Knight Grand Cross (First Class) of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant by the Kingdom of Thailand. For his contributions to fostering investment and trade cooperation between Russia and Thailand, Mr. Soopakij Chearavanont has been decorated with Russian honors and medals. Since 2008, he has served as the Honorary Consul of the Russian Federation in Phuket Province, Krabi Province, and Phang Nga Province of Thailand. In 2017, to commemorate the 120th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Thailand and Russia, the Russian Foreign Ministry awarded him a special commemorative medal.


In China, Mr. Chinese Entrepreneurs wields substantial influence as the third-generation leader of CP Group. 


He has actively promoted friendly exchanges and economic cooperation between China and Thailand, contributing positively to the economic and social progress of both nations.


He was honored with the Magnolia Memorial Award and Magnolia Honor Award by the Shanghai Municipal Government in 2006 and 2008 respectively.


Since 2010, he has presided over the Thailand-China Chamber of Commerce. 


From 2017 to 2019, he served as Vice President of the China Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs Association.


Since 2019, he has been Executive Vice President of the China Federation of Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs. 


In 2018, he was selected as an observer representative of overseas Chinese at the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).


He is also a member of the Shanghai Mayor’s International Business Leaders Advisory Council and served as a member of the 10th and 11th Hunan Provincial Committee of CPPCC.


Moreover, Mr. Chinese Entrepreneurs chairs Chia Tai Variety Show Co., Ltd., the production company behind the CP Group-CCTV collaboration program Chia Tai Variety Show, and is a council member of the third board of Fudan Premium Fund of Management.


CP Group upholds a proud tradition of patriotism and love for homeland. This tradition was initiated by Mr. Chia Ek Chor, cultivated by Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont, and carried forward by Mr. Soopakij Chearavanont. 


Despite being a third-generation Thai-Chinese, Mr. Soopakij was educated in Chinese culture from a young age. Deeply influenced by his grandfather and father, he holds a profound love for China and its culture, applauds China’s remarkable achievements, and maintains a consistently optimistic view of its future prospects.


Mr. Soopakij Chearavanont has repeatedly emphasized that in this new historical era, CP Group will adhere to its operational principle of “benefiting the country, benefiting the people, and benefiting the enterprise”, continue to expand its investments in China, offer more and better products and services to Chinese consumers, and contribute anew to China’s economic development and social progress.




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