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#英文歌曲| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



翻译界谈论最多、也争论最激烈的翻译方法是“直译(literal translation)”与“意译(paraphrased/free translation)”,“异化(foreignization translation)”与“归化(domestication translation)”。这是两对二元对立观。有所谓的“直译派”、“异化派”和“意译派”、“归化派”的非此即彼的二元划分。二者都竭力放大各自观点的合理性而忽视了自己的局限性,甚至发展到“宁信勿顺”和“宁顺勿信”的极端态度,从而走进非理性争论的死胡同。

所谓“直译”就是在内容和形式上都忠于原文的翻译方法。由于英语和汉语的表意主干都是“主语+施动”、“主语+系动词+定义/推论/描述”、“客观存在的‘有’(英语用there be表示)+主语+状语”这三大主要句型,所以直译在不少情况下是可行的。

[例1]All that glitters is not gold. (主语+系动词+推论。译为: 闪闪发光的东西不一定都是金子。)

[例2]Having good taste is knowing what tastes good. (主句: 主语+系动词+推论;what ...从句: 主语+系动词+描述。译为: 味觉好就会知道什么味道好。)

[例3]There is no such thing as free lunch. (客观存在的“有”+主语。译为: 天下没有免费的午餐。)

[例4]He dedicated his life to researching to make sure these land grants were legal. (主语+施动。译为: 他倾其一生进行调查研究以确定这些土地补偿的合法性。)

[例5]Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. Abeunt studia in morse. (Studies go to make up a man's character.) Nay, there is no stand or impediment in the wit, but may be wrought out by fit studies: like as diseases of the body may have appropriate exercises. Bowling is good for the stone and reins; shooting for the lungs and breast; gentle walking for the stomach; riding for the head; and the like. (这段英语里的几个排比句平行铺开,相互之间并没有内含的逻辑修饰关系,其中也没有特别的文化异质,所以采用直译法即可。可译为: 读史使人明鉴,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深邃,伦理使人庄重;逻辑使人严谨;修辞使人善辩: 不同的学科塑造不同的特质。凡是智力方面的不足, 都可以通过学习相应的学科来弥补,正如身体方面的疾病可以借助锻炼来补救一样。保龄壮腰身;射箭健胸肺;散步助消化;善骑利大脑,不一而足。)

各种语言的许多词汇都有表面意义和深层意义之分,不少情况下还有微妙的喻指以及“弦外之音”(what is between the lines)。因此,在翻译词汇和句子的深层意义时,就得用意译法,即设法把其实际所指表达出来,必要时可打破或改变它的外形。总体要求是:“译词要看句子;译句子要看篇章。”有时词汇的真实意思不在其本身,而是潜伏于上下文之中。故而孤立地译词往往会出错。例如“mother”一词,在“His mother is a doctor.”中译为:“他妈妈是个医生。”(直译)但在“I woke up with the mother of all hangovers.”中,“mother”就不能译为“妈妈”了,整句意译为“我醒来后因为一夜的宿醉而头疼难忍。”

再如:“You should be outside making the most of the sunshine.”(译为: 你应该尽量多地到户外晒晒太阳。)这里就有适度的“意译”。如直译为:“你应该在外面最大限度地利用太阳光。”就显得很别扭,因为表意欠佳,而且中国人并不这样说话。又如:“The idea of going abroad for further studies is quite foreign to her.”(译为: 她根本没有出国深造的念头/打算/想法。)这完全是意译。如直译为:“出国上学的想法对她来说是外国的(或不熟悉的)。”就根本说不通,失去了应有的交际功能。


[例1]The office building is dwarfed by its surrounding skyscrapers. (这座办公楼四周都是摩天大楼,相比之下,它显得特别矮小。)

[例2]It says a lot for the students that they always set the desks and chairs in order and switch off the lights and air conditioner before leaving the classroom. (同学们离开教室前总是把桌椅摆放得整整齐齐,把灯和空调都关掉,表现出良好的素质。)

[例3]As a mahjong widow, she has been unhappy these years. (这些年她的丈夫沉溺于玩麻将,对她多有冷落,因此她的感情生活很不幸。)

[例4]He is a jumped-up little bureau craft. (他小人得志,刚刚小有升迁,就端起了官架子。)

[例5]Getting Jimmy dressed in the morning is half the battle. (吉米早上总是赖着不起床,只要能给他穿上衣服,剩下来的事情就差不多可以搞定了。)

[例6]All the elements of hope must be counterbalanced by a chilling awareness that the pace of progress is far too slow. (我们实在不能抱过高的希望,因为进展的速度像马拉松似的,总是让人扫兴。)

[例7]Poverty is powerful ally of illness; but greater wealth does not necessarily buy better health. (贫病交加无异于雪上加霜。不过,有钱并不一定能买到健康。)




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