
您所在的位置:网站首页 欧冠淘汰赛比分相同怎么办 【足球英文词汇】足球赛事和赛制


2024-01-12 23:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


# match & tournament & campaign

match,比赛,指单独的一场比赛,在足球比赛中就是90分钟的常规时间外加伤停补时,根据赛事不同可能还包括加时赛(extra time)和点球大战(shoot out)。也泛指某一类运动比赛,如football match,basketball match。


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe during 2020, the 2020 UEFA European Football Championship tournament was postponed to summer 2021,while retaining the name UEFA Euro 2020 and host venues.(The Wikipedia) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UEFA_Euro_2020

Euro2020 tournament

Arsene Wenger's Arsenal are the only side to have gone the entire Premier League campaign unbeaten. That record season was achieved in 2003/04 when they won the title by 11 points from Chelsea.(PremierLeague official site)https://www.premierleague.com/premier-league-explained

Arsenal 03/04 Premier League campaign# league & cup

足球比赛有很多赛事,从赛制(competition system)上基本上可以分为联赛league tournament/match和杯赛cup tournament/match。

联赛通常是各国足球协会(football association)独立举办的面向国内俱乐部的赛事,一个赛季(season)持续时间在一年左右不超过一年,采用循环赛制(round robin competition system),正常情况下每两支球队都会碰面,每场比赛胜平负分别积不同的积分,最终根据总积分决定球队排名、冠军归属、降级球队等。

比如英超联赛Premier League是英足总举办的英格兰最顶级的联赛(top flight)赛事,通常在每年8月开赛次年5月结束。由20支俱乐部参赛,采取双循环(double round robin)赛制,每两队在一个赛季会碰面两次(主(home)客(away)场各一次),胜一场积3分,平局各积1分,输球积0分,最终积分最高的球队便是英超冠军,积分榜末尾的3支球队降级(relegate)到第二级别的英冠联赛(the EFL Championship)。

The teams that finish in the bottom three of the Premier League table at the end of the campaign are relegated to the Championship, the second tier of English football.(PremierLeague offical site)https://www.premierleague.com/premier-league-explained

Premier League


我们知道欧洲足球代表着世界足球的最高水平,尤以欧洲五大联赛的联赛水平最高,它们分别是英格兰的英超联赛Premier League,西班牙的西甲联赛La Liga,德国的德甲Bundesliga,意大利的意甲联赛Serie A和法国的法甲Ligue 1,不管是竞技层面还是商业运作它们都处于领先地位。

The top five European men's leagues are the Premier League (England), La Liga (Spain), Bundesliga (Germany), Serie A (Italy), and Ligue 1 (France). Attracting most of the world's best players, each of the leagues has a total wage cost in excess of £600 million/€763 million/US$1.185 billion.(The Wikipedia)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_football

European top 5 leagues

杯赛cup tournament与联赛的赛制不同。通常来说,由于参赛球队众多或是赛程安排有限等原因,杯赛不可能允许所有球队都能碰面,所以抽签(draw)和淘汰(elemination or knockout)机制是必须的。在赛事的不同阶段或到达一定阶段,需要通过抽签的方式决定哪些球队直接交锋,赢的球队晋级,输的球队可能直接被淘汰或是进入到低级别的组里继续参赛。

比如现代足球历史最悠久的赛事英格兰足总杯(FA Cup)就是一个纯淘汰赛制的杯赛(all knockout cup tournament),因为它涵盖了英格兰各个级别大量的俱乐部球队参赛。

Leicester City FA Cup winner 20/21# Champions League

Champions League,欧洲冠军杯联赛,欧冠联赛,是欧足联主办的由欧洲顶级俱乐部参与竞技的赛事。从竞技角度讲,欧冠联赛应该算是世界上水平最高的赛事之一。它虽然叫联赛,但从赛制上看它应该属于杯赛性质的比赛。我们可以通过欧冠的赛制了解很多关于杯赛的词汇。

Champions League

## group matches & knockout matches

欧冠正赛分为两个阶段(stage)——小组赛阶段group stage/phase和淘汰赛阶段knockout stage/phase。

小组赛阶段32支球队通过一定的规则抽签(draw)进入8个不同的小组,组内进行双循环赛,最后积分排名最高的两只球队进入淘汰赛阶段,第三名进入欧联杯(UEFA Europa League)淘汰赛,第四名直接被淘汰出本赛季欧冠。

进入淘汰赛阶段后,各队会按一定的规则抽签捉对厮杀。每轮比赛称作一个round或round fixture(fixture: (预定的)体育赛事安排)。在每个round,抽在一起的两队间的比赛由两个leg(回合)组成,即两场比赛(主客场各一场),每场比赛称作一个leg。


The tie between Real Madrid and Manchester City will involve two games: home and away legs.  

The FA Cup tie between Arsenal and Leeds finished with a home win.

两回合的得失球相加,总比分aggregate score高的球队胜出进入下一轮next round,低的球队直接被淘汰eleminated。前些年的淘汰赛还有客场进球(away goals)规则,即总比分相同的情况下,客场进球多的球队获胜win the fixture,但是现在取消了。如果两场比赛常规时间后两队总比分相同,需要额外安排30分钟的加时赛(extra time),加时赛仍旧无法决胜的话,会进入点球大战(shoot out)直到决出胜负。

The away goals rule was applied to determine the winner of a two-legged knockout tie in cases where the two teams had scored the same number of goals on aggregate over the two matches. If one team had scored more away goals, they would qualify for the next round.(The SkySports)https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11095/12340830/away-goals-rule-abolished-for-uefa-competitions-from-2021-22-season

PSG beat Bayern Munich on away goals to reach the 2020-21 Champions League semi-final

## final, semi-final & quarter-final


Trailing 3-0 after a humbling semi-final first-leg defeat at the Camp Nou, Liverpool produced one of football's greatest comebacks, beating Barcelona 4-0 to reach the Champions League final for the second successive season.(The SkySports)https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11945/11984568/liverpool-4-0-barcelona-stunning-reds-comeback-revisited

Liverpool v Barcelona Champions League semi-final 2019# World Cup

从国家队(national team)层面看,最著名的赛事当属男子世界杯,它可以说是世界上最有影响力的赛事,即使与其他体育项目放在一起比较。世界各地大约有200个国家参与到这项赛事的竞技中,从各个洲的预选赛一直到决赛圈的比赛。四年一次的决赛圈赛事(finals tournament)是以赛会制的形式在中立球场进行,持续一个月左右,是这项赛事的高潮。据国际足联数据,2018年为期一个月的俄罗斯世界杯总共吸引了全球约35.72亿人收看。

Audit shows a record 3.572 billion people watched the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ · Figure includes those who watched TV at home, out of home or on digital platforms.(The FIFA)https://www.fifa.com/tournaments/mens/worldcup/2018russia/media-releases/more-than-half-the-world-watched-record-breaking-2018-world-cup

FIFA World Cup 2018 Champions France



Brazil is the most successful team having won the title five times; Italy and Germany have four titles each; Uruguay, Argentina and current champion France have two each; while England and Spain have one each.(The Wikipedia) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_FIFA_World_Cup_finals

World Cup 2002 Champions Brazil




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