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2024-07-17 04:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


樱田门外之变的剧情介绍,19世纪中叶,西方列强的炮火轰开清政府沉重腐朽的国门,也让垂垂老矣的日本幕府切身感到危机。是时,德川幕府当代将军家定生性癫狂,无心政治,幕府内部分为庆福和庆喜两派,双方为了下任将军的人选展开明争暗斗。江户之外,以萨摩和水户为首的激进派清醒地意识到国难当头,他们提出尊皇壤夷的口号,主张削弱武家的势力。江户内部,作风强硬的井伊直弼(伊武雅刀 饰)升任幕府大老,一方面积极与美国签订友好条约,一方面对倒幕派大加挞伐,由此引起激进人士的不满。1857年正月,漫天大雪笼罩江户。一群死士在水户藩武士关铁之介(大沢たかお 饰)的率领下,展开了刺杀井伊大老的行动……   本片根据吉村昭的同名历史小说改编。

The Sakurada Gate Incident recounts the story of Mito Domain Samurai coming off house arrest named Seki Tetsunosuke (played by Osawa Takao). He along with other prominent Mito Clansmen are tasked to assassinate the Tairo (Great Elder) Ii Naosuke (played by Ibu Masato) who in the Shogun Iesada's absence has signed treaties without Imperial Consent with the Americans in the Treaty of Amity & Commerce in order to head off Japan's most imminent threat to Japan that has sent the county into crisis. By entering into the unequal agreement with the Americans Ii Naosuke committed the crime of violating the Mikado's law (Emperor Komei). In response to such outrage the Mito Domain informed the Imperial Court and sought sanction. An Imperial Writ from the Mikado was given directly by the court to the Mito breaking the protocol which angered the Bakufu (Shogunal Government) in Edo. This resulted in the Ansei Purge - Ii Naosuke's reign of terror that resulted in over 100 arrests and eight executions of those who opposed Ii's actions which forces the hand of the Mito to take action. On a cold morning of March 1860 the assassination is carried out in a bloody sword battle. While Seki Tetsunosuke is merely tasked to record and confirm the Tairo's death, his battle for survival and that of the fruit of the Mito's actions that his men did not die in vain.


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