疫情后的治愈景观:武汉华侨城一湿地公园景观提升设计 / 奥雅设计 – 有方

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疫情后的治愈景观:武汉华侨城一湿地公园景观提升设计 / 奥雅设计 – 有方

#疫情后的治愈景观:武汉华侨城一湿地公园景观提升设计 / 奥雅设计 – 有方| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

疫情后的治愈景观:武汉华侨城一湿地公园景观提升设计 / 奥雅设计 疫情后的治愈景观:武汉华侨城一湿地公园景观提升设计 / 奥雅设计 作者:Jennie | 编辑:李博超(实习生) | 校对:李博超(实习生) | 2021.02.05 17:09 公园局部鸟瞰  摄影:汪海波

设计单位  奥雅设计

项目地点  湖北武汉

建成时间  2020年5月

占地面积  120000平方米

撰文  Jennie


公园位于湖北省武汉市中心城区东湖生态旅游风景区内,周边5公里内体验性景点林立,园区被华侨城欢乐谷、生态艺术公园、东湖听涛景区、沙滩浴场等景点紧紧环绕。原湿地公园水循环系统故障,导致水体富营养化,鸟类减少,空气质量下降,园区虽依托东湖景区,却门可罗雀。The wetland park is located in the ecological leisure area of downtown Wuhan East Lake Scenic Spot. Within a radius of 5 kilometers, it is surrounded by many interactive attractions, such as OCT Happy Valley, Ecological Art Park, Donghu Tingtao Scenic Area, Beach Bathing Place, etc. Due to the failure of the water circulation system, the existed wetland park had serious eutrophication, fewer birds and lower air quality. Citizens or tourists seldom visited the park.


特殊的地理位置和特殊的时期,从一开始就赋予了项目特殊的意义和任务。生态系统修复及疫情后的人气再聚集成为设计的关键所在。This project was given special significance at the very beginning in this special Post-pandemic Era with its special geographical location. How to restore the ecosystem and bring people back to the park after the epidemic became the key to the design.


景观绿道  摄影:汪海波骑行中的游人  摄影:汪海波



“人类和自然的相处是相互依存的,我们是处于生态链中的一员,对于自然公共空间的依赖是无法想象的。” 设计师们牢记尊重自然的法则,将生态的修复放在设计首位。"The interdependent relationship always exists between human and nature. We are part of an ecological chain, and our dependence on the natural public space cannot be ignored." The design team kept in mind the law of respecting nature and put ecological restoration in the first place of design.




场地内原有水体淤泥堆积,藻类爆发,面临严重的富营养化问题。设计团队在原方案的基础上与水处理公司共同商讨,决定重新梳理原驳岸,增加新的提升泵,在补水区加设第一道物理净水屏障,依次经过沉水植物和挺水植物区的净化,到达南侧的净水区静置沉降。通过物理和生物的双重净化手段,来自东湖的Ⅳ类水经过三层净化达到Ⅱ~Ⅲ类水之后,再通过重力势能汇入西侧的水生植物展示区加以利用。In the existed project site, silt accumulation and algal outbreak caused serious eutrophication. When the problems have been identified, the design team discussed with the water treatment company and decided to renovate the existed revetment. By adding a new lift pump, the first physical water purification barrier was added in the refill area. After that, the water will pass through the submerged plants and the emerged plants area for secondary purification. Finally, it will reach the south purification zone and settle down. After the physical and biological purification treatment, East Lake IV class water is transformed into II~III class. Depending on the gravitational potential energy, the purified water will be absorbed into the aquatic plant area on the west side.


水循环系统修复过程  ©武汉中科水生环境工程股份有限公司净化后的湖水  摄影:汪海波

净化过后的湖水澄澈干净,波光粼粼,翠绿的植物在碧波中倒映出清晰可见的绿影。闪着日光的湖水同红花继木和香樟林,共同组成了一幅自然的油画,让人们在一片赏心悦目的情景中流连忘返。After purification, the lake becomes clean and sparkling, the green plants reflected clearly on the water. The sparkling lake water, together with safflower trees and camphor trees, forms a scenic spot like the beautiful oil painting. The pleasant scenery makes tourists forget their worries and enjoy themselves in this green world.


绿影婆娑  摄影:汪海波闪着日光的湖水  摄影:汪海波

清澈的湖水为生灵们提供了绝佳的居所:鱼儿轻轻摇动着身体,在湖底自由游动;野鸭们在水面划动着翅膀,激起一圈圈涟漪,从湖的这头慢悠悠地划向那头。The clear water provides an excellent habitat for living creatures, a group of fish swimming freely in the lake, the ducks flapping their wings and making ripples on the water, from one end of the lake to the other.


清澈的湖水  摄影:汪海波湖面上的野鸭  摄影:汪海波



设计团队增加沉水、浮水、挺水植物,同时在净水池中增加生态岛,西侧水生植物展示区种植具有科普作用的植物,梳理驳岸线形,丰富水生植物品种,增加水体净化系统,构建稳定性较强的湿地植物群落,在优化生态环境的同时增加了游园乐趣。Submerged, floating and emergent plants, as well as ecological islands were added in the purification zone. Plants with the popularizing science function were planted In the west aquatic plant exhibition area. In addition, designers redesigned the revetment, enriched the aquatic plant species, and built the water purification system a stable wetland plant community, so as to optimize the ecological environment and increase the interactive interest of the park.


湿地植物群落  摄影:汪海波

​紧密分布的美人蕉茁壮生长,与置石汀步自然融为一体。郁郁葱葱的植物包裹着水上栈道,蜿蜒前行。鸟儿们则时而在水面轻轻掠过,时而驻足在树枝之上,时而三五成群地在荷叶上振翅,滑翔。Cannas grow closely together and are naturally integrated with stepping stones. The winding water walkway is surrounded by lush vegetation. The birds sometimes skim over the water; sometimes stop on the branches; sometimes glide in small groups on the lotus leaves.


横跨湖面的栈桥  摄影:汪海波置石汀步  摄影:汪海波湖边小景  摄影:汪海波停驻的鸟儿  摄影:汪海波



人与人只有色彩的不同,没有高低的差异,尊重自然,也要关注人的需求。设计团队以自然为画布,用色彩点缀绿林,在视觉上引起强烈冲击,唤起人们游赏的渴望。There is no difference between people except their skin color. We respect nature and also pay attention to people's needs. Using the natural environment as the canvas, the designers added more colors in the green forest to form the visual impact, thus arousing people's desire to play.


远眺彩虹桥夜景  摄影:汪海波



景观第一重体验来源于视觉,色彩变化同样牵动着情绪的变化,对人们的心理活动有着重要影响。People's first impression of the landscape design comes from vision, from their eyes. Color change also has an important impact on people's emotional changes and psychological activities.


公园局部景观  摄影:汪海波

本着低成本、低影响的设计原则,设计团队选择用色彩来为原本斑驳的桥头变身,以彩虹的颜色为绿意盎然的湿地公园增添一抹别样的生气,为游人们带去明媚的游园体验。局部桥面铺设竹木面层,加大步行舒适感,部分节点处还增加了观鸟台。With the principle of low cost and low impact, designers chose to transform the original mottled bridge by changing its color. By painting a rainbow, L&A Design returned vitality to the green wetland park and bring the visitors a pleasant experience. Parts of the bridge deck were changed to bamboo and wood paving, to increase people's walking comfort. In addition, a bird-watching platform was added at the node of the bridge to meet visitors’ basic viewing needs.


远眺彩虹桥  摄影:汪海波

在自然里描一道彩虹,记录下治愈心灵的斑斓。蓝天白云倒影在湖面中,彩色桥面从落羽杉林中穿梭而过,留下一池的绚丽。变化的色彩配合着阶梯层层减淡,在出口处逐渐消失。We heal the soul by painting a rainbow in nature. The blue sky and white clouds reflect on the lake. The colorful bridge passes through the cedar grove, leaving a gorgeous reflection on the water. Varying colors of the rainbow bridge fade with steps and gradually disappear at the exit.


彩虹桥穿梭在落羽杉林  摄影:汪海波人车分流  摄影:汪海波彩虹桥步道  摄影:汪海波

考虑对湿地公园内部鸟类的保护,同时满足人的使用需求,设计师进行了低照度防眩光设计,既能提供人行照明,又不惊扰到动植物。夜色降临,皓月当空,云朵不再浮于蓝天,而是偷偷掉落在了人间,和彩虹一起照亮整个公园。停泊的小船荡漾在碧波之中,守护着上方的绮丽与璀璨。To protect the birds in the wetland park, and to meet the basic lighting needs, anti-glare low illumination was designed to provide pedestrian lighting without disturbing the animals and plants. Night is falling, the moon staying bright in the sky. Clouds is disappearing, secretly falling to the earth. The moon and the rainbow lit up the whole park. The moored boats, rippling in the green waves, guard the beauty and splendor above.


灯光点缀的公园景观  摄影:汪海波彩虹桥灯光  摄影:汪海波彩虹桥夜景  摄影:汪海波



设计将原有滨水景观亭重新刷漆改造,浓郁的赤色与盎然的绿意形成极致反差,成功聚焦视觉。休憩座椅的引入,形成整体休憩站生态调性,引人进入其中,与水为伴。The existed waterfront pavilion was repainted to create an extreme contrast between strong red color and surrounding abundant green. The color contrast attracts visitors very much. In addition, the rest seats were also added to attracts people to enter and play with water.


临湖休闲亭景观  摄影:汪海波亲水空间  摄影:汪海波

灯光为景亭镀上浅浅的光晕,形成自然的框景,和好友临湖休憩,微微凉风轻抚,夜色中的美景尽收眼底。Illuminated by the light, the pavilion is plated with a shallow halo, like a picture frame for the surrounding landscape. It is an ideal corner to sit and chat with friends near the lake, feeling and touching the cool breeze. The night here is gentle and tranquil.


临湖休闲亭夜景  摄影:汪海波



从自然中来,到自然中去。景观是一扇窗,通过互动与体验拉近了我们观察自然的距离。Come from the nature, and go back to the nature. Landscape design opens a window for human and nature, bringing us closer to the nature, feeling her, getting to know her, and playing with her.


景观大道与彩虹桥交汇  摄影:汪海波

场地内,原有观景设施和结构暴露甚至破损,欠缺美观性与实用性,顶部结构裸露影响使用体验,缺少休憩设施与观鸟设备。设计团队以自然、低调为主旨,将观景设施外立面用竹木装饰,部分空出形成观鸟窗口,观鸟亭内部增加顶部装饰和休憩座椅营造停留空间,形成观鸟窗口和教育科普展示的双重作用。On the site, the existed viewing facilities and structures were exposed and partially damaged, lacking in aesthetics and practicality. The nudity of the top structure affected visitors’ experience. In addition, there was a lack of recreational facilities and bird-watching equipment. Based on the principles of respecting nature and low impact, the design team renovated the facade with bamboo and wood. Part of the pavilion was opened to form a bird-watching window. The top of the pavilion has been redecorated and seats was added to create a space suitable for people to have a rest. The bird-watching pavilion is redesigned with dual functions of bird-watching and science education.


休憩空间  摄影:汪海波观鸟窗口  摄影:汪海波观鸟亭顶部材质  摄影:汪海波

空中观景台结合彩虹长廊,呈点状地增加望远镜,公园景色尽收眼底。The design combines the sky viewing platform with the rainbow corridor. Visitors could enjoy a panoramic view of the park through the newly set telescopes.


观景平台增设望远镜  摄影:汪海波观景平台局部  摄影:汪海波

设计利用夜光漆在地面喷涂水流状曲线以增强动感,提升主轴步行体验,结合地面指引赋予导视功能,增强人与景观的互动性。原本无趣的景观大道变得充满生气,白色流线在打破单调的同时延伸了人的视线,往来的人群间似乎也多了些微妙的联系。The water curve sprayed on the ground with luminous paint increases the visual sense of movement and improves people's walking interests. The curve combined with the ground signs form a new guide system, which enhances the interaction between people and landscape. The formerly uninteresting landscape avenue has been revitalized through the renovation. The white streamline not only breaks the monotony, but also extends people's vision and create more eye-interactions between visitors.


流线装饰的景观大道  摄影:汪海波公园导视系统  摄影:汪海波景观大道局部  摄影:汪海波

设计师结合地面漆划线增加微地形景观,依托起伏的彩虹桥为背景,在分解空间的同时提升了人与场地的互动。A micro topographical landscape was designed, integrating with the ground paint line. With the undulating rainbow bridge as the background, the designers not only decompose the space, but also enhance the interaction between people and the site.


来往的人群  摄影:汪海波微地形休闲空间  摄影:汪海波



武汉华侨城湿地公园的改造提升将场地基底的恢复与保护放在首位,着重恢复水生态系统,建立生态可持续的水体净化系统。运用色彩活化公园氛围,增加体验与互动装置,既强调公园整体形象,又赋予公园现代明快、生态自然的空间感。Since the restoration and protection of the natural environment is the top priority, L&A Design focuses on restoring the water ecosystem and establishing an ecologically sustainable water purification system in the renovation of Wuhan OCT Wetland Park. Through the use of color design, the designers add more vitality to the park. In addition, through the addition of interactive installations, L&A Design not only enhances the functionality of the park, but also gives the park a modern, lively, ecological and natural spatial image.


自然环环相扣,循环不息,包容着所有的色彩。我们与自然为伴,经历了骤变与疾病的伤痛,愈发明白尊重的重要性。设计师们坚信,敬畏自然,自然也会成为我们最好的依靠。Everything in the nature is connected and circulates with each other constantly. The nature embraces all colors. We live with the nature, and through the vicissitudes and the wounds of disease, we learn more about the importance of respect. Designers believe in the nature. The nature will also become our best reliance.


灯光效果  摄影:汪海波


完整项目信息项目名称:武汉华侨城D3地块南侧湿地公园景观提升设计项目地点:武汉市东湖风景旅游区 项目类型:湿地公园占地面积:120000平方米景观面积:85000平方米水处理净化水域面积:62000平方米客户名称:武汉华侨城实业发展有限公司 景观设计:奥雅设计上海公司公建二组技术团队、后期驻场:奥雅设计武汉技术组后期组标识设计:vetra景观施工:武汉鑫艺源环境艺术工程有限公司水处理单位:武汉中科水生环境工程股份有限公司设计时间:2019年8月竣工时间:2020年5月撰文:Jennie摄影:汪海波、武汉中科水生环境工程股份有限公司

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