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2024-07-10 08:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


《星月夜》(The Starry Night)是荷兰后印象派画家文森特·梵·高于1889年在法国圣雷米的一家精神病院里创作的一幅油画,是梵高的代表作之一,现藏纽约现代艺术博物馆。

在这幅画中,梵高用夸张的手法,生动地描绘了充满运动和变化的星空。 [1]  整个画面被一股汹涌、动荡的蓝绿色激流所吞噬,旋转、躁动、卷曲的星云使夜空变得异常活跃,脱离现实的景象反映出梵·高躁动不安的情感和疯狂的幻觉世界。








这幅画的色彩主要是蓝和紫罗兰,同时也有星星发光的黄色,深蓝色的基调,给人以沉重的感觉,加强了夜色的黑暗,前景中的柏树用了深绿和棕色,意味着黑夜的笼罩。明亮的白色和黄色来画星星及周围的光晕,又给人一种温暖光明的感觉。 梵·高运用浓厚并且短促的笔触,交织成弯曲的旋转线条,海浪般的图形使画面呈现出炫目的奇幻景象,画中旋涡状的天空与平静的村落形成对比。在大面积冷色调的流动星云中,一轮橙色的月亮散发出亮光,仿佛明灯般点亮了沉寂的夜宅,奇幻的色彩给人留下深刻印象。 整个画面着色搭配协调。浓淡相宜,深浅适中,很好地配合了画中的氛围。











--------Introduction in English--------


The Starry Night is an oil painting created by Vincent van Gogh, a Dutch post-Impressionist painter, in a psychiatric hospital in St. Remy, France, in 1889. It is one of Van Gogh's masterpieces and is now in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

In this painting, Van Gogh uses exaggeration to vividly depict the stars full of motion and change. [1] The whole picture is swallowed up by a turbulent blue-green torrent. Rotating, restless and curling nebulae make the night sky extremely active. The unrealistic scene reflects Van Gogh's restless emotions and crazy illusion world.

Content of the painting

Star Moon Night is one of the representative works of Van Gogh, a post-Impressionist painter. In this painting, Van Gogh uses exaggeration to vividly depict the stars full of motion and change. The sky at night is high and far. Big stars and small stars circle in the sky. The golden full moon forms a huge whirlpool. The short lines of the nebula twist and circle as if to let people see the passage of time. Dark green-brown cypress trees, like huge flames, are responders to starry night revelations. Under the sky, the sleeping village is so quiet and peaceful. Pale blue tone, dynamic lines, give people a sense of freedom of time and space.

Creative Background

On May 8, 1889, after the second collapse of Van Gogh's spirit, he came to San Remi, 25 kilometers from Al, for voluntary psychiatric treatment. At that time, the doctor allowed him to go out to sketch in the daytime. A month after he was hospitalized, he drew the picture. The village in the picture was Saint Remy.

Art Appreciation

Through this painting, Van Gogh does not want to use the vast universe to contrast the insignificance of human beings and make them fear, but conveys a spirit of not bowing to fate. Flying nebulae in the sky seemed to be dancing and spinning, blooming like flowers, and the flexible branches, though weak in strength, dared to draw into the sky. And the huge cypress tree, like a black tongue of fire, stretches its branches and leaves unyieldingly. It conveys the author's inner depression and melancholy. It also shows the struggle and struggle of human beings.

From the composition, the picture composition is very accurate. The trees set off the sky in the picture, and the lower houses hold the boundless universe to achieve delicate balance in the composition. Especially those cypress lines are smooth and unique, as Van Gogh himself once described: "Those cypress trees always occupy my mind - no one ever paints them like I see them, which surprises me. The lines and proportions of cypress trees are as beautiful as the Egyptian pyramids and steeples - Black splashes in the clear landscape. In painting techniques, Van Gogh accepted some of the characteristics of the early Impressionists, rather than using simple lines and surfaces to express objects. Instead, points are used to represent the light and shadow of objects, which achieves the effect that traditional paintings can not achieve. At the same time, he also pays attention to using exaggeration and contrast to add a sense of motion to light and shadow. In the foreground, the town depicted with short and clear horizontal strokes is in sharp contrast to the curve strokes that dominate the upper part of the picture. The slender spire of the church crosses the horizon, and the top of the cypress just bars its waist through the swirling nebula, all of which give the picture a sense of flow.

The main colours of this painting are blue and violet. At the same time, it has the yellow and dark blue tone of stars. It gives people a heavy feeling and strengthens the darkness of the night. The cypress trees in the foreground are dark green and brown, which means that the night is shrouded. Bright white and yellow paintings of stars and halos around them give people a warm and bright feeling. Van Gogh uses thick and short strokes to interweave curved rotating lines. Wave-like graphics give the picture a dazzling fantasy, contrasting the swirling sky with the quiet village. In a large area of cold-colored mobile nebula, an orange moon shines brightly, lighting the silent night house like a light, and the fantastic color is impressive. The whole picture is colored and coordinated. Thickness and shade are appropriate, moderate in depth, which well matches the atmosphere in the painting.

From the artistic point of view, the painting, in a sense, is an illusion he sees. This illusion is beyond any attempt made by medieval artists in expressing the great mystery of Christianity. It comes from some kind of intuitive or spontaneous action of the painter, and is not subject to rational thought process or rigorous techniques. Van Gogh boldly demonstrates his supernatural or at least supersensory fantasy experience with his fire-like brush strokes, fearlessness of novelty and originality. His works foretell the painter's exploration of his subjective world by means of fantasy.




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