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2024-02-24 04:48| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

梅森 游泳老师外表 "TA是学校中最年轻的老师,只比一些学生大几岁。TA傲人的曲线在课堂上自然地展现出来,即使注意到他人的目光,TA也毫不在意。" 信息 物种 人类 角色性格 善良,拘谨 角色身份 教师 角色地位 People of Interest 玩家关系 Determinant 兴趣爱好 游泳

Mason)游泳教练梅森是 Degrees of Lewdity 中五个老师里的最后一位。正如TA的职称所示,TA的工作是教玩家游泳。TA主要在当地的学校任教,但也会在下雨天学校放假时独自在森林湖游泳。


目录 1 描述 2 初次见面 3 日程 3.1 与梅森互动 4 关系 4.1 梅森的身体 4.2 梅森的池塘 4.2.1 孤儿院的泉水池 5 互动 5.1 游泳课 5.1.1 Class Interruption 5.1.2 亲吻梅森 5.1.3 裸体进入 5.1.4 裸泳 裸泳课 5.1.5 迟到 5.2 更衣室 5.3 森林湖 5.3.1 遇见梅森 (森林湖 1/2) 5.3.2 访问梅森 (森林湖 2/2) 5.3.3 冬季潜水 6 琐事 描述



如果有阴茎:你的眼睛被TA的肉棒吸引了。你已经隔着紧身泳衣看过很多次它的轮廓了,但看到它暴露在水中是另一回事。 如果有小穴:你的眼睛被TA的小穴吸引了。你已经隔着紧身泳衣看过很多次它的轮廓了,但看到它暴露在水中是另一回事。 初次见面






时间在9AM-6PM之间。 正在下雨。梅森似乎很喜欢下雨天。 学校没课(周末及假期) 如果学校有课,梅森是不会出现在森林湖的,而是在学校的游泳馆教学。





随后将提示 梅森在附近游泳。 玩家需要选择:“游向梅森”。需要注意的是,玩家在陆地上时无法与梅森互动。


The player's relationship with 梅森 is determinant on 玩家的行为。They have the option to kiss Mason on their lips to show their gratitude for saving them during swimming class. 此外,玩家 has the option to flirt with Mason should they enter the wrong classroom.

Like all other teachers, 梅森 will disapprove of 玩家 being late to class, swiftly giving them detention. In Mason's case, they will also give 玩家 detention should they enter the wrong changing room.








梅森盖住自己,玩家浮出水面。 “我-我希望你满意,”ta会说,然后让ta安静地完成laps。





This will unlock the "Mason's Pond" area, located within the Forest Lake Waterfall. It will also remove the "Ask to chat" option when interacting with Mason within the Lake.

一旦解锁,在湖中与梅森会面的相同要求也将适用于这里,只是它将发生在晚上(下午 6 点至晚上 9 点)而不是上午 9 点至下午 6 点。此外,它还将开启与梅森的更多独特互动。这允许玩家继续他们与梅森的关系。

Visit the following page for more information on this location: 梅森的池塘


在获得60%或更多的爱后,梅森会建议在孤儿院花园建造一个泉水,但玩家必须先与贝利联系。在早上 7 点到 9 点之间访问贝利的办公室询问此事后,贝利会允许这样做,但前提是玩家支付 6000 英镑的建筑费。







Mason tends to invest their time into teaching their own swimming classes. As such, Mason's most common occurrences can be found at the school pool area. In other events, they may make a cameo. An example includes the changing room gangbang (requires Promiscuity 5) asking if everything is okay in there.

如果玩家没有泳衣或选择在没有泳衣的情况下进入游泳池,在 Exhibitionism 5 中,可以要求裸泳。梅森会不情愿地同意这一点。 梅森会在更衣室银趴(Exhibitionism 5)后做一个简短的客串,询问是否一切正常。玩家无影无踪地匆匆离开。 Class Interruption


再次进入学校泳池区会让梅森停止他们的活动,并看向玩家的方向,相当粗暴地说有一个班级要教,玩家应该停止打扰班级。这将增加 Delinquency。

或者,如果玩家有任何创伤点,他们可以选择将其发泄在梅森身上。这在“道歉”下方授予新的“Mock”选项,减少了压力,但增加了状态 - 也添加了犯罪。


如果为男性: "Sorry for interrupting, sir. I just wanted to see you in those tight shorts." 如果为女性: "Sorry for interrupting, miss. I just wanted to see you in that tight swimsuit."

一些学生笑着回应,其他学生则脸红。然后梅森会脸红作为回应。“我——我假装没听见。”他们一边说,一边结结巴巴地说。然后梅森会指着更衣室,然后迅速将目光从玩家身上移开。这增加了 Delinquency 。然后玩家将离开。






然后,玩家将一只手举到他们的额头上,仿佛在扫描 horizon 。他们表现得很笨拙,想知道他们把它放在哪里了——不久之后,全班爆发出笑声。



A new option appears, should the player have Exhibitionism 5:

Ask to swim naked | Exhibitionism 5

This has the player ask to swim nude (or potentially announce that they are if they are either a delinquent and/or act Defiant) which in response has Mason's blush deepens as the class breaks into excitement. Mason reluctantly agrees, turning away and proceeding to do their best to quiet the other students down.

It's noted that Mason does little to temper their excitement. The player feels the class' eyes on them as they slip into the water.


Should the player continue to swim nude during swimming class, this will open up a unique chain of events, culminating in the entire class following in the player's example and swimming nude with them. Despite this, class will proceed as normal.

A new event will occur each time the player chooses the "Ask to swim naked" option, at the start of the swimming class.

Part 1: Mason squeaks. "A-again?" they squeak. Before they have the chance to turn around, another student leaves the changing rooms naked, joining the player. They say that it's "unfair" if only the player gets to swim naked. Mason appears too stunned to respond, and reluctantly lets the player and the student enter the pool. Part 2: The player leaves the changing rooms, spotting a group of three other students already in the pool area naked - much to the enjoyment of the students in the pool, and the horror of Mason. Mason's blush deepens even further as the class applauds a fourth student willing to bare it all. "More of you?" they say, shaking their head. At this point, the player can potentially say to Mason that they're "outnumbered." Part 3: The player enters the pool, only to spot even more students than last time already here, nude. A few more come out behind them. It's stated that maybe half the class are attending naked. A member of the class waves at the player, their legs kicking in the water at the edge, while Mason tries their very best to distract the clothed students from the rest of the class. Several of them are doing stretches at the edge of the pool. Another student spots the player, pointing them out to yet another student, who both then wave at the player. Part 4: Almost the entire class is now swimming naked. A few holdouts, including two students, struggle to avoid looking as Mason tries to teach. Part 5: Part 4 will then repeat indefinitely for a span of time, until eventually Leighton will decide to barge in during a session one day. Just like their science class inspections, they have lewd intentions. They sermon Mason, before ordering everyone in the class to get naked if they are not already - including Mason. No one objects to this, and reluctantly agrees. They continue, stating to Mason that with this particular class, no swimsuits will be allowed anymore for them and their students. Interestingly enough, the player can still partake in the session with a swimsuit, nonetheless. This results in everyone else continuing to wear a swimsuit too if the player does. 迟到

如果玩家来得很晚 - 确切地说,最后十分钟 - 梅森会告诉他们,他们来不及加入,之后将上演三个场景之一。

通常,梅森会指着角落里的一把椅子,指示他们坐着不动。玩家可以选择服从梅森的命令 (+ Status | + Stress) or simply get up and leave (+ Delinquency). Sitting and waiting has the additional effect of increasing Arousal if the player is exposed. 如果在没有穿着合适的泳装的情况下进入,梅森也会对此发表评论。如果班上的其他人都赤身裸体游泳,而玩家没有脱衣服就进入了,梅森会讽刺地责骂玩家没有“正确”地穿衣服,出于恶意,给他们比平时更严厉的惩罚。 There's a chance Mason will instead simply tell the player to leave, questioning why they bothered showing up so late. The player's only option is to return to the changing rooms. If the player's Delinquency is high, or if they were already sent out by Mason in one of the two scenes listed above, Mason will react with exasperation. "You again," he/she says. "I've had enough. You're Leighton's problem. Class dismissed." They'll grab the player and begin dragging them to Leighton's office, giving them a towel if they're exposed. Other students laugh at the player as Mason leads them through the halls. | + Stress If the player's Exhibitionism is at least 4 and their chest is exposed, they have the option to flaunt, increasing Status as Mason attempts to shield the player's body with their own. If the player is wearing a towel and their Exhibitionism is at least 5, they have the option to drop the towel, achieving the same effect. The player may also attempt to run away, with an Athletics skill of B or higher guaranteeing a successful escape. Should the player fail, Mason will tighten their grip on the player (+ Pain) and forcibly pull them along to the headteacher's office. The player can also try to escape after flaunting, taking advantage of Mason's distraction. In this case, only a C in Athletics is required to ensure success. Additionally, the player also has the new option of trying to duck, in which a Dancing skill of B will guarantee success. Failing either of these has the same outcome as failing the Athletics check above. 更衣室


Mason's attempts to catching the player eventually culminate in a scene in which the player ambushes Mason in a locker, trapping them and eventually driving them to orgasm. Aside from raising Mason's Suspicion enough that they'll catch the player in the first place, the player must also possess a Promiscuity stat of at least 4 and raise Mason's Lust to at least 40%.

For a more detailed account of the scene and how to initiate it, see the Locker Raid page.

森林湖 遇见梅森 (森林湖 1/2)

Mason can be spotted swimming in a wide circle. They notice the player approach them, but it seems the player is not close enough for Mason to recognise them.

They state that it is nice to see the player out here, and they would like to continue their laps if it is okay with the player. They then swim away before the player can get closer.

The player then has this option: "Try to catch them". Doing so has the player attempt this. If the player does not have a good enough skill in Swimming, swimming after Mason will prove to the player that Mason is too fast, and the player must be skilled to match them, let alone catch up with Mason. Mason will then swim off in unexpected directions, as if avoiding the player. This has the player return to the center of the lake once again.

Alternatively, should the player have a high enough Swimming skill (300+) they have another idea on how to catch Mason. The player will then dive beneath the water, holding their breath - right in Mason's path. They wait for Mason's shimmer to appear in the murk, before emerging from the water. They almost collide with the player.

Mason stutters, saying they did not expect to see a student out here. They hold their arms beneath the water, close to their body. Mason is glad to see the player practising their swimming outside of school hours.

The true reason for Mason's appearance in the Forest Lake is that, through the rain-broken water, they are nude. This gives Mason a reason for their stuttering behaviour. The player cannot help but take notice of this, but something in the player's expression gives them away. Mason's face turns a deep shade of red, with their voice quivering. They explain that they prefer swimming like this, as it makes it more fun.

There are three potential options the player can pick:

Pretend you haven't noticed | + Love Tease | - Love | + Lust | Promiscuity 1 Act nonchalant

If the player pretends they have not noticed, they smile at Mason, trying to look confused. They change the subject, saying that swimming in the rain is not that odd, and that the player likes it themselves. Mason looks confused for a moment, before thanking the player for understanding, while still trying to cover themselves beneath the water. They tell the player they need to get back to their laps, but not before they also potentially tell the player to keep practicising - they have shown promising skill.

Teasing Mason has the player state they have nothing to be shy out, and the player may even share a similar dilemma by going on to say they are not wearing anything either. (should they also be nude) This has Mason's blushing deepen even more, with them looking away. The player gets a good look at their toned behind near the surface of the water as they turn and swim away.

Acting nonchalant has the player ignore Mason's bashfulness, stating that they get it. Like the previous option, the player can also state they are naked as well, with them responding exactly the same way.

访问梅森 (森林湖 2/2)

However, unlike those two, interaction options cannot be repeated. The player will have to wait until tomorrow to get another chance at interacting with Mason again, as they will be locked out of interacting with Mason for the remainder of the day.

Just say Hello | - Stress Ask to chat | + Love Ask to see | Promiscuity 2 | - Love | + Lust

Saying hello to Mason has the player and Mason exchange awkward pleasantries. They remain covered, blushing the whole time before returning to their laps.

Asking to see Mason's body will have the player say one of three things, determinant on their Submissiveness stat:

Defiant: "Don't be coy," you say. "You want people to see. You've got a good body, it's only natural you'd want to show it off. So show me." Neutral: "Let me see," you say. "No one will know." Submissive: "I-I don't mean to be rude," you say. "But can I see? No one will know."

Mason blushes as they stammer. "Th-that's no request to make of your teacher!" They return to their laps shortly afterwards.

In order to progress with Mason, the player must choose the second option - "Ask to chat" - then refer back to the "Mason's Pond" section, detailed above.


If the player tries to dive in winter to get to the Forest Lake Ruins from 9AM while it's snowing and it's a weekend/holiday, there is a chance the player will encounter Mason. Mason, clad in a wetsuit, will carry the player back on while being concerned. He/she warns them that it is dangerous to dive in this time of year.

The player has three options:

Reassure | Swimming (B or higher to guarantee success) Defiant: "I can look after myself," you say. "It's warmer down there than up here, anyway." Neutral: "Don't worry about me," you say. "I'll be careful." Submissive: "D-don't be worried," you say. "I'll be careful." If successful, Mason will sigh in resignation and leave the player to it. If the player is wearing a diving suit: "At least you're dressed for it," he/she says. "Just be careful, alright?" Otherwise: "At least dress properly for it," he/she says. "They sell diving gear in town." If unsuccessful, Mason will shake their head. If the player is wearing a diving suit: "You might be dressed for it," he/she says. "But the ice is treacherous." Otherwise: "You don't even have proper diving gear," he/she says. "You'll freeze." Thank | + Love The player thanks Mason (if they are submissive, they also avoid eye contact). Mason smiles at them, then tells them to go get warmed up. Get angry | - Love Defiant: "Don't interfere with my business," you say. Neutral: "I was down there on purpose," you say. Submissive: "I-I was down there on purpose," you say. Mason shakes their head and says they can't be negligent. They tell the player to keep working hard in class, and some day they'll be an accomplished enough diver.

无论玩家选什么,梅森 will then disappear into the water below, leaving the player alone.

琐事 梅森是游戏最初发布以来存在的多位普通NPC之一。完整列表请参阅“不可玩角色”页面。 梅森是唯一在森林湖泊出现的已命名NPC。 梅森喜欢在森林湖深处游泳,因为那里不太会被打扰。 可能因为梅森的外表,导致容易遭受学生或镇上青少年的不当性行为。学校里的许多学生似乎都对他/她垂涎欲滴。 玩家走错教室并与梅森调情时是一个例子。此外,玩家亲吻梅森时,整个教室的学生欢呼也是一个例子。 淫荡的游泳课和梅森池塘的事件是观看梅森全裸的唯二方式。

已命名NPC 恋爱对象 罗宾 • 惠特尼 • 伊甸 • 凯拉尔 • 艾弗里 • 黑狼 • 巨鹰 • 艾利克斯 • 悉尼 普通NPC 贝利 • 查理 • 达里尔 • 哈珀 • 约旦 • 布莱尔 • 萨姆 • 兰德里 • 礼顿 • 西里斯 • 瑞沃 • 多伦 • 温特 • 梅森 • 摩根 • 格威岚 • 尼奇 • 雷米 • 伦恩 • 象牙怨灵 • 泽菲尔 特殊NPC 奎恩 • 米奇 长久性NPC 黑狗 • 监狱守卫 • 监狱囚犯 • 瞭望塔守卫




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