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2024-03-18 11:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




Create procedure As Begin End Go

对学生-课程数据库编写存储过程, 完成下述功能:


create table lisan( Score char(20),-- 记录离散成绩的分数段 Count int --记录人数 ); insert into Course values ('8','离散数学','2','3');


----判断是否存在存储过程,如果存在则删除 if(exists (select * from sys.objects where name='Stats')) drop procedure Stats go create procedure Stats --定义存储过程Stats as declare --定义变量 @0to20 int, @20to40 int, @40to60 int, @60to80 int, @80to100 int, @cno char(8); begin select @cno=Cno from Course where Cname='离散数学'; select @0to20 =count(*) from SC where Grade=80 and Cno=@cno; end; update lisan set Count=@0to20 where Score='[0,20)'; update lisan set Count=@20to40 where Score='[20,40)'; update lisan set Count=@40to60 where Score='[40,60)'; update lisan set Count=@60to80 where Score='[60,80)'; update lisan set Count=@80to100 where Score='[80,100)';

sqlserver中 EXEC命令有两种用法,一种是执行一个存储过程,另一种是执行一个动态的批处理。



create table AvgStudent( Cno char(4), Cname char(10), Score float ); --存储过程 if(exists(select * from sys.objects where name='AvgScore')) drop procedure AvgScore go create procedure AvgScore as declare @s1 float, @s2 float, @s3 float, @s4 float; begin select @s1=avg(Grade) from SC where Cno='1'; select @s2=avg(Grade) from SC where Cno='2'; select @s3=avg(Grade) from SC where Cno='3'; select @s4=avg(Grade) from SC where Cno='4'; end; update AvgScore set Score=@s1 where Cno='1'; update AvgScore set Score=@s2 where Cno='2'; update AvgScore set Score=@s3 where Cno='3'; update AvgScore set Score=@s4 where Cno='4';

(3)将学生选课成绩从百分制改为等级制 (即A、 B、C、D、E)。


if (exists (select * from sys.objects where name='rank')) drop procedure rank go create procedure rank(@grade smallint,@Cno char(4),@Sno char(9)) as declare @A char(5), @B char(5), @C char(5), @D char(5), @E char(5), @Cpo char(4), @Spo char(10); select @Cpo=Cno from SC where @Cno=Cno; if @Cpo is null begin print'没有该课程' rollback; return ; end; select @Spo=Sno from SC where @Sno=Sno; if @Cpo is null begin print'没有该学生' rollback; return; end; update SC set rank='A' where @grade>=90; update SC set rank='B' where @grade>=80 and @grade=70 and @grade=60 and @grade60;


create table Department( Dno char(10) primary key, Dname char(10) unique, Mname char(10) not null, Phone char(11) not null ); create table Employee( Eno char(15) primary key, Ename char(10) not null, age int check(age>0 and age




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