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2023-07-06 06:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




连接校园网,进入认证界面,如下图 在这里插入图片描述 按F12,点击Network和Preserve log准备抓包 在这里插入图片描述 输入账号密码,点击登录,此时会出现一大堆数据包,一般选择第一个在这里插入图片描述 下图中的就是我们写代码时需要用到的数据 在这里插入图片描述 在这里插入图片描述


思路: 每隔60s ping一次百度,如果未ping通则断掉当前WIFI(我所在学校每天凌晨2点左右会断网,如果不进行重新连接就算认证成功也没有网),再连接校园网并认证.

Ping www.baidu.com判断当前网络是否可以上网

def Ping(self): iplist = list() ip = 'www.baidu.com' # 这里使用subprocess模块而不使用os模块,因为os模块在打包后执行cmd命令会出现黑色命令框 backinfo = subprocess.call('ping www.baidu.com -n 1', shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # print(backinfo) if backinfo: print('no') self.connectFlag = 0 logging.info('网络未连接') else: iplist.append(ip) self.connectFlag = 1


def disconnect(self): # 断开wifi # 这里使用subprocess模块而不使用os模块,因为os模块在打包后执行cmd命令会出现黑色命令框 subprocess.call("netsh wlan disconnect", shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)


def connect_wifi(self, name=None): # 连接wifi # 这里使用subprocess模块而不使用os模块,因为os模块在打包后执行cmd命令会出现黑色命令框 cmd = "netsh wlan connect name=" + str(name) subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)


def connect(self): # 自动认证 myaddr = self.getlocalIP() userId = self.data["userId"] # 用户名 password = self.data["password"] # 密码 service = self.data["service"] queryString = "wlanacname%3DAC6805%26nasip%3D172.18.95.254%26wlanuserip%3D" + myaddr +"%26wlanparameter" \ "%3D98%3A3b%3A8f" \ "%3Abd%3A6b%3A72" \ "%26url%3Dhttp%3A" \ "%2F%2Fwww" \ ".msftconnecttest" \ ".com%2Fredirect" \ "%26SSID%3DZJGM" \ "-%25E5%25AD%25A6" \ "%25E7%2594%259F " # 认证的ip地址 post_addr = self.data["post_addr"] # 请求头 post_header = { 'Request URL': self.data["Request_URL"], 'Request Method': self.data["Request_Method"], 'Accept': self.data["Accept"], 'Accept-Encoding': self.data["Accept_Encoding"], 'Accept-Language': self.data["Accept_Language"], 'Connection': self.data["Connection"], # 'Content-Length': '', 'Content-Type': self.data["Content_Type"], 'Host': self.data["Host"], 'Origin': self.data["Origin"], 'User-Agent': self.data["User_Agent"], } # 用户数据 post_data = { 'userId': userId, 'password': password, 'service': service, 'queryString': queryString, 'operatorPwd': "", 'operatorUserId': "", 'validcode': "", 'passwordEncrypt': "", } # 发送post请求登录网页 z = requests.post(post_addr, data=post_data, headers=post_header) z.raise_for_status() print("login success!")


def config(self): # 读取config.json配置文件 with open("config.json", "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: self.data = json.loads(f.read())


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import time from threading import Timer import requests import json import logging import socket import subprocess import ssl class Reconnect: def __init__(self): self.connectFlag = 0 self.data = {} def config(self): # 读取config.json配置文件 with open("config.json", "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: self.data = json.loads(f.read()) def log(self): logging.basicConfig(filename=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'log.txt'), level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(filename)s : %(levelname)s %(message)s', # 定义输出log的格式 datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %A %H:%M:%S', filemode='w') def getlocalIP(self): # 获取本机电脑名 myname = socket.getfqdn(socket.gethostname()) # 获取本机ip myaddr = socket.gethostbyname(myname) return myaddr def disconnect(self): # 断开wifi # os.system("netsh wlan disconnect") subprocess.call("netsh wlan disconnect", shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) def connect_wifi(self, name=None): # 连接wifi # os.system("netsh wlan connect name=%s" % name) cmd = "netsh wlan connect name=" + str(name) subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) def Ping(self): iplist = list() ip = 'www.baidu.com' # backinfo = os.system('ping %s -n 1 -w 1' % ip) # 实现pingIP地址的功能 backinfo = subprocess.call('ping www.baidu.com -n 1', shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # print(backinfo) if backinfo: print('no') self.connectFlag = 0 logging.info('网络未连接') else: iplist.append(ip) self.connectFlag = 1 if self.connectFlag == 0: self.disconnect() self.connect_wifi(self.data["WifiName"]) time.sleep(5) self.connect() # 认证 backinfo = subprocess.call('ping www.baidu.com -n 1', shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # print(backinfo) if backinfo: logging.info('网络连接失败,请检查网络') else: logging.info('网络已连接') t = Timer(self.data["Ping_Interval"], self.Ping, ()).start() def timedPing(self): t = Timer(1, self.Ping, ()).start() # 打开脚本1s后检测一次网络状态,随后60s检测一次 def connect(self): # 自动认证 myaddr = self.getlocalIP() userId = self.data["userId"] # 用户名 password = self.data["password"] # 密码 service = self.data["service"] queryString = "wlanacname%3DAC6805%26nasip%3D172.18.95.254%26wlanuserip%3D" + myaddr +"%26wlanparameter" \ "%3D98%3A3b%3A8f" \ "%3Abd%3A6b%3A72" \ "%26url%3Dhttp%3A" \ "%2F%2Fwww" \ ".msftconnecttest" \ ".com%2Fredirect" \ "%26SSID%3DZJGM" \ "-%25E5%25AD%25A6" \ "%25E7%2594%259F " # 认证的ip地址 post_addr = self.data["post_addr"] # 请求头 post_header = { 'Request URL': self.data["Request_URL"], 'Request Method': self.data["Request_Method"], 'Accept': self.data["Accept"], 'Accept-Encoding': self.data["Accept_Encoding"], 'Accept-Language': self.data["Accept_Language"], 'Connection': self.data["Connection"], # 'Content-Length': '', 'Content-Type': self.data["Content_Type"], 'Host': self.data["Host"], 'Origin': self.data["Origin"], 'User-Agent': self.data["User_Agent"], } # 用户数据 post_data = { 'userId': userId, 'password': password, 'service': service, 'queryString': queryString, 'operatorPwd': "", 'operatorUserId': "", 'validcode': "", 'passwordEncrypt': "", } # 发送post请求登录网页 z = requests.post(post_addr, data=post_data, headers=post_header) z.raise_for_status() print("login success!") if __name__ == '__main__': reconnect = Reconnect() reconnect.config() reconnect.log() logging.info('用户信息配置成功!') reconnect.timedPing()


{ "userId": "账号", "password": "密码", "WifiName": "校园网名", "Ping_Interval": 60, "service": "******", "queryString": "****", "post_addr": "*****", "Request_URL": "*****", "Request_Method": "POST", "Accept": "*/*", "Accept_Encoding": "*****", "Accept_Language": "*****", "Connection": "keep-alive", "Content_Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", "Host": "*****", "Origin": "*****", "User_Agent": "*****" }

最后看一下成品 在这里插入图片描述 在这里插入图片描述




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