树莓派(Raspberry Pi)中PiCamera+OpenCV的使用

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树莓派(Raspberry Pi)中PiCamera+OpenCV的使用

2024-07-11 10:49| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

树莓派(Raspberry Pi)中PiCamera+OpenCV的使用


Raspberry Pi:https://www.raspberrypi.org/ Index of Packages:https://pypi.python.org/pypi/picamera

最新版本是 picamera 1.13:http://picamera.readthedocs.io/en/release-1.13/


简单测试相机模块是否可以使用使用 picamera 进行图像拍摄capture 和 capture_continuous 介绍使用 picamera 进行视频录制picamera + OpenCV OpenCV 无法操作树莓派原装摄像头解决方法 简单测试相机模块是否可以使用

使用命令 raspistill 可以测试树莓派相机模块,最简单的语句如下:

raspistill -o te.jpg


使用 picamera 进行图像拍摄

使用 picamera 之前注意不要把文件名保存为 picamera.py

When trying out these scripts do not name your file picamera.py. Naming scripts after existing Python modules will cause errors when you try and import those modules (because Python checks the current directory before checking other paths). 打开摄像头进行预览


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from time import sleep from picamera import PiCamera def open_preview(): with PiCamera() as camera: camera.resolution = (320, 240) camera.start_preview() sleep(5) if __name__ == '__main__': open_preview()

函数 open_preview() 用于打开摄像头进行预览

首先,获取一个 PiCamera 对象:

with PiCamera() as camera:

可以设置摄像头的分辨率,当前设为宽 320,高 240:

camera.resolution = (320, 240)



暂停 5 秒,即预览 5 秒:


Note: 当结束摄像头操作后,务必确保调用 close 方法结束,有两种函数结构

camera = PiCamera() try: # do something with the camera pass finally: camera.close()


with PiCamera() as camera: # do something with the camera pass


mmal: mmal_vc_component_enable: failed to enable component: ENOSPC mmal: camera component couldn't be enabled mmal: main: Failed to create camera component mmal: Failed to run camera app. Please check for firmware updates



def open_preview2(): with PiCamera() as camera: camera.resolution = (320, 240) camera.framerate = 24 camera.hflip = True camera.vflip = True camera.start_preview() sleep(5)

使用 picamera 还可以进行更多复杂功能的设置,比如设定摄像头的 ISO,曝光时间,亮度,对比度等等,可查看文档



def capture_preview(): with PiCamera() as camera: camera.resolution = (320, 240) camera.start_preview() for i in range(5): sleep(i) camera.capture(str(i) + ".jpg", resize=(80, 60))

函数 capture_preview() 仅比 open_preview() 多了一条捕获图像函数:

camera.capture(str(i) + ".jpg")


camera.capture("te.jpg", resize=(80, 60))

函数功能:捕获图像,命名为 te.jpg,同时缩放至宽 80,高 60

Note:当获取到 PiCamera() 对象后,就已经打开摄像头了,所以并不一定需要调用 camera.start_preview() 进行预览后才能保存图像

def capture_preview2(): """ 打开摄像头,5秒后捕获一张图像 :return: """ with PiCamera() as camera: camera.resolution = (320, 240) sleep(5) camera.capture("no_preview.jpg") capture 和 capture_continuous 介绍

函数 capture 原型:

capture(output, format=None, use_video_port=False, resize=None, splitter_port=0, bayer=False, **options)


功能:从摄像头中捕获图像,保存在 output


output - 输出,如果为字符串,则作为文件名使用,比如 te.jpg,te2.png等;如果不是字符串,那么必须是一个可读对象

format - 保存图像格式,默认为空,不为空,可使用以下格式:

函数 capture 支持图像格式如下:

'jpeg' - Write a JPEG file 'png' - Write a PNG file 'gif' - Write a GIF file 'bmp' - Write a Windows bitmap file 'yuv' - Write the raw image data to a file in YUV420 format 'rgb' - Write the raw image data to a file in 24-bit RGB format 'rgba' - Write the raw image data to a file in 32-bit RGBA format 'bgr' - Write the raw image data to a file in 24-bit BGR format 'bgra' - Write the raw image data to a file in 32-bit BGRA format 'raw' - Deprecated option for raw captures; the format is taken from the deprecated raw_format attribute

Note:当 output 指定图像格式后,如果 format 设置格式与其不一致,无法得到正常图像

use_video_port - 使用摄像头的图像或者视频端口进行图像捕获,默认为 False,表示使用图像端口。图像端口捕获速度慢(打开预览可知,捕获时会出现停顿现象),但是图像质量高;如果想要快速的捕获图像,使用视频端口,那么设为 True


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from time import sleep from picamera import PiCamera def capture_images(): """ 不断捕获图像 :return: """ with PiCamera() as camera: camera.resolution = (320, 240) sleep(2) num = 0 while True: camera.capture(str(num) + ".jpg") print num num += 1 if __name__ == '__main__': capture_images()


camera.capture(str(num) + ".jpg", use_video_port=True)

picamera 也提供了一个不断捕获图像的函数 capture_continuous


capture_continuous(output, format=None, use_video_port=False, resize=None, splitter_port=0, burst=False, bayer=False, **options)



参数 output - 如果是字符串,函数设定了两个替代项用于保存不同图像

{counter} - a simple incrementor that starts at 1 and increases by 1 for each image taken{timestamp} - a datetime instance




import time import picamera with picamera.PiCamera() as camera: camera.start_preview() try: for i, filename in enumerate( camera.capture_continuous('image{counter:02d}.jpg')): print(filename) time.sleep(1) if i == 59: break finally: camera.stop_preview()

其他参数同 capture 一致

使用 picamera 进行视频录制 def record_video(): """ 录制视频 :return: """ with PiCamera() as camera: camera.resolution = (320, 240) camera.start_preview() camera.start_recording('my.h264') camera.wait_recording(10) camera.stop_recording()

函数 record_video 进行视频录制

首先获取 PiCamera 对象:

with PiCamera() as camera:

可以设置分辨率,当前设为 (320, 240)

camera.resolution = (320, 240)



开始录制,录制内容保存为 my.h264:


设置录制时间,当前录制 10 秒视频:




函数 start_recording 支持视频格式如下:

'h264' - Write an H.264 video stream 'mjpeg' - Write an M-JPEG video stream 'yuv' - Write the raw video data to a file in YUV420 format 'rgb' - Write the raw video data to a file in 24-bit RGB format 'rgba' - Write the raw video data to a file in 32-bit RGBA format 'bgr' - Write the raw video data to a file in 24-bit BGR format 'bgra' - Write the raw video data to a file in 32-bit BGRA format

Note:函数 start_preview 同样也不是必须的

picamera + OpenCV

经常使用 OpenCV 进行图像处理,需要 picamera 得到的图像转换为 OpenCV 能够处理的 numpy array 格式


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import time import picamera import numpy as np import cv2 with picamera.PiCamera() as camera: camera.resolution = (320, 240) camera.framerate = 24 time.sleep(2) image = np.empty((240 * 320 * 3,), dtype=np.uint8) camera.capture(image, 'bgr') image = image.reshape((240, 320, 3)) cv2.imshow("img", image) cv2.waitKey(0)



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import time import picamera import numpy as np import cv2 with picamera.PiCamera() as camera: camera.resolution = (320, 240) camera.framerate = 24 time.sleep(2) while True: image = np.empty((240 * 320 * 3,), dtype=np.uint8) camera.capture(image, format='bgr') image = image.reshape((240, 320, 3)) cv2.imshow("img", image) cv2.waitKey(1)

上面这个效果不佳,使用 capture_continuous:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import io from time import sleep import picamera import numpy as np import cv2 with picamera.PiCamera() as camera: camera.resolution = (320, 240) sleep(1) stream = io.BytesIO() for foo in camera.capture_continuous(stream, format='jpeg', use_video_port=True): data = np.fromstring(stream.getvalue(), dtype=np.uint8) image = cv2.imdecode(data, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED) cv2.imshow("img", image) cv2.waitKey(1) # Truncate the stream to the current position (in case # prior iterations output a longer image) stream.truncate() stream.seek(0)

picamera 也提供了 PIRGBArray 对象,用来保存 RGB 图像


class picamera.array.PiRGBArray(camera, size=None)



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import picamera import picamera.array with picamera.PiCamera() as camera: with picamera.array.PiRGBArray(camera) as output: camera.capture(output, 'rgb') print('Captured %dx%d image' % ( output.array.shape[1], output.array.shape[0])) print type(output.array)

得到的 output.array 就是 numpy.ndarray 类型,可直接用于 opencv 处理

不过 opencv 中图像格式是 bgr ,所以还需要进行转换:

dst = cv2.cvtColor(output.array, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)

Note:在 capture 函数中设置图像格式为 bgr 没有作用

如果想要重复使用 output,需要在下次捕获前使用函数 truncate(0):

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import picamera import picamera.array with picamera.PiCamera() as camera: with picamera.array.PiRGBArray(camera) as output: camera.resolution = (1280, 720) camera.capture(output, 'rgb') print('Captured %dx%d image' % ( output.array.shape[1], output.array.shape[0])) output.truncate(0) camera.resolution = (640, 480) camera.capture(output, 'rgb') print('Captured %dx%d image' % ( output.array.shape[1], output.array.shape[0]))


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import picamera import picamera.array import cv2 from time import sleep with picamera.PiCamera() as camera: camera.resolution = (320, 240) sleep(1) with picamera.array.PiRGBArray(camera) as output: # camera.capture(output, 'rgb', use_video_port=True) for foo in camera.capture_continuous(output, 'rgb', use_video_port=True): print('Captured %dx%d image' % ( output.array.shape[1], output.array.shape[0])) dst = cv2.cvtColor(output.array, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) cv2.imshow("img", dst) cv2.waitKey(1) output.truncate(0) OpenCV 无法操作树莓派原装摄像头解决方法

可以直接使用 opencv 调用摄像头

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import cv2 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # cap.set(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 320) # cap.set(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 240) while True: # get a frame ret, frame = cap.read() print "frame.shape: {}".format(frame.shape) # show a frame cv2.imshow("capture", frame) cv2.waitKey(1)



cd /etc/modules-load.d/ sudo vim modules.conf

加入 bcm2835-v4l2





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