绿城·春风燕语温泉康养小镇 / Metrostudio 迈丘设计 – mooool木藕设计网

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绿城·春风燕语温泉康养小镇 / Metrostudio 迈丘设计 – mooool木藕设计网

2024-07-13 12:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文由 迈丘设计 授权mooool发表,欢迎转发,禁止以mooool编辑版本转载。 Thanks metrostudio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by metrostudio.


迈丘设计:“春风所向,是诗和远方,燕语呢喃,诉理想生活。隐于山中,与喧闹的俗世拉开距离,观群峦暮霭,看落霞碧空,听空山鸟语,在百花、明月、清风、落雪之中感受山中四季”。—— 绿城·春风燕语温泉康养小镇

Metrostudio: “The spring breeze is directed towards poetry and the distance, Swallow Whispering, telling the Ideal Life. Hidden in the mountains, separated from the noisy world, Look at the sunset mist, see the sunset and blue sky, and listen to the birds singing in the empty mountains, Feel the four seasons in the mountains amid flowers, bright moon, breeze and falling snow. ” ——Greentown · Whisper of Spring Hot Spring Health Town


▽项目视频 Video



景观设计理念 Landscape Design Concept

古往今来,山居一直都是无数文人雅士心中理想的生活状态。迈丘在贵阳绿城 · 春风燕语的景观设计,以“触摸星河璀璨,惬隐鸟语青山”为设计初衷,通过轻介入式的手法,借助地形营造场地,在解决场地高差问题与满足基本功能的同时,以现代、和谐、简洁、在地、自然的景观语言,打造轻松闲适、 艺术现代的归心小镇。

Throughout the ages, mountain life has always been the ideal life state in the hearts of countless literati and scholars. The landscape design is themed in “touching the bright star river, enjoying the hidden bird whispering green mountains”. By means of light interposition and terrain, while solving the problem of site elevation difference and meeting the basic functions, it uses modern, harmonious, simple, local and natural landscape language to create a relaxed, leisure and modern town.


▽项目现场 The site of the project



From the entrance, the temperament of the site begins to emerge. The central axis of the entire site is also the highlight distributed in order. The core area, mainly including the valley and culture and art education, further enrich and improve the site temperament. The end of the main axis is also the area where the height difference changes most obviously, where a mountain art park is the end. The overall landscape sequence relies on the advantages of the surrounding ecological landscape resources, echoes the architecture and indoor space, and constructs a simple and capable line element and the natural life realm of the earth art texture.


▽设计草图 Design sketch

▽总平面图 Plan

▽总图插画 General layout illustration

▽鸟瞰图 Aerial view


1、启程-在行进间,相遇丛林 The Start-On the way, meet the jungle

林是示范区打造的一核心,马褂木、雪松、马尾松以及观赏草类植物相互结合,回望间, 触摸光的温暖,自然式光源与林静所给场地带来的天然式纯净光感,给予体验者一种与众不同的户外感受。

Forest is the core of the demonstration area, combination of liriodendron, cedar, masson pine and ornamental grass. Looking back, touch the warmth of light. Natural light source and the quiet forest bring a natural pure light sense,and give the experiencer a unique outdoor experience.


▽入口空间 The entrance space

▽精神堡垒 The spirit of the fortress

▽极致的细节把控 Extreme detail control


2、旅程-山峦叠嶂,绿意葱葱 Journey-The mountains are overlapping and green.

所谓回归,所谓沉浸的意义,在这场寻山之旅种渐有体验,遥望间, 感受精神的本真。

I have gradually experienced this mountain search and get the meaning of return and immersion. From afar, feel the essence of spirit.


▽山峦建筑 Mountain building



Viewing platform in front of the living hall forms a line of sky space integrated with the mountains in Guizhou. Introduce a beam of light into the landscape


▽现代简约的镜面水景 Mirror-like waterscape


3、栖隐-在驻足间,感受静谧 Living in seclusion-Feel quiet when you stop

原始马尾松林,是客户看房的必经通道,适宜的坡度控制,与轻松自然式的林带环境,所谓山居生活的妙意在这漫步间便能体验,在漫步间, 拥抱自然。

The original masson pine forest is the only way for customers to see the house. Suitable slope control and relaxed natural forest belt environment; the beauty of the so-called mountain life is that you can experience it when you walk, and embrace nature when you walk.


▽林间栖隐 Forest habitat en

▽一线框景 A view of the wireframe



The original masson pine forest is the only way for customers to see the house. Suitable slope control and relaxed natural forest belt environment; the beauty of the so-called mountain life is that you can experience it when you walk, and embrace nature when you walk.


▽后场院落鸟瞰 Aerial view of the courtyard

▽自然野奢的景观环境 Natural wild and luxurious landscape environment



For buildings built along the mountain, the space between buildings is just right to ensure that each building has the best view of the mountain.


▽依山而建的观景建筑 A view building built against a mountain



Outdoor movie watching, barbecue, warm sun party… a kind of quality simplicity and abstemious prosperity presented to customers.


▽充满生活气息的场景营造 A scene full of life



项目名称:贵阳绿城 · 春风燕语温泉康养小镇 项目地址:贵阳东·龙溪经济先导区·贵龙纵线 客户单位:贵州绿龙置业有限公司 甲方团队:刘天文、罗婷、冯银、周小刚、罗宁、兰皓、杨旭、刘怀海、李开华、罗明江、杜唐卿、吴保星、袁志、张沂婕、傅文平、屠箭、侯先银、郑丽婷、曾孝乾、戚艺、程淋、文颖、代志刚 景观设计:metrostudio 迈丘设计 (上海+重庆) 景观施工图设计:浙江青坤麦肯景观设计有限公司 建筑设计:上海集思城建筑设计有限公司 施工单位:重庆畅筑园林工程有限公司 + 贵州华瑞黔兴建筑劳务有限公司 项目面积:19210 m² 设计年份:2021 竣工时间:2022 摄影:林绿

Project Name: Greentown · Whisper of Spring Hot Spring Health Town Project Address: Guilong Vertical Line, Longxi Economic Pilot Zone, East Guiyang Client: Guizhou Green Dragon Real Estate Co., Ltd Landscape design: Metrostudio (Shanghai+Chongqing) Landscape construction drawing design: Zhejiang Qingkun Maiken Landscape Design Co., Ltd Architectural design: Shanghai Jisicheng Architectural Design Co., Ltd Construction Unit: Chongqing Changzhu Garden Engineering Co., Ltd.+Guizhou Huarui Qianxing Construction Labor Service Co., Ltd Project Area: 19210 m ² Design Year: 2021 Completion Year: 2022 Photographer: Lin Lv


“ 轻介入的设计手法,借助地形营造场地,以现代、和谐、简洁、在地、自然的景观语言,打造轻松闲适、 艺术现代的归心小镇。”


更多 Read more about: metrostudio 迈丘设计




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