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2023-11-11 20:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1.瞥;迅速地看一眼If youglance at something or someone, you look at them very quickly and then look away again immediately.


e.g. He glanced at his watch...他匆匆看了一下手表。e.g. I glanced back.我回头一瞥。

2.浏览If youglance through orat a newspaper, report, or book, you spend a short time looking at it without reading it very carefully.

e.g. I picked up the phone book and glanced through it...我拿起电话簿,匆匆扫了一遍。e.g. I never even glanced at the political page of a daily paper.我对日报的政治版从来连看都不看。

3.一瞥;扫视Aglance is a quick look at someone or something.

e.g. Trevor and I exchanged aglance.特雷弗和我迅速交换了一下眼色。e.g. ...stealing a quickglance at her watch.偷偷瞥一眼她的手表

4.立刻;一眼就If you see somethingat a glance, you see or recognize it immediately, and without having to think or look carefully.

e.g. One could tell at aglance that she was a compassionate person.一眼就能看出她很有同情心。

5.乍一看;乍看上去If you say that something is true or seems to be trueat first glance, you mean that it seems to be true when you first see it or think about it, but that your first impression may be wrong.

e.g. At firstglance, organic farming looks much more expensive for the farmer.乍一看,有机耕作对农民而言似乎花费大多了。

6.偷偷地看一眼;偷瞥If yousteal a glance at someone or something, you look at them quickly so that nobody sees you looking.

e.g. He stole aglance at the clock behind her.他偷偷地看了一眼她背后的钟。

相关词组:glance off




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