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2023-10-11 22:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

tends The Reclusive Food Celebrity Li Ziqi Is My Quarantine Queen 李子柒:隔离时期的田园“公主”

Reclusive adj.隐居的;隐遁的 Celebrity n.名人;名声

Like so many home cooks in quarantine, after I’ve used up the green tops of my scallions, I drop the white, hairy roots into a glass of water to regenerate, feeling pleased with my own sense of thrift and pragmatism. 和许多隔离中的家庭厨师一样,葱的绿色部分用完后,我会把长着根须的葱白放进一杯水里重新生长,为自己的节俭务实感到欣喜。

quarantine n.隔离;检疫 v.对…进行隔离 scallions n.青葱,冬葱 hairy adj.多毛的;毛状的;长毛的 regenerate vt.使再生;革新 vi.再生;革新 adj.再生的;革新的 pragmatism n.实用主义;独断

But last week, after the Chinese internet star Li Ziqi posted a new cooking video to YouTube called “The Life of Garlic,” I wished I could graduate from scallions on the windowsill. 但上周,中国网络明星李子柒在YouTube上发布了一段名为《蒜的一生》(The Life of Garlic)的烹饪视频后,我真希望自己能早点从窗台上种葱这个阶段毕业。

Garlic n.大蒜;蒜头 windowsill n.窗台;窗沿

In the 12-minute video, which already has over seven million views, Ms. Li pushes garlic cloves into a patch of earth outside her home. A time lapse shows the sprouts growing, reaching up toward the sky. 在这段12分钟、浏览量已超过700万次的视频中,李子柒把蒜瓣铺在她家外面的一块土地上。随着时间流逝,蒜苗开始生长,伸向天空。

patch n.眼罩;斑点;碎片 vt.修补;解决;掩饰 vi.打补丁 lapse n.小错,过失;行为失检 v.流逝.终止;背弃 sprouts n.芽菜,豆芽菜

Ms. Li sautées the young, fresh green garlic shoots with pork. When she harvests the bulbs, she plaits the stems, hanging them up to finish the drying process, pickling and preserving the rest, and using some to season chicken feet and dress salad. 李子柒用新鲜的青蒜苗炒猪肉。收获蒜头之后,她把茎秆编成辫子,挂起来晾干,剩下的用来腌渍和保存,用其中一些给鸡爪和拌菜调味。

sautées 法语-炒的 harvests n.收获;产量;结果 vt.收割;得到 vi.收割庄稼 bulbs n.灯泡;大浇斗 plaits n.辫子;褶;编织机 vt.在布上打褶;把…编成辫子;编织 pickling n.酸洗;浸酸 season n.时期;季节;赛季 vt.给…调味;使适应 vi.变得成熟;变干燥

Ms. Li, who lives in a village in Sichuan Province and rarely speaks to press, looks not unlike a Disney princess in her crown braids, wearing a silvery fur cape, trudging gracefully in the snow. At 29, she is famous for her mesmerizing videos of rural self-sufficiency, posted on Weibo and YouTube. 李子柒住在四川省的一个小村庄里,很少接受媒体采访。她梳着皇冠辫子,身穿银色毛皮斗篷,在雪地里优雅行走,看上去就像迪士尼的公主。29岁的她因为在微博和YouTube上发布自给自足的农村生活的迷人视频而出名。

rarely adv.很少地;难得;罕有




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