杀手2 v2.40.0升级档+DLC+免DVD补丁PLAZA版

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杀手2 v2.40.0升级档+DLC+免DVD补丁PLAZA版

2023-08-11 23:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1.解压缩 2.安装Update文件夹下的升级补丁到游戏目录 3.复制Crack文件夹下的免DVD补丁到游戏目录覆盖 4.运行游戏


1.安装《杀手2》PLAZA版游戏:Hitman.2-CPY 2.安装本升级档


> HITMAN 2 - New York > HITMAN 2 - Special Assignments Pack 1 



更新v2.40.0: 银行(扩张通行证) 该银行是第一个沙箱位置的扩张通行证所有者,并采取代理47到纽约和米顿菲茨帕特里克投资银行。

新的特别任务:宏伟的幻想 特工47返回孟买执行新的任务,目标是:巴兹尔·卡纳比。

新的特别任务:拥抱蛇 47号特工返回圣福图纳执行新的任务,目标是布莱尔·雷丁顿。

游戏更新2.40:有什么变化? 纽约的支持 我们在菜单上增加了一个新位置(纽约),以“金色握手”为特色。还添加了契约模式支持,包括在纽约创建和搜索契约的功能。新的奖杯和成就也被添加到新的位置。(您必须访问纽约的位置才能访问此内容并获得奖杯/成就)

重载住房和城市发展部 我们在HUD中添加了一个新元素,它将通知玩家何时需要重新加载武器。重新加载的HUD会在屏幕中央出现几秒钟,并在杂志中剩下一个镜头时闪烁黄色,当杂志是空的时候闪烁红色。


当设置为Full时,在移动到武器HUD(右下角)之前,重新加载指示器将出现在屏幕中央。 当设置为最小值时,重新加载指示器将只出现在武器界面。 当它关闭时,它就关闭了。除了在狙击刺客模式,在那里刷新HUD总是活跃的。


沉默刺客不一致 我们已经修正了一些与沉默刺客跟踪器,得分,XP奖励和挑战解锁不一致的问题。例如,在某些NPC发现目标被意外杀死的情况下,沉默刺客的等级只会在“详细视图”中被授予,而任何相关的XP奖励和挑战都不会被解锁。这种变化应该使一切保持一致。

挑战类型 我们将之前包含在“专长”类别下的所有5个暗杀挑战都移到了“暗杀”类别。具体的挑战都是无味的、无痕的,抓着我的头发,有人可能会伤到自己,钢琴男和直拍。

语言障碍 我们修正了游戏菜单中社区报告的一个问题,在使用意大利语、波兰语或西班牙语设置时,某些位置名称难以辨认。

飞鱼 我们已经修复了一个社区报道的问题,在迈阿密的停车场里,一条鱼在空中游了大约7分钟。玩家现在必须等待7个小时,等待鱼出现。

游泳模式 我们已经修复了一个社区报告的问题,可能导致47人去惠特尔顿溪游泳。更具体地说,有可能离开比赛场地,让47名队员落水。

园艺工作 我们修正了一个问题,可能导致一棵树漂浮在希梅尔斯坦狙击刺客地图的半空中。

身体发现:从 我们已经解决了一个问题,这个问题可能会导致NPC无法看到被丢弃在迈阿密某一特定平台上的尸体。我们已经为他们中的一些人提供了激光眼科手术,并希望他们能在未来的一组发布说明中出现,届时他们可以通过一堵墙看到47个。

失去了火花 我们已经解决了一个问题,即一次性扰码器不发出任何声音时,使用在一个锁定的门。

SMG年代 我们已经修正了一个社区报告的问题,其中tacsmg S在不同的地方丢失了决赛的“S”。

套件拼写错误 我们已经修正了一些社区报告的关于黑色冬季套装和午夜黑色套装的错误描述。

遗产:俱乐部27硕士 我们修正了一个问题,即在玩家成功完成Master难度的挑战后,阻止“只穿西装”的挑战解锁休闲或专业难度。

遗产:作家块 我们已经修正了《零号病人》中作者的一个问题,如果跳过过场动画,可能会导致47人在任务开始时被困在“融入”中。

遗产:低照明 我们已经修复了图标中的一个问题,即光束来自于关闭的灯。

应得的荣誉 我们更新了《刺客联盟2》的学分,包括了自2018年11月游戏发行以来一直致力于该游戏的玩家的名字。这些更新包括新员工和参与发布后实时内容的贡献者。

幽灵模式的改进 目标产物 我们已经修正了圣福图纳幽灵模式中社区报告的一个问题,连续的目标可以在相同或附近的位置产卵。

连接稳定 我们已经修复了一个问题,可能会导致玩家在某些情况下陷入加载循环。


Update v2.40.0: New York Location aka The Bank (Expansion Pass) The Bank is the first sandbox location for Expansion Pass owners and takes Agent 47 to New York and the Milton-Fitzpatrick Investment Bank.

New Special Assignment: Illusions of Grandeur Agent 47 returns to Mumbai for a new mission, with a new target: Basil Carnaby.

New Special Assignment: Embrace of the Serpent Agent 47 returns to Santa Fortuna for a new mission, with a new target: Blair Reddington.

Game Update 2.40: What’s Changing? New York Support We’ve added a new location to the menu (New York) featuring the campaign mission ‘Golden Handshake’. Contracts Mode support has also been added, include the ability to create and search for Contracts in New York. New trophies and achievements have also been added for the new location. (You must have access to the New York location to access this content and earn the trophies / achievements)

Reload HUD We’ve added a new element to the HUD that will inform players when their weapon needs to be reloaded. The Reload HUD appears for a few seconds in the centre of the screen and will flash yellow with 1 shot left in the magazine and red when the magazine is empty.

The Reload HUD can be toggled to Full (default), Minimal or Off in the Gameplay Settings.

When set to Full, the reload indicator will appear in the centre of the screen before moving to the weapon HUD (bottom right). When set to Minimal, the reload indicator will only appear in the weapon HUD. When it’s off, it’s off. Except in Sniper Assassin Mode, where the Reload HUD is always active.

Note: The red warning will remain active for Sniper rifles when scoped/zoomed.

Silent Assassin Inconsistencies We’ve fixed some issues with inconsistencies relating to the Silent Assassin tracker, scoring, XP awards and challenge unlocks. For example, some cases of an NPC discovering a target killed by an accident would result in the Silent Assassin rating being awarded only in the ‘Detailed View’ yet any related XP awards and challenges would not be unlocked. This change should make everything consistent.

Challenge Types We’ve moved all 5 Assassination Challenges that were previously included under the ‘Feats’ category and moved them to the ‘Assassination’ category instead. The specific challenges are Tasteless, Traceless, Hold My Hair, Someone Could Hurt Themselves, Piano Man and Straight Shot.

Language Barriers We’ve fixed a community-reported issue in the game’s menu where certain location names were illegible when using Italian, Polish or Spanish language settings.

Flying Fish We’ve fixed a community-reported issue where a fish would appear swimming through the air in the Miami Parking Garage after approximately 7 minutes. Players will now have to wait for 7 hours for the fish to appear. 

Swimming Mode We’ve fixed a community-reported issue that could cause 47 to go ‘swimming’ in Whittleton Creek. More specifically, it was possible to leave the playing space and have 47 end up in the river. 

Gardening Work We’ve fixed an issue that could cause a tree to be floating in mid-air on the Himmelstein Sniper Assassin map.

Body Discovery: Off We’ve fixed an issue that could cause NPC’s to be unable to see bodies that were dumped over a specific ledge in Miami. We’ve offered some of them laser eye surgery and expect them to feature in a future set of release notes when they can see 47 through a wall.

Losing the Spark We’ve fixed an issue where the Disposable Scrambler does not emit any sound when being used on a locked door.

SMG – S We’ve fixed a community-reported issue where the TAC-SMG S was missing the final ‘S’ in various places. 

Suite Typos We’ve fixed a few community-reported typos in the descriptions for the Black Winter Suit and Midnight Black Suit.

Legacy: Club 27 Master We’ve fixed an issue that was preventing the ‘Suit Only’ Challenge from unlocking on Casual or Professional Difficulties after players had successfully completed the challenge on Master Difficulty.

Legacy: Writers Block We’ve fixed an issue in The Author from the Patient Zero campaign that could cause 47 to be stuck ‘blending in’ at the start of the mission if the cutscene was skipped.

Legacy: Low Lighting We’ve fixed an issue in The Icon where beams of light were coming from lamps that were turned off.

Credit Where It’s Due We’ve updated the HITMAN 2 credits to include the names of people that have worked on the game since its launch in November 2018. These updates include new employees and contributors that have worked on the post-launch live content.

Ghost Mode Improvements Target Spawn We’ve fixed a community-reported issue in Santa Fortuna Ghost Mode where consecutive targets could spawn in identical or nearby locations.

Connection Stability We’ve fixed an issue that could cause players to get stuck in a loading loop under certain circumstances.





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